I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 67 These Lunatics Really Want To Bomb The Plane Channel! ?

"Hidden mission?"

Hearing these four words, Sun Xiaowei suddenly widened his eyes.

Obviously he has never seen what a hidden mission is.

Of course, except for Su Chen and Li Huan.

I'm afraid that other people in the world have never seen what the hidden mission is.

"Then what is a hidden mission?"

Sun Xiaowei turned his head to look at the gray space in front of him.

asked with a curious look on his face.

Su Chen pursed his lips when he heard the words, and his eyes fell on the gray fog in front of him.

The hidden mission must be in this space.

And in this space, except for the dragon-bodied monsters that have been crushed into powder.

All that was left was this thick gray mist.


If Su Chen read correctly before.

The terrifying sword energy emanating from the Ten Thousand Spirit Sword directly crushed the beast with a dragon body into powder.

But it didn't let the gray mist recede in the slightest!

"I suspect this is a hidden mission!"

Su Chen pointed to the gray mist in front of him, raised his eyebrows and said.

Sun Xiaowei followed Su Chen's finger, and his eyes widened immediately.

Obviously he didn't understand that there was something special about this gray mist.

"Try to summon spirit swords and see if you can split them!"

Su Chen gritted his teeth and said.


Hearing Su Chen's words, Sun Xiaowei immediately replied happily.

He just hasn't had enough of it yet!

Su Chen asked him to play for a while, and he was naturally happy.

Then Sun Xiaowei thought for a moment.

The thousands of spiritual swords inserted into the ground suddenly rose from the ground.

The terrifying sword energy pointed directly at the gray mist not far away.


A moment later, when the Ten Thousand Spiritual Sword was submerged in the gray mist.

The sound of gold and iron clashing suddenly resounded.

Seeing this, Su Chen immediately beamed with joy and said:


This kind of reaction shows that this gray zero gas is not as simple as it seems on the surface!

"Back to the sword!"

At this moment, Sun Xiaowei shouted again.

But no matter how he summoned them, those spirit swords seemed to be stuck in a mud pit.

Can no longer pull back.

"Brother, how did this come back to weight!?"

Sun Xiaowei turned his head to look at Su Chen anxiously.

In the past, when he controlled the sword, he was very handy.

There is no such thing as unresponsiveness.

"Look over there."

Su Chen turned his head and glanced at Sun Xiaowei.

Then, 23 pointed forward with some scalp numbness.

Seeing this, Sun Xiaowei turned his head to look, and couldn't help but widen his eyes.

I saw the original shapeless gray mist.

At this time, it actually condensed into a giant with a height of a thousand meters!

And those tens of thousands of spiritual swords were actually squeezed between his palms.

At this moment, those spirit swords were constantly shaking their blades.

Obviously also received Sun Xiaowei's call.

But being pinched by the mist giant, the Qianwan Lingjian couldn't move at all.

"Brother, what should we do?"

"Without a sword, we are no match for it at all!"

Sun Xiaowei was completely flustered at this moment.

He and Su Chen rely on these ten thousand spirit swords.

At this moment, those swords were suppressed by the fog giant.

What else would they use to fight the fog giants?

"Don't worry, I'll think about it.

Su Chen gave Sun Xiaowei a calm look.

Then he frowned and looked at the gray giant not far away.

From the gray giant, he can also feel the coercion.

But this coercion is not very strong.

Compared with the majesty of the Ten Thousand Spirit Sword, it is like a sky and an earth.

"But why can it suppress those spirit swords?"

Su Chen licked his lips, a little puzzled.

It stands to reason that the sum of these spirit sword bodies is definitely stronger than this gray giant.

Otherwise, this Zijin Gate is the end point of all their supernatural beings.

A gray giant stands in the way, and no one can pass the level.

And if you can't complete the hidden mission, you just cleared all levels of the beast realm.

It is also impossible to open the next stronger beast door.


"I see!"

At this moment, Su Chen suddenly exclaimed.

"Brother, what did you think of?"

Seeing this, Sun Xiaowei hurriedly looked at Su Chen with surprise on his face and asked.

Su Chen nodded to Sun Xiaowei, then looked at the gray giant with disdain.

"Can't you move anymore?"

"If you can move, please hurry up and get the two of us!"

not far away.

The gray giant seemed to understand Su Chen's words.

It suddenly roared crazily.

But no matter how angry it was, it didn't move the slightest.

Sun Xiaowei next to him watched this scene, and his eyes widened immediately.

"Brother, what the hell is going on!?"

"Why can't I understand anything?"

Su Chen smiled, and then explained:

"This gray giant is not a real entity, so he is not afraid of the power of sword energy at all.

"But there is more than just sword energy in this Myriad Spiritual Sword!"

"If the gray giant wants to suppress these spirit swords, it must use all its strength!"

"So we have nothing to do with him now, and it also has nothing to do with us!"

Hearing Su Chen's explanation, Sun Xiaowei's face showed a hint of surprise.

It seemed that he felt extremely safe in an instant.

But after a while, Sun Xiaowei pulled his face down again.

