I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

225 Clearing The Power Of The Law, The Shock Of The Grand Priest And Zeno (Subscription Required)

"What? What's going on here?"

"My fist can't move forward!"

"What a joke, it has been Gods of Destruction for hundreds of millions of years, but nothing like this has ever happened."

Beerus was stunned for an instant, and his heart was full of turbulent waves.

Obviously his fist is still a few centimeters away from Son Goten, but now he can't move forward at all.

It was like being stopped by an extremely powerful force.

No matter how hard he tried, he couldn't break through the barrier of this force.

It's been hundreds of millions of years since being Gods of Destruction, and nothing so strange has ever been seen.

Even Angel Whis obviously couldn't achieve this level.

While Whis was able to dodge all his attacks, it was absolutely impossible like this!

This guy didn't even move "500", just a mysterious breath directly blocked his fist.

This is really appalling...

"My God! That guy is stronger than I thought."

"There is no doubt that even if it is Angel, you will never be his opponent!"

"And the familiar power in his body became more and more clear."

On Angel Whis's face, there was a frightened expression for an instant.

Being able to block Master Beerus' strongest blow without making a fuss was indeed completely beyond his imagination.

In the entire seventh universe, absolutely no one can do it!

Including himself.

This shows that the guy on the opposite side has a power countless times stronger than Master Beerus.

It even reached a level that even Angel couldn't imagine!

More importantly, the familiar thing in this guy's body became clearer and clearer.

But I just can't remember what it is.

"Bastard! Definitely a blindfold!"

"This kind of trick can't fool me at all."

Beerus felt insulted.

Instantly roared angrily.

The guy in front of him is just a human being, how could he possess such power?

With just one look, his attack could not hit him at all.

This is definitely a brilliant blindfold!

As long as I use all my strength, this kind of blindness will definitely be cracked!

After the roar fell, Beerus attacked like a storm again.

Swish Swish Swish!!

The fist wind is like a gas blade, constantly blasting towards Son Goten.

But this kind of power can't touch Son Goten's body at all.

In a moment, for example, hundreds of millions of laps were blasted before.

But it still failed to break through Son Goten's block.

Just a trace of breath is not an existence that Beerus can break through.

At this time, no matter how stupid Beerus was, he realized the gap between them.

This gap cannot be made up.

What Whis guessed was right.

This guy's strength far exceeded their imagination.

If you continue to provoke him, it is definitely a very unwise choice!

At this moment, the Gods of Destruction Beerus had obviously lost all fighting spirit.

When facing huge monsters, human beings are always afraid, and so are gods.

In the face of that absolutely insurmountable power, it is perfectly normal to be afraid.

"Master Beerus, as I said, you are not my opponent."

"With your strength, even if you strengthen it hundreds of millions of times, you will still not be able to become my opponent."

"But I don't want to hurt you, so let's leave now!"

Son Goten looked at the solemn Beerus opposite, and then said lightly.

If it was Gods of Destruction in other universes, now he will destroy without hesitation.

But Beerus and Gods of Destruction in other universes are completely different in his mind.

That's the weight, even if Zeno and Dashen add up, it can't compare.

At this moment, Beerus' face was extremely ugly.

He knew that if he left at this time, then his majesty as Gods of Destruction would definitely be wiped out!

If this matter gets to the ears of other Universe Gods of Destruction, even he will become the laughing stock of all Gods of Destruction.

But if he wants to fight, he can't be the opponent of Son Goten in front of him!

This also put Beerus in a dilemma for a moment.

Fight, or leave.

This choice is indeed difficult.

On the one hand, face is what he values ​​the most...

On the one hand, it is an invincible opponent.

And at this moment, Angel Whis' body flashed.

In an instant, he was in front of Birus.

Then, looking at Beerus, he said: "Master Beerus, let's leave the earth quickly!"

"With all due respect, your Lijing is very different from his."

"Even if it is our Angel, we are no match for him at all!"

"It would be a very stupid decision if you continue to mess around."

Whis already felt the power of Son Goten.

It looked like he didn't want to hurt Lord Beerus right now.

Otherwise, Master Beerus would have turned into a cold corpse long ago.

At this time, Beerus is also very tangled.

Even if Whis said so, it is obvious that this guy in front of him is extremely powerful.

And at this time in the Temple of Zeno.


The faces of Grand Priest and Zeno both changed slightly.

Then he showed a look of horror.

Zeno looked at Grand Priest and said, "Grand Priest, did you feel a very familiar force just now?"

Just now he felt an extremely familiar force.

This power is very similar to his clearing law power, it can even be said to be exactly the same!

But how is this possible?

In the entire dimensional universe, he is the only one who can possess this kind of power. 0.2 Even the Grand Priest is not qualified to master the power of this clearing law.

As for Gods of Destruction and Angel, that's even more unlikely.

So who is in control of this power?

"Yes, Master Zeno."

"I feel it too, it's your power of law."

"This is really unbelievable, this power is not weaker than you at all!"

"In this universe, when did such a powerful guy appear?"

Grand Priest replied with a solemn face.

The aura I felt just now cannot be described as powerful.

It's just perverted!

After all, only Master Zeno has mastered this power of law.

In the entire dimensional universe, it is absolutely impossible for a second person to master it!.

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