I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 64 Level 8 Attack Ability! Longteng Reserve!

Watching the movement of my good granddaughter shaking her head.

Zhang Zhenmin was silent for seven or eight seconds.

The astonishment in his eyes cannot be described in words.

This time, the admissions exam for the supernatural school gave a very comprehensive classification.

In total, all types of abilities are divided into about five types.

1: Attack class abilities!

Two: Defensive abilities!

Three: Auxiliary abilities!

Four: Cursed abilities!

Five: surprise attack ability!

Among these five types of abilities, the one that the upper class valued the most was Attack Thickness.

Because no matter when and where, only a hard fist can control the right to speak!

Dragon Kingdom has been internationally renowned before!

Now that the era of superpowers has come, naturally they will not give up their status as a great country.

And if you want to keep this identity, your fist must be hard enough!

Of the 40 million supernatural beings who arrived today, there are almost eight or nine million people attacking supernatural beings.

Qian Jia's ability to control steel can be ranked first among so many attacking abilities.

Enough to see the power of its abilities.

But when facing Su Chen, his steel control ability is completely vulnerable!?

And this is not Su Chen doing his best!?

How could this not shock Zhang Zhenmin!!

"It's really the luck of my Dragon Kingdom, and the luck of my Second Ability Academy!"

After the silence, Zhang Zhenmin suddenly laughed.

Now the No. 1 school badge of the second supernatural school, no matter what, he must wear it for Su Chen!

Zhang Zhenmin would not be able to catch such a talent.

Then he has lived in vain for most of his life!

"Impossible! It's impossible!"

"My steel control ability is a first-class attack ability! I also added more than 20,000 power points!"

"How could you defeat me!!"

At this moment, Qian Jia got up from the ground covered in blood.

Roared in an extremely miserable manner.

When Su Chen heard his words, he curled his lips in disdain.

Just added more than 20,000 power value attributes!?

He added more than 100,000 points to his strength alone!

Not to mention that there are more than 30,000 bone attributes!

If all this can't crush Qian Jia.

Didn’t he add these attribute points to the dog!?

"I think there should be no objections by now."

"The strength of this supernatural person is enough to wear the No. 1 school badge!"

And Zhang Zhenmin didn't care how Qian Jia yelled.

He went to Qian Jia and picked up the No. 1 school badge, and was about to put it on the Nong Pei halberd.

But at this moment, a cold voice suddenly sounded.

"Dean Zhang, this person is our most wanted criminal!"

"And please hand him over to us!"

Wang Hu's voice echoed in the square.

Everyone couldn't help but look back.

When they saw clearly the navy blue clothes Wang Hu was wearing, everyone was shocked.

"This! This is the uniform of Unit One!?"

"It is said that the No. 1 troop is the first supernatural troop built by 073 at the end of our country!"

"Now this officer wants to arrest that fierce man? What the hell is going on here!?"

"No matter what happens, this fierce man is afraid!"

"Don't mess with anyone, don't mess with the people of the No. 1 unit! That is the existence that firmly suppresses all the supernatural schools!"

"That's right, it's said that the thirty-three supernatural schools are for the purpose of providing talents for Unit One!"

Listen to the discussion of the people around.

Wang Hu's complexion finally eased a little.

As a member of the No. 1 unit, where is he not admired by thousands of people?

He had suffered such a great humiliation from Su Chen before.

He almost wanted to kill him!

"Wang team, are you sure you read it right?"

"He doesn't seem to be the guy just now?"

Just when Wang Hu's thoughts were racing, a little police officer next to him couldn't help but asked.

Hearing this, Wang Hu cast a cold glance at the little police officer, then snorted coldly:

"Hmph! He changed his face earlier! Now we see his true face!"

"Those who want to escape from my pursuit, I'm afraid they haven't been born yet!"

The little police officer immediately showed a look of surprise when he heard the words.

Looking at Wang Hu, he couldn't help showing a hint of envy.

