I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 32 Challenge The Sss-Level Beast Domain Again!

Both Su Chen and Li Huan stared blankly at the scene in the distance.

The neighing sound had echoed throughout the swamp at this moment.

And this scene didn't last long.

In just seven or eight seconds, those snake-bodied monsters suddenly exploded!

The rain of blood fell from the sky in the swamp, and the picture was bloody and beautiful.

Looking at this scene, Su Chen didn't feel much emotion.

But he was worried that Li Huan would not be able to accept it.

After all, it was raining blood all over the sky.

But those ferocious beasts fell for him.

Turning his head, Su Chen wanted to comfort Li Huan.



Su Chen stared at the picture in front of him, and was immediately stunned.

I saw that Li Huan looked a little bit sad.

He was looking at the six black crystals floating in the air not far away with excitement and excitement!

at the same time.

An indifferent voice also echoed in their ears!

"Congratulations to the supernatural being for successfully clearing the level D beast realm!"

The six black crystals floated to the front and back of the two of them, and then they were divided into three pieces each.

Su Chen has seen many amethyst spar, but this is the first time he has seen this black spar.

So he held a black spar in his hand and couldn't help playing with it.

The black crystal gave Su Chen an unusually cold feeling.

In particular, the letter D engraved inside the spar is as deep as the sea.

Looking at it at a glance, it seems as if it wants to swallow people's sight.


"The eyes have become so cool!?"

After Su Chen stared at the letter D for a few seconds, he suddenly felt a sense of comfort born around his eye sockets.

He didn't expect this piece of black crystal to be so effective!

"It seems that the beasts in the black gate are much stronger than the beasts in the purple gate."

"But the value of this black crystal is probably not comparable to that of purple crystal!"

Su Chen was surprised and said to himself.

The sum of the amethysts obtained from clearing the purple gate previously has increased Su Chen's attributes by more than 30,000!

If he can still clear the level this time, then his attributes will definitely more than double again!

His current physique.

It is no longer comparable to ordinary supernatural beings.

If it is doubled!

Then Su Chen is relying on his physical body without relying on any supernatural powers.

I also have the confidence to fight against powerful supernatural beings like Thor and Vulcan!

"Brother, shall we challenge other beast domains again!?"

At this moment, Li Huan was staring at the black crystal in his hand, his expression was also extremely excited!

Obviously he also realized the preciousness of the black crystal in his hand!

"Okay, let's go!"

Su Chen responded when he heard the words, and then the two stepped out of the D-level beast domain one after another.

When returning to the first floor of the Dao Beast Tower again.

At this time, there were not many people on the first floor of the beast tower.

Su Chen looked around for a week, and finally set his sights on the SSS-level beast realm!

Naturally, the ones that interested him the most were SSS and SS beast domains.

The strength of these two levels of beast domains is obviously much higher than that of other beast domains.

But the harvest is also directly proportional to it.

The amethyst obtained by Su Chen in a beast realm at SSS level last time.

The value is more than all other beast domains combined.

So Su Chen pondered for a while.

Decided to challenge the SSS-level beast domain first!

"Brother, let's go in! I can't wait!"

Li Huan was already in a difficult mood at this time.

He pulled Su Chen's arm and walked in a certain direction.

But just as he took a step, Su Chen dragged him back.

"We don't challenge the C-level beast domain, we will challenge this one next!"

Hearing this, Li Huan pulled his eyes back from the entrance of the stone cave in the C-level beast realm.

Then he looked in the direction of Su Chen's finger.

Immediately afterwards, Li Huan was stunned for five seconds before swallowing and saying:

"Brother, are you kidding me?"

"This is an SSS-level beast realm!"

"Although I have never been to the Beast Tower before!"

"But I also know that the SSS-level beast domain is an extremely terrifying place!"

"Except for two ruthless people who cleared the level last time, it is said that no one in the world can clear the SSS-level beast realm!"

"We... can we do it?"

Seeing Li Huan's unsure look, Su Chen raised his finger and pointed at the D-level beast domain.

"What do you think is the difference between these two beast domains?"

Li Huan was taken aback when he heard the words, obviously not understanding what Su Chen meant.

But he subconsciously replied:

"The difference between these two beast domains is too great!"

"Whether it is the number of beasts or the strength of the beasts, they are not at the same level at all!"

Su Chen nodded.


"Both the number and strength represent the combat effectiveness of the ferocious beasts of the SSS-level beast domain, far exceeding the D-level beast domain!"

"But... are we going to fight the beasts in the SSS-level beast realm?"

Hearing Su Chen's words, the expression on Li Huan's face froze obviously.

The next second, he suddenly patted his thigh!

"Yes! We don't fight with them"

"So what if you can fight fierce beasts in the SSS-level beast realm!"

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

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