"Then what shall we do now?"

"The Beast Realm will be open for four hours."

"We can't stand here for four hours, can we?"

The gray giant really has nothing to do with them.

But they have nothing to do with the gray giant now.

No matter how many punches Su Chen can't punch through a body that can't be penetrated by thousands of spiritual swords, it may be useless.

"Don't worry, I have a solution."

"The horror of these spirit swords has not yet been brought into play."

Su Chen licked his lips, turned his head to look aside and said.

"Didn't play out?"

"Then how do you play it, brother! I can only summon them!"

Sun Xiaowei was a little confused when he heard the words.

Su Chen gave Sun Xiaowei a calm look.

Immediately, he smashed the sole of his foot to the ground, and came directly to the front of the space passage.

It is true that Sun Xiaowei can manipulate the spirit sword.

But he can only simply display the power of these spirit swords.

To really fully reveal the power of the Spirit Sword.

There must be some way.

The two of them don't know these methods.

But there are people in this top plane!

When he came to the plane passage, Su Chen looked up.

At this time, the picture in this top-level plane.

It is very different from the picture of Li Qingshan's plane.

After Su Chen manipulated the screen and zoomed around.

It is found that most of the space of this plane is in a state of tranquility.


It's not that the cultivators in these places don't care about their swords at all.

It doesn't matter if it is inexplicably robbed.

The real reason is because they don't use swords at all.

So the storm of summoning did not affect here.

In the end, Su Chen's sight fell on a certain huge valley.

This huge valley is the only place that caused a sensation on this top plane.

At this time, countless immortal cultivators have appeared in the valley.

They all looked stern, looking straight at the sky.

Su Chen looked at the stone tablet standing in front of the valley.

He murmured, "Wu Family Sword Valley?"

Su Chen manipulated the screen and continued to zoom in.

At this moment, he discovered something was wrong.

The immortal cultivator from Li Qingshan's plane was robbed of the queen of the sword.

Everyone is in a hurry.

I was afraid that my sword would just disappear.

At this time, the cultivators in Su Chen's sight.

But there was no sense of anxiety at all.


There is only a strong fighting spirit!!

"No matter how powerful you are!"

"I am Wu Family Sword Valley!"

"I will never die with you today!"

Immediately afterwards, the extremely cold sound of Dao Shui suddenly sounded.

Su Chen looked around, and suddenly saw a figure in black!

He appeared as if out of nowhere.

Standing directly in front of tens of thousands of people in the valley.

Su Chen stared at the face of the middle-aged man in black.

He felt an inexplicable pressure suddenly descending on him.

Although this pressure is not as strong as Li Qingshan.

But there was an extremely cold breath.

Su Chen squinted his eyes, and said word by word:

"Is this the sword intent? The intent of the cold sword edge?"

At this moment, the middle-aged man in black gave Su Chen the feeling.

He is not alone.

But a sword!

A sword that can split the sky!

If it is said that Li Qingshan is a celestial being, he has reached the celestial realm through swordsmanship.

Then this middle-aged man in black is not even a human being.

He seems to have directly cultivated himself into a sword!!


"I see how you fight against the power of supernatural powers!"

Su Chen licked his lips and said with throbbing eyes.

Anyway, the gray giant couldn't move at all.

He has plenty of time to slowly observe this plane.

And judging from the meaning of the middle-aged man in black, it seems that he wants to grab the sword back directly!

What even Li Qingshan can't do, can this guy do?

Su Chen shook his head.

Say you don't believe it at all!


At this time, the voice of the man in black reached Su Chen's ears again.

Su Chen looked intently.

I saw countless young people with stern faces in the valley, collectively stretching out their right fingers.

Their footsteps changed, and a sword formation composed of ten thousand people was born.

The middle-aged man in black stood in the middle of the sword array and raised his head silently.

The direction he looked at was exactly the direction of the space channel.

It is also the place where countless spiritual swords disappeared before.

"I have more than twelve million swords in the Sword Tomb, all of which were taken by you."

"Wu Family Sword Valley will never die today!"

The middle-aged man in black said slowly.

The voice contained the meaning of the cold sword's edge.

Hearing the words, the other members of the Wu Family's Sword Valley all opened their mouths and shouted coldly:

"I will never die today!"

Looking at the scene in front of him, even Su Chen was a little startled.

This Wu Family Sword Valley is in this top plane.

I'm afraid it's an existence that no one dares to mess with!

If you don't move, you have to fight with others, who can stand it!?

"But can their attack break through this plane channel?"

Immediately afterwards, Yinniao couldn't help but murmured again.

Li Qingshan is stronger than the middle-aged man in black.

But he didn't choose to fight hard with the plane channel at that time.

So how stable is the plane channel?

Su Chen really had no confidence in his heart.

"Use my body to temper a sword in the world!"

At this moment, the middle-aged man in black suddenly spoke.

Su Chen didn't have time to think about it.

He looked directly at the past.

his ultimate purpose.

It is to find a way to display the full strength of the spirit sword through these top-level people.

