I Signed The Most Useless Ability, And I Became The Strongest In The World?

Chapter 88 You Saved Me Once, Can You Still Save Me This Time?

The second supernatural school that was originally in a panic.

Suddenly, it became strangely quiet.

All eyes were on the other courtyard to the east of the school.

After the violent golden light flickered.

A huge nine-clawed golden dragon suddenly appeared out of thin air.

In the blink of an eye, the five-clawed golden dragon had already flown a distance of more than ten kilometers.

And its goal.

It is the sky in the distance.

There are eight super H weapons falling rapidly!

Looking at the nine-clawed golden dragon galloping in the sky.

All the students of the Second Ability School couldn't help cheering!

"Nine-clawed golden dragon!"

"It's Qiongqi!? Is that Qiongqi!?"

"My God, Qiongqi is actually a member of our second supernatural school!?"

"Mom, I'll hang up first, Modu seems to be fine."

Warm cheers resounded in every corner of the school.

But Zhang Zhenmin and Zhang Xinxin still didn't recover.

Others don't know who lives in the other courtyard.

Their grandparents and grandchildren are very clear!

"This damned fellow, he lied to me!"

Zhang Xinxin was silent for a moment, and suddenly said in a faint voice.

However, her pretty eyes were full of excitement.

Qiongqi is Su Chen! Su Chen is Qiongqi!

It was literally the best thing she had known in this century!

"Lied to you? How did Su Chen lie to you?"

Zhang Zhenmin's nervous expression also disappeared.

And also jokingly asked about his good granddaughter.

Zhang Xinxin curled her lips upon hearing this.

Very annoyed and said:

"I asked him if he was Qiongqi, but he still kept it secret!"

"Let's just say he's in the top ten!!"

"Is the top ten and the first place the same concept?"

"Doesn't this guy know that the whole Dragon Country has already regarded him as a belief!?"

Hearing Zhang Xinxin's words, Zhang Zhenmin smiled and shook his head.

Then he took out his cell phone.

Click on a message and show it to Zhang Xinxin.

"Xinxin! Su Chen didn't lie to you~"!"

"When he says he's in the top ten, he's actually telling you that he's poor."

"Because there are only two Dragon Kingdom people among the top ten."

"One is the little girl from the Qin family, and the other is Qiongqi!"

Zhang Xinxin looked down at the phone.

He couldn't help but look up at the nine-clawed golden dragon in the sky.

A bright smile suddenly bloomed on the pretty little face.

But then Zhang Xinxin suddenly became nervous again.

Although Su Chen is a poor thing, she is very happy.

But Su Chen is relying on his physical body at this moment.

A modern weapon that is hard-resistant beyond the H-bomb!

Su Chen.

Can it work?

Zhang Zhenmin seemed to see the worry in his granddaughter's eyes.

He patted Zhang Xinxin on the shoulder.

Then he slowly opened his mouth and said:

"Don't worry, Su Chen's current strength should have already surpassed the scope of normal humans.

"Although the modern super-H weapon is powerful, it is not impossible for Su Chen to resist it."


At the end, Zhang Zhenmin couldn't help but pause.

Zhang Xinxin immediately shook Zhang Zhenmin's arm.

"And what, Grandpa? Can you hold back!"

Zhang Zhenmin raised his head slightly, looked at the distant sky and said with profound meaning:

"And even if Su Chen can't resist the super-H weapon, he should be able to escape unscathed.

"Although demons will disappear from this world."

"But for Dragon Kingdom."

"Su Chen is more important than this city now!"

"Even I want to persuade Su Chen to stop directly and leave us alone."

"But I have no way to make decisions for other people who are still in the magic city.

"After all, it is also a fresh life."

At the end, Zhang Zhenming couldn't help but sighed.

But Zhang Xinxin was here at this moment.

Suddenly, he patted Zhang Zhenming on the shoulder.

"Don't worry, old man!"

"If we all die today, Su Chen will definitely avenge us!"

"Whoever dropped these hyper-H weapons, I think Su Chen will make him pay dearly!"

Zhang Xinxin waved her small fist.

Said quite vigorously.

And Zhang Zhenmin was so happy to see his good granddaughter.

Simply stop thinking about it.

He just silently looked up at the distant sky.

The originally huge nine-clawed golden dragon can only be seen the size of a fist at this time.

And the appearance of those eight super H weapons.

Finally, it was revealed in the eyes of all Mordu people!

Eight silver bombs that are several times larger than the H bomb.

It is stimulating the nerves of every magic city supernatural being.

But the moment the line of sight touched the Nine-Clawed Golden Dragon.

The mood of countless supernatural beings suddenly calmed down again.

It started as early as the moment Su Chen went to the sky.

The crowd running in a panic in the streets and alleys of the magic city suddenly came to a standstill.

And this is the power of Qiongqi in Dragon Kingdom today.

It can be said that Su Chen has definitely become an existence like the belief of Dragon Kingdom!

Since beliefs are all around, what do the hundreds of millions of people in the magic city have to fear?

々 Ruoyu, Dad finally understands!"

"Why are the entire Dragon Kingdom cheering for his appearance?"

At this time, the top floor of a seven-story manor in the magic city.

A middle-aged man with a majestic face is ashamed of himself.

But Qin Ruoyu, who was standing in front of the floor-to-ceiling window, just curled her lips when she heard the words.

"Don't call me so nasty."

Immediately, Qin Ruoyu looked into the midair with burning eyes.

You saved me once.

Can it be saved this time?

The screen switched to the tallest building in the magic city again.

At this time, many media personnel were already standing on the roof of the building.

And they all held up high-power-angle cameras, aiming at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

Next to it was a pretty female reporter who muttered (Qian Dezhao):

"Everyone, this is the No. 1 news channel of Magic City."

"Now I am bringing the first perspective of the attack on the magic city to the people of the whole country!"

"Eight missiles that are far more powerful than the H bomb are now in the sky above the magic city!"

"And Qiongqi, the god of war of our Dragon Kingdom, is resisting these eight super-H weapons with his own power!"

"I think now the whole country is united as one, and all eyes are on..."

"Shut up for me! Hurry up and broadcast the picture on the sky!"

The pretty female reporter hadn't finished speaking.

It was interrupted by a growl coming from the ears.

Upon hearing this, the female reporter hurriedly swallowed the speech that she had prepared for a long time.

"It's the director! This is broadcasting, this is broadcasting!"

With the live broadcast camera aiming at an altitude of 10,000 meters.

At this moment, countless people in the entire Dragon Kingdom finally saw the scene in the sky clearly. .

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