I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 15 The Top Three In The Global Ability Ranking?

Look up and look around.

Su Chen's gaze finally fell on Tong Wu.

The arc of lightning around him is very dangerous in the eyes of others.

But in Su Chen's view.

That's just a small current!

Wearing red armor!

Even if Su Chen asked Tong Wu to stand and bomb, he still couldn't break Su Chen's defense.

"What are you looking at?"

And at this time.

Meeting Su Chen's gaze.

Tong Wu couldn't help frowning.

He hated Su Chen's eyes.

If it is not in the beast realm, the supernatural beings cannot fight each other.

I'm afraid Tong Wu couldn't help but want to use his abilities!

"I was just thinking, how long is it that you said soon?"

"One year? Two years? Or three years?"

Su Chen looked at Tong Wu with deep meaning.

Tong Wu now only has the strength to challenge the S-level beast realm.

And he has only seen S-level beast domains before.

The SS-level beast realm includes how many beasts there are in the SSS-level beast realm, Tong Wu probably doesn't know at all.

The fastest progress in the world now, I'm afraid it can only reach the level of S.

Maybe even S-level, no one from the Purple Gate successfully challenged it!


What does the SS-level and SSS-level beast domain look like?

No one knows at all!

Maybe some people try their best to consume their physique and go to the SS and SSS level beasts to see it.

But so far.

There is no news about these two beast domains exposed on the Internet.


Su Chen guessed.

Tong Wu probably didn't understand the situation of SS-level beast realm and SSS-level beast realm at all.

That's why he uttered wild words.

"Hmph! One year? Three years?"

"I need three more months at most, and I will have the strength to challenge the SS-level beast realm!"

"Within half a year!"

"I can challenge the SSS-level beast realm!"

Tong Wu snorted coldly, his face full of promises.

As Thor, he has this confidence!

And the melon eaters next to him believed in his words.

All of them have already started flattering.

"Sure enough, it's the God of Thunder!"

"I haven't even successfully cleared the A-level beast domain, and Thor is about to challenge the SS-level beast domain!"

"It is said that the global power rankings will be announced soon, and Thor will definitely be in the top ten! Win glory for the country!"

"top ten!?"

"Are you too underestimating Thor's thunder and lightning ability?"

"This is one of the strongest attack abilities!"

"I think Thor will definitely be in the top three!"

"That's right, if Thor doesn't rank in the top three, I'll eat shit!"


Hearing the flattering sounds of the people around, Tong Wu raised his chin very much.


He glanced at Su Chen, the meaning in his eyes was self-evident.

You, a guy who is only worthy of challenging the D-level beast domain, what right do you have to be arrogant in front of me?

"Then do you know how many beasts there are in the SS-level beast realm?"

Meet Tong Wu's sight.

Su Chen asked suddenly and abruptly.

Tong Wu was taken aback when he heard the words, and then couldn't help frowning.

After a while, he suddenly smiled, and then said:

"You think this question can stump me?"

"I have cleared from D-level to S-level blue door, and I have already figured out the law of increasing number of beasts."

"The number of beasts in the S-level beast domain is 1,024, and the number of beasts in the SS-level beast domain will not exceed twice that of the S-level beast domain at most, that is, more than 2,000!"

"And the number of SSS-level monsters is only twice that of SS-level beasts, that is, more than 4,000!"

"I have now been able to clear the S-level blue door without any injuries!"

"Even Zimen is not a problem!"

"In three months."

"It's not difficult for me to reach the strength to deal with two thousand beasts!"

"Hehe, I know you still want to say that the strength of ferocious beasts will also increase, but I'm sorry, I've already taken this into account!"

After finishing speaking neatly.

Tong Wu's self-esteem is simply not too good!

He felt that the above speculation, the number of people who can really think of it is no more than two hands!

Whether it's abilities or IQ.

He felt that he could firmly rank among the top three in the world!

Even first!

And at this moment.

Su Chen heard Tong Wu's eloquent talk, but the corners of his eyes twitched twice.

He almost couldn't help laughing.

Did this guy think it was a question of elementary school students looking for rules?

Even figured it out?

"Is there anything else you want to ask? I am in a good mood today, and I will satisfy you together!"

the other side.

Tong Wu seems to enjoy the feeling of being surrounded by stars.

But Su Chen couldn't stand it anymore.

He turned his head to look at Chen Daqiang, and said:

"Do you still remember how many fierce beasts we encountered in the SS-level beast domain and SSS-level beast domain?"

Chen Daqiang pondered for a while when he heard the words, and then said very seriously:

"There should be 23,000 beasts in the SS-level beast domain."

"And there are a little more ferocious beasts in the SSS-level beast domain than in the SS-level, about 26,000, right?"

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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