Wang Hu's ability is simply the most powerful tracking ability.

There is no one in the world that Wang Hu cannot follow!

"Oh, what a brown candy, you can't get rid of it no matter how you shake it."

the other side.

Su Chen looked at Wang Hu but couldn't help curling his lips.

But just when Su Chen was about to make a move.

Zhang Zhenmin's plain voice suddenly rang out.

"Captain Wang, I'm afraid you don't have the qualifications to take him away!"

Although Zhang Zhenmin's voice was flat.

But the shock caused to everyone was not small at all.

It is said that the power of Unit One is very great.

Arrests never need a reason.

Not to mention that Wang Hu also identified Su Chen as their most wanted criminal.

Why did Dean Zhang say that people from Unit 1 are not qualified to take Su Chen away!?

"Hehe, does Dean Zhang think that I can't take him away if he has a school badge?"

"I'm afraid you forgot the triggering condition of the No. 1 school badge!"

When Wang Hu heard Zhang Zhenmin's words, he just shook his head and sneered.

The No. 1 school badge is equivalent to a gold medal for avoiding death.

But now he just took Su Chen to investigate.

And he didn't want to kill Su Chen either.

I just want to let out a bad breath.

The No. 1 school seal can't be triggered at all.

"No, not because of the number one school badge."

"It's that he has the strength to challenge the eighth-level attack abilities!"

Facing Wang Hu's gaze, Zhang Zhenmin spoke slowly.

Then he turned to look at Su Chen.

There was also a hint of hope in his eyes.

This time, in addition to promulgating the No. 1 school seal, it has the effect of avoiding death.

He also said something about the eighth-level ability.

Once in the five major categories of abilities.

There are eight-level supernatural beings in any category.

That must be reported immediately.

And these people will become the legendary Dragon Reserves!

That is, Unit One of Unit One!

The Longteng reserve only obeys orders from number zero.

Except for number zero.

Anyone who wants to use the Longteng Reserve is an enemy of the entire Dragon Kingdom!

And at the moment when Zhang Zhenmin's words fell.

The square immediately became smelly of needle drop.

All the supernatural beings stared at the direction where Su Chen was standing.

I couldn't help but take a deep breath!

"It is possible to challenge the eighth-level attack ability!? What kind of concept is this!?"

"Previously, Qian Jia's steel-control ability has barely reached the standard of a sixth-level attack ability!"

"Out of the eighth-level powers, only two appeared in the first power school! And they are not the most important attacking powers in the Dragon Kingdom!

"If there is an eighth-level attack ability, wouldn't everyone in the Dragon Kingdom be shocked by it!?"

On the other side, the expression on Wang Hu's face also froze instantly.

He looked in Su Chen's direction and couldn't help frowning.

Su Chen's power is very strong, he has already seen it before.

But the eighth-level attack ability, is this possible!?

"I do not believe!"

"Dean Zhang, you don't mean to excuse him on purpose, do you?"

After a few seconds of silence, Wang Hu suddenly raised his head and said.

There is not a single eighth-level ability in the entire Unit One.

He doesn't believe that Su Chen is an eighth-level power!

"Excuse me? Hehe, I have never met this little brother, so why excuse him?"

"Is it an eighth-level attack ability? I think this little brother will try it and you will know!"

While talking, Zhang Zhenmin turned his head and looked to the east.

Su Chen was a little confused, so he looked over.

I saw a high platform slowly rising from the ground.

On the high platform, there is a huge dynamometer.

"Wow! This dynamometer is three times bigger than the previous one!"

"Hey, it seems that a lot of things have been prepared for this entrance examination for abilities, but no one can trigger them at all!"

"Do you think that fierce man can really meet the standard of an eighth-level attack ability?"

"Oh, it's hard to say! Although he does look fierce!"

"But the six-level attack ability needs to reach 8,000 tons of power!"

"Doesn't the eighth-level attack ability break through the power of 10,000 tons!?"

"The power of 10,000 tons! What a huge power that must be!"


