Chapter 189, Taking out the eggs.

Jane didn’t expect such a situation to arise.

He looked at Su Chen's flustered appearance.

He quickly comforted him.

"Su Chen, don't get excited!"

"let me see………"

Su Chen stepped aside immediately, and Jane squatted down to check Wang Sisi's physical condition carefully.

Although his eyeballs turned white, there were no other abnormalities.

The lips are normal, judging from the unresponsiveness just now, and now he is in a coma again.

He suddenly had a guess.

The expression on his face also became more serious.

Seeing Jane showing such an expression, Su Chen obviously realized that Jane knew what was going on.

"How about it?"

After Jane was silent for a moment, the expression on her face was very solemn.

"I now suspect that Wang Sisi has been parasitized by insect eggs?"

"That big cockroach made Wang Sisi a parasite for his eggs on purpose!"

"I thought it was strange before, how could such a big cockroach be dying after being stabbed by you?"

"Then he threw himself on Wang Sisi's body with all his strength. Now it seems that it was intentional."

"Deliberately pretending to be about to die, to relax everyone's vigilance, in fact, Wang Si (cdad) Si is his goal!"

"Just to hurt Wang Sisi, and then parasitize his eggs on Wang Sisi's body."

"Achieving the purpose of reproduction!"

After Su Chen listened, his whole person showed an incredible expression.

Although the Zerg has human consciousness, it is much smarter than other unconscious ones.

But Su Chen really didn't expect them to be so smart.

Will also count.

Since you know how to show weakness first, and then do such a thing when you are not prepared.

They actually plotted with a worm on their backs, and played tricks on them.

It was really hard for Su Chen to accept, but the facts were already in front of him.

"Now what?"

Wang Sisi has been parasitized by insect eggs, and it seems that he is in a very critical situation now.

If the eggs cannot be taken out in time, then the whole body of the main Sisi will die.

All its nutrients will be absorbed by these insect eggs, and then it will slowly wither and wither like a flower.

Finally turned into a mummy.

After the eggs hatch successfully, they will leave his body and look for other parasites.

It is unimaginable that this number can change from ten to ten to a hundred!

"I've heard of people encountering such a situation, but I've never done anything to remove the eggs?"

"It is said that there is no other way but to break open the human body and take out the eggs!"

Why is this not the same as surgery.

They are not surgeons, they do not have professional scalpels and tools.

Just opening the human body abruptly like this, is Wang Sisi still alive?

"Is there no other way?"

Su Chen is very anxious. Although he has not known each other for a long time, he already regards Wang Sisi as a teammate.

Became a younger sister.

So you can't just watch Wang Sisi die and ignore it.

"There is no other way!"

Jane shook her head.

If there were other ways, he would naturally say, but there is no other way now.

"And ah, the eggs grow very fast, so we don't have much time left!"

"If you want to save Wang Sisi, you can no longer be indecisive, otherwise all the energy in him will be absorbed.

"Even taking out the eggs is useless..."

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