Su Chen suddenly thought of what happened in SSS Beast Realm earlier.

If this sun is really a hidden mission.

Then why didn't these giant tree beasts knock it down?

The hundreds of millions of times the improvement of morality has made them think only of Li Huan.

If shooting that sun would do any good.

Even if the strength of these beasts in front of them is not enough, they should choose to try.

Instead of directly choosing to commit suicide like in front of her eyes!

"It seems that not every beast domain has hidden missions!"


"Hidden missions are only available in SSS-level beast domains?"

Su Chen pursed his lips and guessed.



"what is that!?"

At this moment, Li Huan suddenly pulled the corner of Su Chen's clothes.

Su Chen turned his head to look in a daze.

In the air not far away, there are six SS-grade black crystals and a pool of green liquid floating towards them!

"A special reward broke out again!?"

Looking at the pool of green liquid, Su Chen couldn't help but said in surprise.

A few more seconds passed.

The pool of green liquid finally floated in front of the two of them.

Su Chen and Li Huan immediately looked over with burning eyes.

"Liquid of Life!?"

"Improve bone density!?"

Just when Su Chen was a little confused about what the green liquid was.

An introduction suddenly appeared in Su Chen's mind.

Su Chen turned to look at Li Huan.

It was found that he was still looking at the pool of life fluid with some doubts.

Seeing this, Su Chen suddenly reacted.

This should be a prompt from the system, not from the beast realm.

Otherwise, he won't be the only one who knows.

"Brother, what is this?"

Li Huan stared at the liquid of life for a long time, and then couldn't help asking.

Su Chen didn't hide it when he heard the words.

"This is the liquid of life, it's a good thing!"

"It can change the bone density of the human body!"

Know that the bones of the human body are the most difficult thing to change.

There is no option to change the bones even if the attributes of the beast domain are added.

Su Chen's increased strength now, although there is no pressure on his bones.

But if you upgrade it later.

That would definitely put a lot of pressure on his normal body.

In that case.

Su Chen can only add some stamina to neutralize.

But after all, this is a palliative, not a permanent solution.

The most fundamental way is to make his bones undergo qualitative changes!

Can bear more pressure of strength!

And the liquid of life in front of him is a good thing to change the density of bones!

Think here.

Su Chen immediately looked inward to the system space.

After a while, Su Chen's face brightened.


Sure enough, there was already floating a group of liquid of life that was twice the size!

"Brother, put away this life fluid!"

"I just need these three black crystals!"

After listening to Su Chen's words.

There was no coveting in Li Huan's eyes.

Su Chen had already given him something as precious as Longzhi.

He naturally wouldn't have the slightest idea about the liquid of life now.

Su Chen pondered for a moment when he heard the words, and seeing Li Huan's determined eyes, he had no choice but to nod.

Although there is already a larger mass of life fluid in the system space.

But obviously the more these things, the greater the degree of bone modification.

After putting away both the black crystal and the liquid of life.

Su Chen and Li Huan left the SS-level beast realm.

within the next half hour.

The two cleared the S-level black door, A-level black door, B-level black door, C-level black door and D-level black door one after another!

However, these beast realms never gave out any special rewards, only spar rewards.

But when Su Chen and Li Huan were about to part, Li Huan hesitated.

"What’s wrong with you?"

Seeing that Li Huan's condition was not right, Su Chen asked directly.

Hearing this, Li Huan raised his head and looked at Su Chen, his eyes became moist.

"Brother, thank you for giving me such an experience!"

"Clear all beast realms!"

"This is something I can only dream of!"

"How can you save your illness!?"

"If it takes a lot of money to heal, then I don't want all these crystals!"

While speaking, Li Huan was about to take out all the crystals in his arms.

But Su Chen hastily stopped Li Huan's movement!

Now they are standing near the entrance of the first floor of the beast tower, and all the people coming and going are human figures.

If Li Huan took out that handful of black crystals, it would definitely cause an uproar.

Let alone a handful of black crystals now, even a few black crystals can stun other supernatural beings.

After all, the strength of Heimen is not a bit higher than that of Zimen.

In the past, he could bite the bullet and try to challenge the A-level purple gate.

Now I am afraid that the black gate of the B-level beast domain can stump them!

"Brother, are you really going to die?"

While talking.

Li Huan couldn't help crying again.

Go through this road.

He really regards Su Chen as a good brother and a good friend!

"Don't worry, I won't give up my life easily."

"But I may not be able to accompany you to this beast realm in the future."

Su Chen smiled, then shrugged and said.

"It's okay, big brother, just take good care of your body."

"I'm very content to clear this beast domain once!"

Li Huan nodded heavily, and then said.

Then the two finally separated at the entrance of the beast tower.

After stepping into that familiar space again.

Su Chen's heart suddenly throbbed.

Finally, attribute values ​​can be exchanged again!

................................................... ...................................................

PS: Ask for data every day!

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