I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

234 Zeno Is Finally Persuaded! (Seeking Subscription)

Seeing Master Zeno's firm tone and attitude, Grand Priest didn't speak anymore.

Just an angry glance at Son Goten.

To be honest, at this moment, he really wants to cut Son Goten to pieces!

This guy is really too arrogant.

They actually don't pay attention to the supreme gods like them!

But since Master Zeno has spoken, he naturally dare not speak now.

I hope Master Zeno will not be so weak, and teach Son Goten a good lesson.

Let him know that the supreme god in a dimensional universe is not something a human being can humiliate.

"Grand Priest, you'd better not look at me with~ that look!"

"Unless, like the two guards just now, you completely-disappear!"

The angry eyes of the Grand Priest, Son Goten said coldly.

With his strength, he wants to kill the current Grand Priest.

It's as simple as drinking water...

Even, it only takes one thought to wipe him out.

If this guy is still in this posture, then he is not far from death.

After hearing Son Goten's words, Priest Yin's face became even more ugly.

It's just that he didn't continue to contradict.

Not out of fear of threats from Son Goten.

It's because Master Zeno just ordered him to stop talking.

At this time, Zeno's voice sounded again.

"Son Goten, I don't care if what you just said is true or not.

"I can also forgive you for the things you disrespected me just now."

"After all, your strength is indeed very strong, and you are a genius that has never appeared before."

"It would be a pity if such a genius is wiped out."

"Now if you want, I can make you the highest level god except me.

"But there is one condition, that is to revive my two guards."

Zeno's tone at this time is obviously much gentler.

Obviously, he compromised.

Now his two guards have been killed.

In other words, it is impossible to complete the form of the Creator!

Even if that form is completed, the strength will be greatly reduced.

If what Son Goten just said is true.

He really has the power to kill his alternate self and the Grand Priest.

Then he is definitely capable of killing himself and the Grand Priest!

Although this statement is questionable.

But there's no need to take such a risk.

And they now face other crises.

During this time, in a hurry to find ways, other powerful humans in the universe.

To face that crisis.

Son Goten is so strong.

It is a rare talent!

If he can be persuaded to be on his side, maybe he can play a big role in the next crisis.


"The supreme god in the universe of a dignified dimension, is this a compromise with me?"

"Well, it seems that you are quite pious, so I forgive you for your previous recklessness!"

Seeing Zeno like that, Son Goten just smiled coldly.

To be honest, he can take out Zeno and Grand Priest in a flash.

But for him now, there is absolutely no need for that!

Because these two guys, it is impossible to threaten his existence...

But he also has a little bit of worry!

If the battle this time destroys this dimensional universe like the last time.

At that time, I don't know where I will fall!

So, here we go for now!

If you stay here, you can find a way to go back.


Grand Priest gritted his teeth angrily, because Son Goten is so arrogant!

But there is no way.

Because Zeno chose to compromise.

Although he doesn't understand why Master Zeno made such a decision!

"Then, please revive my two guards first!"

Zeno looked at Son Goten and said.

Since this guy has mastered the rules of erasure.

Then he should also have mastered the rules of resurrection or creation!


Son Goten nodded.

Then I thought about it.

In the next second, Zeno's two guards began to recover a little bit.

It's like turning back time.

In just a few seconds, Zeno's two guards had completely recovered.

So when they looked at Son Goten again, there was already a look of incomparable horror in their eyes.

Where is the half arrogance just now?

"Hey, remember me, you two trash."

…… Ask for flowers……………

"If you dare to talk to me like that next time, I will make you disappear completely, and there will be no possibility of resurrection."

Looking at the terrified eyes of the two, Son Goten said coldly.

This time, after hearing the threat.

Both of them shrunk their necks, not even daring to fart.

This time throughout the Zeno Temple, Son Goten's arrogance reached the extreme.

For a long time, Zeno and Grand Priest, who have dominated the fate of the entire dimensional universe, have long lost their former splendor.


"There is nothing important in the future, it is best not to disturb me!"

After waving at several people, Son Goten walked out of Zeno Temple in a swaggering manner.

The eyes of Zeno and Grand Priest are extremely gloomy.


Shame, an absolute shame!

Not since the creation of this universe have they been so humiliated.

This kind of humiliation is absolutely unforgivable...

After leaving the Temple of Zeno.

Son Goten came straight to the Supreme Kai world.

Seeing the appearance of Son Goten, Supreme Kai and the old Supreme Kai were all terrified.

"Son, Son Goten, what are you doing here?"

The old Supreme Kai looked at Son Goten in horror and asked.

The tone is trembling.

Because this guy is really terrifying.

Not only defeated Gods of Destruction Beerus easily, even though Grand Priest didn't pay attention to it.

You must know that those two adults are like nightmares in their hearts.

And after being taken away by the Grand Priest.

This guy actually came back unscathed.

This is enough to explain the tyranny of Son Goten in front of him.

Definitely not just bragging.......

"Master Supreme Kai, don't be so nervous!"

"In another time and space, my relationship with you is not bad, and you have helped me a lot."

"So I won't hurt you."

Looking at the terrified expressions of several people, Son Goten said with a smile.

Facing some people, he would indeed be infinitely arrogant.

But facing some people, how could he restore his peaceful nature.

Like Beerus and Supreme Kai.

He will never hurt!

Because if it weren't for the two of them, maybe I wouldn't be where I am now. .

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