I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 29 Even If The Bones Of The Whole Body Are Broken! I Want To Be Your Dad Too!


Just as Su Chen was thinking.

The more than two hundred snake-bodied beasts have completely straightened their bodies.

At this time, their snake bodies mixed with the black mud of the swamp may be more than ten meters high!

The size of each snake-bodied ferocious beast is probably equivalent to a small residential building!

Seeing that they were about to attack, Su Chen hastily activated his ability!

"Moral superpowers—a billion-fold increase in morality!"

After finishing the silent recitation, Su Chen turned his head to look at the more than two hundred snake-bodied beasts.

It was a fierce beast that was about to charge towards Su Chen and the two of them.

At this moment, it suddenly stopped for a moment.

"has an effect!?"

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help showing a hint of surprise on his face.

He could see a trace of peace suddenly appeared in the two cold pupils of the snake-bodied beast.

And soon, this peace occupied the entire eyeball of the beast!

A billion-fold moral improvement!

Even if these ferocious beasts only have a little sense of morality in their hearts, Su Chen can expand it countless times!

Obviously, Su Chen made the right bet.

These beasts have moral values!

But it was just like his original guess.

He has nothing to do with these beasts, so even the morality has been raised billions of times.

At this moment, the eyes of those ferocious beasts have softened a lot.

The attack still didn't stop.

Because this is the idea engraved in the bones of those beasts in the beast domain.

[Kill all the supernatural beings who enter the beast realm, leaving no one behind! 】

And if you want to break this idea, you need a stronger obsession!

"Li Huan! Activate the ability!"

Seeing that those ferocious beasts had rushed over politely.

Su Chen hurriedly turned his head and shouted.

But when he turned around, Su Chen was a little dumbfounded.

I saw Li Huan's legs trembling constantly.

Eye sockets are also full of horror.

"Big...Brother! Do you have any miserable experiences?"

"Tell me more!"

"I feel like I can't concentrate at all!"


Su Chen was dumbfounded!

He didn't notice at all.

In fact, after stepping into this beast domain and seeing that terrifying snake-bodied beast.

Li Huan was completely scared out of his wits.


Not to mention concentrating on activating abilities.

Even if he wanted to take two steps, his legs and feet couldn't control him!

Seeing this, Su Chen lost his mind for a while.

Now that the situation is so urgent, where would he go to make up a tragic story for Li Huan?


Su Chen sighed slightly.

He could only quietly summon the red armor.

Relying on the red-patterned armor and his own strength attribute of more than 30,000 points, it shouldn't be a big problem to deal with this lowest-level Heimen beast.

But after that?

Now the number of beasts at the Black Gate far exceeded Su Chen's expectations.

He also thought that he could rely on the red pattern armor and more than 30,000 strength attributes.

It shouldn't be a problem to rush to the A-level beast realm.

But now—

The surge in the number of Heimen beasts!

Su Chen felt that the B-level beast domain would be a hurdle for him!

Not to mention that when Su Chen stepped into the beast tower, he thought he would pass the level just like last time!

He glanced at Li Huan who was trembling next to him again.

Su Chen felt that after clearing the D-level beast domain, he must do some ideological work for him!

But at this moment, a thought suddenly appeared in Su Chen's mind.

Immediately, he couldn't help but patted his thigh!


He had no more tragic stories to tell.

But Li Huan himself is purely a tragic story! ?

The Era of Awakening——

What he awakened turned out to be such a useless ability.

In his words it is.

Other people's supernatural abilities mean that they can't get any benefits at the very least.

But his ability brought him all damage!

Thinking of this, Su Chen immediately turned to Li Huan and asked:

"Huan! Have you counted carefully after awakening the power?"

Originally, Li Huan was staring straight at the beast rushing towards them.

When asked by Su Chen at this moment, he turned his head a little confused.

"Brother, what did you count?"

"Counting how many seconds we have to be crushed by these beasts?"

Su Chen grinned when he heard the words, without any regard for Li Huan's self-esteem, he said:

"After counting your awakening ability, how many times have you been beaten?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, Li Huan frowned instantly.

There was even a moment when he immediately wanted to use his ability to make Su Chen call him daddy!

Although he seems to be living heartlessly.

Even if his nose is bruised and his face is swollen from the beating, let those people call him dad.

But why?

And not because they're all laughing at themselves.

To have awakened such a useless ability!

Whenever he heard such ridicule, Li Huan would use his abilities desperately.

Let those who ridicule him call him daddy!

"Yes! Your ability is amazing! Your ability is strong!"

"Why don't you obediently call me Dad!?"

But when the crowd dispersed, only Li Huan himself was left behind with blue nose and swollen eyes.

He remembers it clearly.

While he was making the other guys who hit him call him daddy.

The other onlookers looked at him with contempt in their eyes.

Those people seemed to be laughing at him, and this kind of resistance was completely meaningless.

It's just an extra slap on the face.


"But what else can I do besides doing this?!"

"Even if the whole body's bones are broken!"

"I want to be your father too!"

Li Huan trembled, and suddenly raised his head and shouted angrily.

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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