I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

214 Whis: That Human Being Is So Unfathomable That It Scares Me (Please Subscribe)

The moment he saw Son Goten, Gods of Destruction Beerus suddenly felt an extremely familiar feeling from his body.

And this feeling made him feel very scared.

This feeling is definitely the first time ever!

The guy in front of him seems to be a human from the seventh universe, but how could he have such a strange feeling!

"Whis, I just felt something very familiar from that kid's body."

"Although I don't know what it is, it seems to make me feel a little uncomfortable. Do you know what's going on?"

Beerus quickly looked at Whis and asked.

Although it was hard for him to believe that a human could make him feel uncomfortable, this feeling was extremely real.

"Master Beerus, I feel it too!~"

"I sensed a great deal of familiarity in his body.-"

"It's just that it's not clear what it is."

"It looks like that human being is unfathomable..."

Angel Whis shook his head, and then said with a very serious face.

Although she didn't know what was in that human body that made them feel so familiar.

But it is certain that that human being is absolutely powerful, even as an Angel, he feels a sense of heart palpitations.

"Even you feel unfathomable?"

"This is really interesting!"

"Although a mere human will make Angel and Gods of Destruction feel like this, I am very interested in him.

"Could this guy be the Super Saiyan God in my precognitive dream?"

Beerus looked at Son Goten again, then with a smile on the corner of his mouth, he said in a low voice.

If this guy is himself the Super Saiyan God in the precognitive dream.

Then it seems that it is not too strange that he has the familiar power of God in his body.

"I don't know that either."

"If he is the Super Saiyan God in your precognitive dream, then your opponent for predicting the dream pig is a bit too strong.

Angel Whis shook his head again, and then spoke.

For some reason, he always felt that the person in front of him was very unfathomable.

When you look at him, it's like looking at an endless abyss, you can't see through it at all.

If this guy is the enemy of Lord Beerus' prophetic dream.

Then there is no doubt that his strength is indeed a bit too strong.

After Son Goten saw Beerus and Whis, a faint smile appeared on the corner of his mouth.

Then he turned around, randomly found a table and sat down and began to eat delicious food.

Because next, there may be a good show soon.

You just need to act as a spectator.

Everyone has kindly reminded Son Goku and Vegeta before.

If the two of them still want to go their own way, arrogant and ignorant.

Then the final result can only be borne by themselves.

"Yo!! You are Lord Gods of Destruction Beerus!"

At this moment, Son Goku immediately looked at Angel Whis and asked.

Because he thinks Angel Whis is more like Beerus.

And the cat he spoke of just now was regarded by him as Gods of Destruction's pet.

"Heck, heck!! You said it wrong."

"I'm only Lord Beerus's servant."

"This is Lord Beerus, the saboteur."

"Although it looks so strange and unattractive."

After hearing Son Goku's words, Angel Whis couldn't help laughing.

This isn't the first time someone has cast him as Gods of Destruction, either.

No way, who can make their image better!

Gods of Destruction Beerus on the side had a dazed expression, pointing at himself vigorously.

Obviously he is the Gods of Destruction.

...asking for flowers......

Why do these guys keep blinding Whis for Gods of Destruction!

Could it be that the arrogance emanating from his body is not strong enough?

It must be like this, if next time, he will release more domineering aura.

Maybe this can improve the eyesight of these guys.

"Huh?! So you are Gods of Destruction Beerus!"

"I really can't believe it."

Son Goku quickly looked at Beerus, and then said in disbelief.

I didn't expect the most powerful Gods of Destruction standing at the tip of a universe, although it would be a cat.

And it feels like he doesn't have much strength.

"Cut!! This group of blind guys are really annoying!"

Beerus gritted his teeth tightly.

But such a little thing, he will not take it to heart.

And after a lot of experience, I will gradually get used to it.

Finally, Beerus asked again: "Hey, I just asked you who is Saiyan?"

Because he came to Earth this time mainly to find sub-humans.

To be precise, he came to find the Super Saiyan God in his prophetic dream.

It's just that even Angel Whis couldn't find Super Saiyan God.

Instead, the surviving Saiyan was found.

That's why he came to this planet and asked these surviving Saiyans if they knew Super Saiyan God.

At this moment, Vegeta stepped forward.

Looking at Beerus, he sneered and said, "This prince is Saiyan."

"Oh? Are you Saiyan's prince?"

"It looks exactly the same as the previous King Vegeta."

Beerus glanced at Vegeta, and then said calmly.

This guy is a miniature version of King Vegeta.

It looks like he might know something about Super Saiyan God. .

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