Listen to the discussion of the people around.

Su Chen also looked at the huge dynamometer with great interest.

Earlier, he felt that the admissions exam ended too quickly.

I didn't expect that I just needed to try it on this dynamometer.

No wonder 30,000 supernatural beings were selected so quickly.

"Go and try."

Zhang Zhenmin patted Su Chen on the shoulder and said expectantly.


Su Chen nodded and smiled back at Zhang Zhenmin.

Zhang Zhenmin defended him so much, Su Chen naturally knew it.

Afterwards, Su Chen didn't hesitate anymore, and stepped out directly.

The distance of tens of meters seemed to be ignored by Su Chen.

His figure instantly appeared in front of the dynamometer.


All eyes were fixed on Su Chen and the dynamometer in front of him.

The ponytail girl looked at Su Chen with burning eyes.

Her ability was activated, and countless cyan lights flashed across her pupils.

next second.

Su Chen finally raised his ordinary fist.

Raise your fist, swing your fist, drop your fist.

A set of actions is simple and direct.

But at the moment when Su Chen's fist touched the dynamometer.

A play suddenly sounded.

Then everyone stared at the number (cdeb) above the dynamometer.

I couldn't help my throat wriggling and swallowed.

130,000 tons!?

This mediocre punch actually has a force of 130,000 tons!?

At this moment, two words suddenly appeared in everyone's mind.


This is simply outrageous!

A punch with a force of over 100,000 tons, isn't this a monster!?

It wasn't just ordinary viewers who were stunned.

Even Zhang Zhenmin couldn't help clicking his tongue.

Strength, endurance, and agility are indeed not very popular.

But that's because there are heavy weapons that can be replaced.

But what's the situation now!?

What heavy weapon can instantly reach the power of 130,000 tons?

Not even two seconds of startup time!?

And now Su Chen's strength is already so perverted.

Given time, what kind of terrifying situation can be reached!?

A punch of 200,000 tons?

500,000 tons of force?

Even megaton force!?

Zhang Zhenmin couldn't imagine it!

If you can really reach this level.

Isn't Su Chen's punch more powerful than a nuclear weapon?

The device is still scary!?

One punch is one nuke!

Then Su Chen is definitely Dragon Kingdom's biggest weapon!

"What!? Isn't this his strongest power!?"

at this moment.

Zhang Zhenmin suddenly saw Zhang Xinxin shaking his head at him!

Zhang Xinxin's ability can see through the output rate of all body energy.

Zhang Xinxin had been interviewed by the state before.

Ask her to do a test on all the weapons in the Dragon Kingdom.

After Zhang Xinxin's ability test.

At present, the energy output rate of Dragon Kingdom's hydrogen bomb is only 60%!

The energy output rate of the nuclear bomb is only 50%!

The energy output rate of the newly researched electromagnetic gun is only a poor 30%!

This shows that these weapons still have a lot of room for improvement.

And Zhang Xinxin's ability is also known as the strongest ability to detect energy.

Her energy detection ability doesn't just work on these weapons.

It can also work on humans.

At this moment, she gestured the number nine to Zhang Zhenmin.

It means that Su Chen has retained 10% of his strength and has not displayed it!

"If this is not your strongest power!"

"Then how terrifying your strongest power must be!"

Zhang Zhenmin looked in the direction where Su Chen was, and couldn't help feeling his scalp go numb.

It is important to know that the energy of the machine can be conserved.

But the power of the human body is not conserved.

He simply couldn't figure out the remaining 10% of Su Chen's strength.

How much power does it have!!

"You are amazing, let's go!"

"But the losses I have suffered, I won't let it go like this!"

At this time, Wang Hu stared at Su Chen with a gloomy expression.

Said fiercely.

Then with a wave of his palm, he led those subordinates away in despair.

"You don't have to worry, he is just relying on the power of their royal family to be so arrogant."

"And even the Patriarch of the Wang family! He doesn't dare to have any thoughts about the people in the Longteng reserve!"

