Now Su Chen finally believed that sentence.

There is no worst, only worse!

I thought the plane power sounded so powerful.

It must be an amazing ability!

But what the hell is it that people can't pass through the space channel?

Could it be that he sent a pig in to steal the spell back for him?

This is not purely sending a whole pig feast to those cultivators! ?

At this moment, the system seems to have heard the complaints in Su Chen's heart.

The soft mechanical sound sounded again.

"Remind the host that not only humans, but any living beings are not allowed to pass through the space channel!"

Su Chen: "..."

Completely speechless.

Su Chen was completely speechless!

Can this plane-breaking ability be abolished a little more?

Neither can this, nor can that!

What is the use of him getting through this top plane?

Could it be that the fairies staring at this world of cultivating immortals take a bath?

All right......

Maybe that's really a benefit.

But what else?

What a practical use Su Chen couldn't think of!

Even if he peeked at those people practicing fairy arts.

Now he only has an hour.

Among the immortal cultivators, there are not those who are without talent and intelligence.

But no matter how talented a person is, it is impossible to learn fairy art in an hour.

And Su Chen is still somewhat self-aware.

Putting his talent in the world of cultivating immortals, he is afraid that it is ordinary and cannot be more ordinary.

"Oh, God! Earth!"

"Can you change my system!"

Thinking of the end, Su Chen could only complain helplessly.

"Ding! Remind the host that this system will accompany the host for the rest of his life after binding!"



Su Chen almost couldn't help but spit out a mouthful of old blood.

Are you sure the system didn't bind him to drive him to death?

shook his head.

Su Chen no longer intends to continue thinking about these troublesome things.

The first two times he also wanted to find a supernatural power to cooperate with his useless supernatural power.

But now who can he cooperate with with his plane-breaking ability?

Su Chen has no idea at all!

This time, he is afraid that he will really miss the opportunity to clear the beast realm!

With his current strength, he might be able to challenge an S-level beast domain even if he is afraid of the sky.

Moreover, Zijinmen was not too perverted.

Otherwise, he can only take the next best thing and challenge the S-level black gate!

Not reconciled!

Su Chen is really not reconciled!

"Forget it, let's talk about it first!"

Su Chen sighed again, and lay down on the bed.

But five minutes passed.

Su Chen didn't feel any sleepiness at all.

As it was, Su Chen got up again.

It just so happens that the first round of the global power rankings has been announced.

Su Chen conveniently clicked on the portal website jointly established by the top ten consortiums.

At this time, the top of the website is the ranking of the world's most powerful abilities.

At this time, the strongest ability of the 50 to 40 has been announced.

To Su Chen's surprise.

It not only has the real name of the supernatural person, but also the title in the beast realm!

And there is even a consortium suffix after the name.

Among the ten abilities announced so far, eight of them are members of the top ten financial groups!

"Sure enough, the purpose is not pure!"

Su Chen curled his lips and said.

It is not obvious that the top ten consortiums told the global supernatural powers: "The strongest supernatural powers are here!"

"Join us!"

for a moment.

Su Chen became more interested in the list of the world's most powerful abilities.

He felt that even if these consortiums were to recruit talents, at least the list must have gold content.

Su Chen moved his gaze slightly, and placed it at the bottom of the list.

No. 50: Water Control!

Owner: Broken Funeral!

Beast Field Title: Chop the Mountain!

Affiliated Foundation: Daedeok Foundation!

Sweep down at a glance.

Su Chen's gaze finally focused on the word "water control".

Su Chen didn't feel much about this ability.

Because this ability is not very strong in Su Chen's opinion, but it is not very weak either.

If it is by the sea or in a lake, it is very strong.

But where there is no water, it is like having no power to restrain a chicken.

After all, water control is not like Tong Wu's lightning attribute ability, which can activate lightning by itself.

Thinking of this, Su Chen suddenly had an idea.

What is more advanced than water control should be the water attribute ability!

If there is a god of thunder like Tong Wu, and a god of fire like Qin Ruoyu, then there should be a god of water as well.

But Su Chen took a look, but couldn't find the word "water god" among the ten announced abilities.

"It seems that these five-element attribute abilities should still be in a higher ranking!"

Su Chen pondered slightly.

Like these abilities, it is impossible not to make the list.

However, Su Chen can't say where they can be arranged.

After all, it can be said that Su Chen knows very little about supernatural powers.

Even he hasn't fought against other supernatural beings so far.

He can only make some simple judgments.

Take it back.

Su Chen set his sights on the forty-ninth ability again!

................................................... ...................................................

PS: Ask for data every day!

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It will make the little author happy for a long time!

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