I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 25 I Can Make Them Really Treat You As A Father!


Hearing this, Su Chen couldn't help but a few black lines appeared on his forehead.

It turns out that Huangmao still has this kind of background, no wonder he is so arrogant!

"Are you a student of our school?"

"If you're not a student of our school, leave quickly!"

The two security guards then spoke again.


Su Chen replied, then turned and left directly.


Naturally, Su Chen wouldn't just leave like this.

Go to the bottom of a school wall that is shaded by trees.

Su Chen flipped into the school with a light leap.

Turning his head left and right to identify the location, Su Chen raised his legs and walked towards the north.

He remembered that Huang Mao was heading in that direction just now.

After about three minutes.

Su Chen finally found Huang Mao's figure again.

at this time.

He just walked out of a classroom.

But he frowned, as if he hadn't found Li Huan!


Su Chen was also a little confused.

Is this guy reliable?

My own father is the principal of this school, so it is so hard to find someone! ?

But thinking of this, Su Chen couldn't help but smile.

I'm afraid it's Huang Mao's father, who doesn't know about Li Huan asking Huang Mao to call him father.

Otherwise, I'm afraid he would have been fired by Huang Mao's father long ago.

"Huh? Found it?"

at this moment.

Su Chen looked at Huang Mao and suddenly said to himself.

After Huang Mao answered a phone call, he began to walk towards the back of the teaching building.

Seeing this, Su Chen moved his feet slightly.

He followed silently.

After a while.

Su Chen followed Huang Mao's footsteps to the corner of a teaching building.

Then a stubborn voice suddenly reached Su Chen's ears.

"Li Huan!"

"If you ask me to call you dad again, I'll destroy you!"

"Call Dad!"


"Hey, good boy!"


"I am going to kill you!"


Four or five sloppy students.

Blocked a somewhat short guy in the corner by the wall.

Su Chen doesn't need to guess, he knows that it should be Li Huan!

I see.

At this moment, although he has a bruised nose and a swollen face.

But the smile on his face is very bright!

And those young people, while beating Li Huan violently, kept calling Dad...

Huang Mao has already walked up to several people at this moment.

He picked up a brick and was about to slap Li Huan on the head!

Seeing this, Su Chen dared to waste time? !

Hastily focused his eyes, activated the ability and said:

"Moral abilities!"

"Improve the moral concept hundreds of millions of times!"

Su Chen was afraid that if he didn't activate his ability again, this guy would really be beaten to death!

"Brother Qiang!? What are you doing!?"

But after Su Chen activated his ability, the people who had been beating around Li Huan were stunned.

Huang Mao suddenly knelt down on the ground with a plop.

With tears in their eyes, they both said:

"Father! Your son is late! You have suffered such a great humiliation!"


Huang Mao turned his head to look at the young people next to him.

"We are classmates and close friends!"

"A brother with the same father!"

"But today, you hurt my father! This will be an eternal pain in my heart!"

"I'm sorry, brothers!"

"Please accept my apology first!"

He listened to what Huang Mao said, and then watched Huang Mao bend down and bow to them.

These people are completely confused!

"Brother Qiang!"

"What's wrong with you!?"

A young man couldn't help asking with his eyes wide open.

But what answered him was a pair of palms!


Huang Mao raised his right hand and waved it several times.

There was a red slap mark on the faces of those young people.

It looks like—

Huang Mao has exhausted his strength these few times!

"Zhang Qiang!"

"Don't think that since your father is the principal, we dare not do anything to you!"

And those young people were also hurt.

With a red neck, he roared.

Huang Mao was unmoved when he heard the words, as if he wanted to teach his unfilial son a lesson for their common 'father'.

Seeing this, the young men finally couldn't stand it any longer.

To be honest, they really didn't dare to do anything to the yellow hair!

"Okay! Zhang Qiang! Remember, our relationship has been concluded!"

Drop the harsh words.

The few people turned around and left here directly.

But Huang Mao didn't mean to let it go.

With a plop, he knelt down in front of Li Huan again.

"Father, these brothers are rebellious!"

"My son must let them come and kowtow to my father to admit his mistake!"

After speaking, Huang Mao got up, picked up the brick and chased him out.


"Am I fucking dreaming?"

Li Huan looked at Huang Mao's back with a confused face.

Finally couldn't help but burst out a foul language.

Then, he stretched out his palm and wanted to slap himself, to make sure if it was a dream or not.

Su Chen saw this.

Hastily stepped forward and reached out to grab Li Huan's palm.

He was afraid that others didn't beat Li Huan to death, so he beat himself to death first.

"You, you are?"

I saw someone grabbing my wrist.

Li Huan turned his head with some doubts.

He frowned and looked at Su Chen, sure that he didn't know the person in front of him.

"I didn't help you just now, they really beat you to death."

Su Chen didn't mean to be tricky, and said directly.

Li Huan was stunned for a moment when he heard the words, and then his eyes widened suddenly!

"That guy Zhang Qiang is so weird, it's all because you released the ability!?"

"Brother! What is your ability?"

"It's so perverted!?"

"This is much better than my useless ability!"

Su Chen smiled inexplicably at Li Huan, and then slowly said:

"He became like that, to be precise, it's not my fault alone."

"Your ability is to make them call you dad."

"And my ability is to make them really treat you as a father!"

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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