So even at this moment, it is dangerous for him to stand in front of the plane channel.

Su Chen can't care too much anymore!

Just when Su Chen set his sights on the formation in front of him.

A thick black light suddenly appeared from the valley.

And the end of the black light pointed directly at the middle-aged man in black.

At this moment, in Su Chen's perception, the middle-aged man in black seemed to have really turned into a sword.

One of the sharpest swords in the world!

Immediately afterwards, the middle-aged man in black made seals with both hands.

A towering giant sword really shot out from the valley, pointing directly at the sky.

Su Chen looked at the place where the middle-aged man in black was standing.

There was no longer any figure there.

It seems that the middle-aged man in black is after using the power of black light.

It has really become the scariest sword in the world!


Su Chen didn't have time to think any more.

He only heard a violent explosion suddenly sounded in his ears.

In an instant, Su Chen's eardrums were covered with traces of blood.

Su Chen didn't care about physical discomfort.

He turned his head straight to look at the plane channel.

If this black sword really breaks through the channel of the plane.

Then he and Sun Xiaowei might be wiped out by the black sword in an instant.

The power of this sword seems to be more terrifying than thousands of spirit swords!

"Not a single crack!?"

And when Su Chen's sight fell on the plane channel.

A hint of surprise appeared on his face.

The black sword carries the power of destroying heaven and earth, but it can't shake the space channel at all.

At this moment, Su Chen seemed to understand why Li Qingshan didn't choose to make a move.

Because he is a smart man, he knows that it is useless to go out.

But when he saw the black sword, he started to attack again.

Su Chen also couldn't help shaking his head.

Li Qingshan is smart, but people like Wu Family Jiangu are not stupid either.

After one blow, they should know that they can't break through the invisible wall in front of them.

But they still chose to continue attacking.

Just like what they said.

Never die!

He swore to the death to defend the face of the Wu Family Jiangu.

I vow to die to take back the more than 12 million spirit swords that belonged to the Wu Family Sword Tomb!

"Oh, why bother?" 083

Su Chen sighed, and his heart was also shaken by the Wu Family Sword Valley.

He turned his head to look at the spirit swords pinched by the gray giant.

Already starting to think about whether to return the sword.

Originally, he just borrowed these swords.

But now the people from the Wu Family's Sword Valley are looking for him desperately.

And the power of the plane channel is too powerful.

It's not something they can break at all.

There are tens of thousands of people in the Wu Family Sword Valley, plus the middle-aged man in black.

The final result can only be that the power is exhausted, and the ashes are wiped out.

"Hey! No!"

"Since the black sword is also a sword, can it also be used by Sun Xiaowei!?"

At this moment, Su Chen's eyes suddenly widened.

Although this black sword carries the will of the middle-aged man in black.

But it is a sword after all.

Since Sun Xiaowei can manipulate thousands of spirit swords that do not belong to him.

Could it be possible to control this towering black sword that is bombarding the space of the plane!?

"Brother, are you calling me?"

Not far away, Sun Xiaowei seemed to hear his name from Su Chen.

He immediately looked towards Su Chen.

"Sun Xiaowei, activate your body energy again!"

"There's a sword in here!"

Su Chen met Sun Xiaowei's gaze, gritted his teeth and said.

Although he is not sure whether the will of the middle-aged man in black will bring them any danger!

But if the black sword can really be summoned.

There is absolutely no problem in defeating the gray giant.

In fact, those tens of millions of spirit swords are enough to defeat the black giant.

But those tens of thousands of spirit swords are not one after all.

Sun Xiaowei's ability to exert them is also extremely limited.

But this black sword is different.

The terrifying power emanating from it is much stronger than Li Qingshan's God Killer!!

"Another one?"

"But it was obviously gone just now!"

And Sun Xiaowei heard what Su Chen said.

The expression on his face immediately couldn't help but froze for a moment.

"You just need to release the ability!"

Su Chen didn't have time to explain to Sun Xiaowei.

He urged directly.

The black sword had already landed a second attack just now.

Seeing that the third attack is about to strike again.

He was really afraid that the tens of thousands of people from the Wu Family Sword Valley would not be able to hold on.

"Oh, good! Good!"

"I'll release the ability right now!"

Seeing Su Chen's anxious expression, Sun Xiaowei hastily replied.

Then he pointed to the plane channel with both hands.

directly shouted:


Seeing that Sun Xiaowei had finished releasing his abilities.

Su Chen hurriedly turned his head to look at the plane channel.

At this moment, Heijian launched the third attack with an indomitable momentum!

Seeing this, Su Chen couldn't help frowning.

"Is it useless?"

Hei Jian seemed to be completely unaffected.

The offensive to bombard the channel of the plane has not weakened in the slightest.

But the next second.

The hairs all over Su Chen suddenly stood upside down.

Then he pushed with all his strength.

Directly backed out and went a kilometer away.

After bending over and taking a breath, Su Chen looked straight at the channel of the plane.

at this time.

A black sword with an extremely terrifying aura!

It suddenly appeared in Su Chen's sight!!.

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