Zhang Zhenmin glanced at the direction Wang Hu left.

Then he walked to Su Chen's side and spoke slowly.

Su Chen shrugged his shoulders, saying that he didn't mean to worry.

He even wants to deal with the Feller family.

How could you put such a small Wang family in your eyes?

But after a few seconds, Su Chen suddenly asked with some doubts:

"What is the Soaring Dragon Reserve?"

In the top office of the second supernatural school.

Su Chen's eyes wandered between Zhang Xinxin and Zhang Zhenmin.

The expression on his face was indescribably weird.

"So you are grandparents?"

Su Chen said how ordinary people could shout and scream in such a situation.

Dare to feel that the grandpa and grandson are acting for everyone!

"This is all helpless!"

"Who made this old guy not believe that you are so fierce!"

Zhang Xinxin stuck out her tongue, then gave Zhang Zhenmin another look and said.

Hearing Zhang Xinxin's words.

Su Chen frowned suddenly.

And Zhang Zhenmin glanced at Su Chen, and guessed the doubts in Su Chen's heart.

"My good granddaughter's supernatural powers are nothing other than seeing people's skills."

After Zhang Zhenmin's explanation, Yinchen finally understood.

Looking at the sly look in Zhang Xinxin's eyes.

Su Chen suddenly smiled and shook his head.

Apparently Zhang Xinxin was telling Su Chen:

"The fact that you still hide 10% of your strength can't escape my eyes!"

"What about the Soaring Dragon reserve?"

Su Chen looked away from Zhang Xinxin, and couldn't help but look at Zhang Zhenmin and asked.

He applied for the supernatural school.

Just want to know a little more about supernatural powers.

As soon as Longteng reserve heard it, he was involved with the national army.

at present.

Su Chen doesn't want to have too many entanglements yet.

Isn't it good for a person to quietly become stronger?

Being supervised is not what Su Chen wants to see.

"you do not need to worry."

"Longteng Reserve is just a code name, and it has not yet been formally established."

"The supernatural school is two years into one world."

"You won't really enter the Dragon Army until you graduate from the Second Ability School!"

"However, with the big characters of Longteng Reserve, no one in Longguo will dare to touch you!"

"Just like Wang Hu, the eldest son of the Wang family, he has to avoid the sharp edge when he hears the words "Longteng reserve!"

Zhang Zhenmin seemed to see the hesitation in Su Chen's eyes.

He hurriedly opened his mouth to explain.

Hearing Zhang Zhenmin's words, Su Chen breathed a sigh of relief.

It seems that the words "Longteng reserve" are hanging on at the moment.

For Su Chen, there are only advantages and no disadvantages!

After taking the school badge of the second supernatural school from Zhang Zhenmin.

Su Chen was brought by Zhang Xinxin to a different courtyard.

Looking at the luxurious courtyard in front of him covering an area of ​​more than 500 square meters.

Su Chen suddenly looked at Zhang Xinxin in a daze.

"Don't look at me like that."

"That's not what I meant, and it wasn't what my grandpa meant.

"It's the treatment that Longteng's reserve team deserves."

Zhang Xinxin shrugged.

Hearing this, Su Chen turned his head to look at the various top-notch supporting facilities in the other courtyard.

Didn't expect such a good thing to happen.

Lifting the soles of his feet, Su Chen wanted to find a room to rest casually.

Although he is not very tired yet, he is about to start preparing for the opening of the beast domain at night!

For Su Chen, nothing is as important as coming from the beast realm.

But as soon as he took a step, Su Chen looked back at Zhang Xinxin.

"What are you still doing with me?"

Zhang Xinxin didn't expect Su Chen to stop suddenly.

Almost hit Su Chen on the back.

At this moment, she looked at Su Chen's face close at hand.

The little heart suddenly started beating wildly.

But at this moment, she suddenly thought of one thing.

He immediately changed the subject and said:

"Do you know that Beast Realm will announce the standings tonight?".

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