Chapter 304

Su Chen didn't dare to stay, and immediately urged Wang Sisi.

"Run quickly, are they catching up?"

Wang Sisi was also startled, and quickly ran away, although her feet were a little weak.

But because he couldn't take care of it at this critical moment of life and death, everything else seemed to be full of strength all of a sudden.

Xavier and Jane naturally don't need to worry about Su Chen, they run very fast.

The same is true for the man with Xavier, but every time he runs, he deliberately chases the old man.

Apparently this man understands that the old man is the key to 810's escape, so he sticks to the old man all the time.

I'm afraid that if I distance myself from him, I'll be thrown off right away!

The old man was obviously aware of this, and although he felt disgusted, he didn't say anything.

A few of them ran with all their strength, while the people behind were chasing after them.

Just then, someone yelled.

"Help me!"

It was just such a sentence of help, but suddenly it seemed like a pot exploded.

Immediately afterwards, countless chants of "Help, ah, help" rang out one after another. This voice was somewhat similar to the voice of the person who called just now.

But if you listen carefully, it seems to be different!

This voice seems to have some kind of magical power, obviously. Not so shrill.

His voice seemed to be continuously drilling into a person's eardrum.

Make a constant buzzing sound in your ears.

Su Chen was annoyed by the sound, and quickly stretched out his hands to cover his ears.

But the effect was not obvious, the most important thing was that he didn't feel a whirlwind suddenly.

feeling dizzy

That's when he suddenly felt as if someone had slapped him on the back of the head.

The sharp pain made him wake up a lot in an instant!

And the old man's body had come to his side at some point.

"You are?"

Su Chen covered the back of his head and stared at the old man, after all, he attacked him just now.

"I want (cdei) not to knock you back, you are dead now!"

He knocked on others while speaking, and Su Chen felt something warm coming out of his nose at this moment.

Subconsciously, he stretched out his hand to touch it, and was shocked when he touched it.

My goodness, he actually had a nosebleed, and there was a lot of it, and he had no intention of stopping.

He quickly raised his head, and glanced at the others from the corner of his eye while turning his head.

Most of the people are in the same situation as him, and the most serious one may be the man who is closer to the old man.

Although he was relatively close to the old man, the old man did not choose to save him at the first time, which caused him to be in the most serious situation.

Not only the nostrils were bleeding, but even the mouth, eyes and ears had begun to bleed.

Is this typical bleeding from the seven orifices?

"My God, what's going on here?"

Wang Sisi was taken aback, and quickly used healing techniques to treat several of them.

I have to say that Wang Sisi's healing technique is quite effective. Under his treatment, everyone returned to normal.

Not affected by what happened just now.

"Be careful, there is an echo here!"

"This is a type of Zerg, they are not big in size, but they have a special ability.

"It's just repeating what other people say, and it can control a person without knowing it."

"People who are affected will bleed from the seven orifices!"

"If the treatment is not timely, it will be fatal!".

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