Even Su Chen was shocked by the lines of subtitles on the screen.

The strongest supernatural being ranked No. 1 in the global supernatural power list: Tong Wu!

Su Chen really never dreamed of it.

The first place is actually this guy.

Of course, if only that.

That didn't shock Su Chen so much.

What really surprised Su Chen was the following lines of subtitles.

The most powerful person has the ability:

【Metallic ability】

【Wood attribute ability】

【Water attribute ability】

【Earth attribute ability】

【Thunder attribute ability】

There are five full abilities behind Tong Wu's introduction!

It's not just Su Chen who thinks it's outrageous, but countless people with supernatural powers all over the world find it incredible.

In an instant, the number of comments below reached a terrifying hundreds of thousands!

"Oh, God! The top ten financial groups are not mistaken, are they? Five abilities!?"

"I'm from the Dragon Kingdom, this reminds me of our country's list of waste material abilities!"

"The brother at the top of the list is said to be the only one in the world without supernatural powers!"

"At first, I thought that brother was quite miserable. People all over the world have awakened their abilities, but he doesn't have them!"

"But now who can come to pity me!?"

"Compared with this one, those of us who have awakened a supernatural ability are also miserable?"


All kinds of weird remarks popped up in the comment area in an instant.

But there is one thing that everyone agrees on.

That is, if it is true that the five abilities are integrated into one body.

He is definitely the title of strongest supernatural being!

"System, what is going on here?"

"Isn't there only one ability for each person? Why does Tong Wu have so many abilities?"

Su Chen frowned at this moment, and couldn't help asking silently in his heart.

Judging from past experience, the system obviously knows more than Su Chen imagined.

Every time he asks a question, the system will give him an answer.

And this time it didn't happen!

Just after Su Chen finished speaking, the system sounded.

"Reporting to the host, anyone who has awakened the ability has only awakened one ability!"

"This supernatural person has five supernatural abilities, which are obtained through devouring!"

"His main body lightning attribute ability has a very domineering suppression."

"So only he can devour the rest of the five elements!"

After the system's voice fell, Su Chen couldn't help opening his mouth!

Devour! ? Tong Wu turned out to be the ability that devoured the other four ability users! ?

So this is the core of the top ten consortiums to create the most powerful people?

Devour the abilities of other abilities! ?

"No! The other nine financial groups should not know about this!"

After pondering for a moment, Su Chen suddenly said to himself.

The matter of devouring abilities is definitely a top secret among top secrets.

Even if it is the other nine consortiums, it is impossible for Marne Feller to let them know.

Because this is the lifeblood of their Feller consortium.

Once it is exposed.

The Feller Consortium will face the condemnation of all supernatural beings in an instant.

The era of the awakening of abilities, devouring the abilities of other abilities.

It's the same as secretly engaging in human cloning before.

They are all acts against humanity.

Of course, this is only one of the reasons.

Another very important reason is because of the Kowloon Consortium.

If the Nine Dragons consortium knew Tong Wu's five attribute abilities, four of them came from swallowing!

The Nine Dragons Consortium will definitely not be of the same spirit as the Feller Consortium.

After all, Qin Ruoyu is still theirs.

What Tong Wu lacked now was the fire attribute ability!

If this is still in front of the Feller consortium.

Wouldn't that just give Qin Ruoyu to someone else to devour him for nothing! ?

Thinking of this, Su Chen hurriedly opened the website page and searched again.

He wanted to see what kind of relationship Qin Ruoyu had with the Nine Dragons Consortium.

Does the Nine Dragons Consortium really treat Qin Ruoyu as one of their own?

If not, then Su Chen suspects that Qin Ruoyu is really in danger!

After all, the Feller Group has already helped Tong Wu devour the other four attributes.

How could it be possible to let go of this powerful fire attribute ability! ?

"This? Well, it seems that I think too much."

And it doesn't matter if you don't search, Su Chen was stunned after searching.

Because Qin Ruoyu is a celebrity.

She herself has a personal business card for the search site.

There is a column about Qin Ruoyu's network.

Her father, Qin Jian, is actually the chairman of the Nine Dragons Consortium!

So far Su Chen finally understood.

Why on weekdays.

Qin Ruoyu is a dragon at school.

It turned out that she was the daughter of a famous chaebol!

To put it bluntly, if the principal of the school is disobedient, her father can buy the school!

"It seems that the nine consortiums really don't know the inside story!"

After Su Chen pondered for a moment, he whispered again.

If Qin Jian knows the conspiracy of the Feller consortium.

How could he send his only daughter to the fire! ?

................................................... ...................................................

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