I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

231 Clearing Rules, You Taught Me (Please Subscribe)

"Yes, Lord Beerus."

"However, I think that guy is so outspoken, even in front of Mr. Zeno, he probably won't restrain himself."

"I hope that when the time comes, Master Zeno won't blame the entire Seventh Universe for this."

"Otherwise, you may be wiped out by Master Zeno!"

Angel Whis beside him nodded, and then said to Beerus.

With these words, Beerus' face became even uglier!

If he was destroyed because of that guy's arrogance.

That's too sad...

But now, in this situation, he has nothing to do!

Because there is no call from Master Zeno, he is not qualified to go to the Temple of Zeno at all.


"Hope that guy isn't so stupid!"

Beerus could only pray in his heart.

Subsequently, the two left the Seventh Universe.

At this moment, on the cruise ship, only Son Goku and Vegeta were left with bewildered faces.

To this day, I'm still a bit confused about what happened.

Who is the Super Saiyan God that Gods of Destruction Beerus was looking for?

Who is the Grand Priest who appeared next? 16 and Son Goten, how strong is that guy? That's why he is so arrogant.

These questions cannot be answered at all.

"Goku, find a way to save Yuten!"

"He was taken away by that guy named Grand Priest just now, and I always feel that it's not a good thing."

At this time, Chichi walked up to Son Goku, and then said with a worried face.

Although Son Goten just now is not her real son!

But he is also Goten.

So as a mother, he was naturally worried about Yutian's current situation.

"Sorry, Chichi, I can't help you at all right now!"

"Although I really wanted to help Goten, I don't know where the Grand Priest took him just now.

"I can't feel their breath at all now!"

Son Goku shook his head, then spoke.

It's not that he doesn't want to save Goten, it's that he simply can't.

Because the breath in the bodies of those guys just now is the breath of God.

He can't feel it at all.

So Instant Transmission cannot be used either.

"What's there to worry about!"

"That guy was so arrogant just now, maybe he has the ability to deal with those guys."

"Besides, those with that kind of arrogant personality should be properly educated.

At this moment, Vegeta said in a strange way.

And Vegeta's words made Chichi dissatisfied in an instant!

"Stop making sarcastic remarks here, Vegeta."

"Goten's arrogance is probably not even one ten-thousandth of yours."

"Don't forget that what happened today was caused by you and Goku."

"If you two were not self-righteous and arrogant to challenge Gods of Destruction, this kind of thing would not have happened."

"And if Goten hadn't saved you just now, I would have been killed by Gods of Destruction Beerus long ago."

"Is there still a chance to be weird here?"

Chichi immediately fought back against Vegeta.

This guy was beaten to the ground like a dead dog just now!

If I hadn't asked Goten to help me.

He and Goku would have been killed by Gods of Destruction long ago!

He's still talking sarcastic here now.

And also said that Goten is arrogant, compared to his arrogance, no one can compare to him Vegeta.

Really don't want any face!

Regarding what Chichi said, everyone actually agrees very much.

If it weren't for Goku and Vegeta insisting on challenging Gods of Destruction Beerus.

And indeed there will be no such redundant things.

What's more, if it wasn't for that Wutian's help just now, the two of them would have been fired by Beerus!

Vegeta was instantly stunned speechless.

Because what Chichi just said is true.

Originally, Beerus and that Angel Whis were planning to leave Earth.

But it was because he and Kakarot wanted to compete with others beyond their capabilities.

That's why it had such a consequence.

More importantly, at the critical moment, it was also Son Goten who came to the rescue.

Otherwise, the two of them would have been killed by now.

However, this could not avoid his jealousy.

Kakarot's son is so powerful, this is something he cannot tolerate.

He looked at his son Trunks again [the whole person feels bad!

It’s okay for me to be a little weaker than Kakarot, but I didn’t expect my son, Kakarot’s son, to be so far behind...

And at this time, on the other side.

The Grand Priest has brought Son Goten to the Temple of Zeno.

"Master Zeno, this is Mr. Son Goten."

"The powerful divine power before was released from his body.

Grand Priest said to Zeno very respectfully.

"Hmm. I see, Grand Priest."

Zeno nodded.

Then he turned his attention to Son Goten.

Indeed, this guy has the same power as himself in his body.

It is the ability to clear the rules.

Now he is even more confused, why does this guy in front of him have his own clearing ability?

Why is he so powerful when he is obviously just a human being?

To know the power of your own rules, even the Grand Priest is not qualified to master it.

"Mr. Son Goten, sitting in front of you is Lord Zeno."

"He is the most advanced god in this universe."

Grand Priest immediately reminded Son Goten.

He hoped to use the name Master Zeno to frighten Son Goten who doesn't know how to be polite.

But Son Goten didn't change anything.

"Forget it, Grand Priest."

"He has a 063 power stronger than Gods of Destruction and Angel.

"The strong are always proud."

Zeno spoke to the Grand Priest, without blaming Son Goten.

Because every strong person has his own arrogance.

When facing strangers, naturally he would not lower his proud head.

And it is still facing a human being with the power of its own rules.

"Son Goten, hello!"

"Can I ask you a question?"

Zeno seemed to be a different person at this moment.

Looking at Son Goten asked.

"Of course, if you have any questions, just ask!"

Son Goten actually knew what Zeno wanted to ask.

I just want to ask why I have the same clearing ability as him.

It is estimated that Grand Priest also felt the power of his own rules, so he came to find him.


Zeno's voice sounded quickly.

"Son Goten, I can feel the powerful force of regulation in your body.

"May I know this kind of rule power, how did you get it?"

Sure enough, the problem was not as Son Goten expected.

"My power of rules was taught to me by you in another time and space."

Son Goten replied lightly.

In fact, this answer is also correct.

Because this rule power is rewarded by the system when he fights Zeno in the ultimate form.

So, Zeno is also partly to blame. .

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