Under the watchful eyes of countless people, the backs of Su Chen and Chen Daqiang quickly disappeared into the entrance of the SSS-level beast realm.

The entrance looked very dark, but when Su Chen and Chen Daqiang stepped out, their sight suddenly brightened.

I saw what suddenly appeared in front of the two of them at this moment.

It is seven ancient stone gates.

The previous cave entrance seemed to be like a portal, sending them directly to this place.

"Red orange yellow green blue blue purple?"

As Su Chen looked at the seven ancient stone gates, he couldn't help but ponder.

In the enclosed space, the seven stone gates respectively present colorful colors.

On each stone gate, there is engraved a fierce beast that Su Chen has never seen before.

But with that lifelike and fierce appearance, anyone can't help but feel their scalp tingling.

"Brother Su, which stone gate shall we choose?"

Seeing this, Chen Daqiang forced himself to ask.

Looking at the appearance of the ferocious beast on the stone gate, although he felt a little trembling in his heart.


Thinking of my sister who is still seriously ill in bed, even if there is a sea of ​​swords and flames ahead.

He, Chen Daqiang, is also willing to take the risk!

"Well... just choose it!"

Su Chen looked around after hearing the words.

In the end, his gaze was fixed on the stone door that exuded a strange purple glow.

If the stone gates sorted according to the colors of the seven colors are also divided into strengths and weaknesses, then purple must be the strongest!

Since they have already chosen the strongest SSS-level beast realm, they don't mind choosing the strongest Zimen among the SSS-level beast realms!

"I listen to you! Brother Su!"

Upon seeing this, Chen Daqiang nodded directly and said.

In his opinion.

If it weren't for Su Chen, his ability would be completely useless.

It was Su Chen who gave him the opportunity to enter the beast realm together, and he was naturally grateful to Su Chen.

If he could really save his sister in the end, he would be willing to let him be Su Chen's cow or horse!

"Okay, then let us meet the strongest existence in this beast realm!"

In order to cheer up Chen Daqiang, Su Chen said quite proudly.

When Chen Daqiang heard this, the last trace of fear in his eyes disappeared instantly.

Life is alive.

Who doesn't want to be a hero once? !


Su Chen stepped forward and opened the purple stone door.

Seeing this, Chen Daqiang hastily followed.

The moment the stone door was pushed open, a burst of strong suction burst out suddenly.

The figures of Su Chen and Chen Daqiang were submerged behind Shimen in an instant.


Immediately afterwards, the stone door closed in response.

The eyes of the beast engraved on the stone gate suddenly opened, revealing a hint of ferocious playfulness.


the other side.

When the pulling force on the body disappears.

The scene in front of Su Chen and Chen Daqiang has completely changed.

Look into the eyes.

It was a blood-red earth.

Looking up at the sky, it seems that even the sky is blood red!

For a moment, Su Chen didn't even have time to think, why would there still be a day in the tower?

at this time--

Su Chen's sight has been completely attracted by the behemoths in front of him.

On the bloody earth.

Tens of thousands of beasts are prostrate on the ground.

They are seven or eight meters long and four or five meters high!

Bull body, dragon horns, tiger tail.

It looks very much like the fierce beast engraved on the stone gate before!

Compared with these fierce beasts, the figures of Su Chen and Chen Daqiang were as weak as two ants.

With such a strong visual impact, people can't help but sweat for Su Chen and Chen Daqiang.

Not to mention that there are tens of thousands of such beasts.

I'm afraid that if only one of them wakes up, Su Chen and Chen Daqiang will be crushed to pieces in an instant!


And at this moment.

The beast closest to Su Chen and the others suddenly opened its eyes as if it had sensed something.

in an instant.

Su Chen felt the bloody ground under his feet tremble suddenly.

Among the earth.

It was as if a stream of Qi began to rush towards the group of ferocious beasts.

Followed by the second head, the third head...

In just a few moments, tens of thousands of beasts woke up.

They did not growl like wild animals.

He just stared at the thin figures of Su Chen and Chen Daqiang on the ground, showing a look of indifference.


They all felt the insignificance of the two figures in front of them!

"Brother Su, I...my heart beats so fast!"

Being watched indifferently by so many giant beasts.

No matter how good Chen Daqiang's psychological quality is, he couldn't help but said with his legs trembling at this moment.

"Don't be afraid, Brother Daqiang, don't forget, we are invincible!"

Su Chen pursed his lips and cheered Chen Daqiang up.

Then he thought silently, and the ability to change his name was activated instantly.

"Brother Daqiang, I have already activated the ability, and now all these beasts are named Zhang San!"

After speaking to Chen Daqiang swearingly, Su Chen couldn't help but looked at the group of fierce beasts suspiciously.

They are still so indifferent.

It seemed that there was no slight change in expression because of Su Chen's ability.


Su Chen felt that they were playing with him!

No one has dared to enter the SSS-level beast domain since it was opened. This group of beasts may be lonely, so they finally came across two small toys.

"Brother Su, can you, can you do it?"

Chen Daqiang stammered when he heard the words.

This is a group of beasts!

Do they have names?

"It should be. Kittens and puppies all have names. How can they be so powerful and domineering without names?"

"As long as there are names, I can change them!"

Recalling the introduction of his abilities, Su Chen felt a little more confident.


No matter what, it must be included between these three, right?

They're not human, but they can't connect things, can they? ? ?

................................................... ................................................... ................................................... ...................................................

PS: It's a new day!

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