I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 80 Vulcan Is On The Verge Of Death, And The Four Kingdoms Fight!

Thirty-six supernatural beings who shot suddenly.

The people around couldn't help but exclaimed directly.

"Water control!? Thirty-six people with water control abilities!?"

You must know that water control skills are far less rare than those with water attribute abilities.

But it's not a bad street ability!

Now there are thirty-six water controllers gathered here!?

And they also attacked Vulcan at the same time as if they had premeditated!?

What exactly is going on??

His eyes lingered on Qin Ruoyu and Tong Wu~.

A hint of enlightenment gradually appeared in the eyes of many supernatural beings!

Feller Foundation!

All of this is the hand-pen of the Feller Foundation!

Thirty-six water-controlling abilities are hard to find.

But if it's the Feller consortium making the move.

That all seems to be as it should be.

Before the arrival of the supernatural era.

The Feller Foundation has a famous motto.

That's something in the world that the Feller Foundation can't do!

Even now the era of supernatural awakening has arrived.

The Feller Consortium also shocked many supernatural beings one after another.

But everyone still couldn't figure it out.

Why did the Feller Consortium attack Vulcan!?

Isn't Vulcan a member of the Nine Dragons Consortium?

Aren't the ten consortiums one group?

"Look! Vulcan can't hold on any longer!"

at this moment.

A supernatural being suddenly exclaimed.

I saw that Qin Ruoyu's face was quite ugly at this time!

If it was just a person with empty water abilities, Qin Ruoyu would naturally not take it seriously.

But now there are thirty-six empty water masters here.

They formed a 360-degree angle, suppressing the fire element around Qin Ruoyu without any dead ends.

Especially with oak on the side.

The power of space compression exploded.

This made Qin Ruoyu's situation much more difficult.

"Hehe, it's almost here! It will be devoured soon!"

Not far away, Wu stared straight at Qin Tayu.

The corner of the mouth couldn't help curling up a greedy arc.

As long as Qin Ruoyu was completely suppressed.

His ancient ancestor tattoo will do the trick!

The fire attribute ability in Qin Ruoyu's body can be directly swallowed by him!

Know the ancient ancestor tattoo on his body.

But it was engraved by a supernatural being who can return to his ancestors!

The ancient ancestor is the ancestor of the five elements.

In addition, Tong Wu's lightning attribute ability has a suppressive effect on other abilities.

This allowed Tong Wu to devour other pure attribute abilities.

And as long as the five elements are unified, Wu will have the most terrifying ability in the world!

As for what Tong Wu is, I don't know.

But old Filler had told him!

The five elements return to one, and ten thousand dharmas retreat.

At that time, his ability level overwhelmed all the abilities.

It's like the gap between a king and a commoner.

After encountering Tong Wu, all supernatural beings will feel inexplicable awe.

If you fight Tong Wu head-on, you will be suppressed to the point where you won't be able to use 50% of your full strength!

When I first heard what Old Feller said.

Tong Wu's heart was completely shaken.

He vowed to do the Five Elements no matter what the cost!

And at this moment.

The five elements are unified, and Tong Wu feels that he can touch it with his hand.


At this moment, a shrill scream sounded suddenly!

Qin Ruoyu bent her delicate body, her face full of pain.

Her body seemed to become transparent.

One of the fire seeds is slowly drifting towards the outside of the body!

"Brothers! Although I don't know what the people of the Feller Foundation are doing!"

"But it's definitely not good for Vulcan and Qiongqi!" 1

"How can we dragon kingdom supernatural powers sit idly by!"

A clanging sound suddenly sounded.

Immediately received a lot of responses!

Tens of thousands of supernatural beings from the Dragon Kingdom mobilized collectively.

The target was directed at the thirty-six water controllers who besieged Qin Ruoyu!

But just when countless people with supernatural powers from the Dragon Kingdom moved.

Many supernatural beings from the Elephant Country and the Beautiful Country also moved!

Originally a mighty dragon country supernatural being.

It was directly blocked in place!

From the point of view of the number of people, the Elephant Country and the Beautiful Country add up.

The number far exceeds those supernatural beings in the Dragon Kingdom!

"Damn it! We, the people of Long Kingdom, have never been persuaded!"

A dragon kingdom superhuman roared angrily.

And this is like a fuse.

Melee is imminent!

Countless supernatural beings fought fiercely in an instant.

Only some supernatural beings from small countries quickly retreated to the distance!

"Where are the supernatural beings in the White Bear Country!?"

"The Dragon Kingdom is our friend!"

"We should help them!"

At this time, a tall and burly figure suddenly stood up.

And his voice quickly got the response of many supernatural beings!

...asking for flowers...

The supernatural beings of the White Bear Kingdom did not hesitate at all.

Directly joined the battlefield and began to help the supernatural beings of the Dragon Kingdom!

But even so.

The battle between the two sides has only fallen into a state of anxiety.

No one has an absolute advantage!

Without an advantage, there is no way to break through.

He could only watch Qin Ruoyu being harassed by water and fire!

"The five elements return to their place!"

"The power of the ancient ancestors!"

At this time, Tong Wu didn't care about the melee at all.

At this time, he looked at Qin Ruoyu's supernatural spark.

He licked his lips greedily.

Then the tattoo on his chest suddenly opened the third eyebrow!

But that eye was abnormally empty, as if waiting for something to fill it up!

"Haha, it's mine! It's all mine!"

Tong Wu laughed out loud!

Then, he grabbed Qin Ruoyu's neck directly!

Now he just needs to kill Qin Ruoyu.

That kindling will completely break away from Qin Ruoyu's shackles!

And he will soon have the fifth five-element ability!

"It's such a pity for such a beautiful skin!"

"If you obey me obediently, maybe you can live longer.

"What a pity, what a pity."

Tong Wu's palm strangled Qin Ruoyu's slender neck.

Then his face gradually became grim.

Qin Ruoyu endured the endless pain in his body.

He raised his head and stared at Tong Wu.

"Qin Jian will not let you go!"

Qin Ruoyu gritted her teeth tightly, and said every word with blood on the corner of her mouth!

"Haha! Qin Jian?"

"Don't worry, your old man won't live long after today!"

"Everyone who opposes my child martial arts, I will completely eliminate them!"

"I will be the master of the entire Blue Star!!"

Tong Wu's face was covered with a crazy smile.

next second.

The sudden force of his palm was about to pinch Qin Ruoyu's neck!


But at the last moment.

A violent roar suddenly resounded throughout the entire world!

Tong Wu didn't have time to react, so he flew upside down!

The person spat out mouthfuls of blood in mid-air!

Not far away are the supernatural beings who are fighting.

They were all stopped by the loud noise.

Countless people turned their heads to look, and all of them suddenly shrank their pupils!

At the focus of everyone's attention.

A dragon claw stepped on the ground six!.

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