I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

024 Chuanchao Broly, The Overwhelming Sense Of Oppression (Asking For Flower Evaluation Tickets)


The moment the fists of the two collided, a huge sonic boom spread instantly.

Immediately afterwards, the palace behind Broly collapsed.

And the surviving Universe outlaws just now were also completely turned into dust in this terrifying shock wave while being terrified.

A huge tiankeng appeared on the ground, and the inside was covered with spider web-like cracks.

call out! !

Son Goten's body flew upside down, flying a distance of several tens of feet before stopping.

But Broly, on the other hand, didn't move at all.

It seemed that the collision just now did not cause him any damage.

Son Goten's face suddenly revealed a somewhat dignified look.

Because of the collision just now, he felt as if he had punched a piece of steel.

The legendary Super Saiyan not only has super fighting talent.

His body is ridiculously strong, which is very suitable for using Ultra Instinct.

And Broly just turned into a mimetic Saiyan just now, and didn't turn into a real teleportation form.

It is already able to have such a powerful force.

It is conceivable what kind of monsters Son Goku and the others are facing in the theatrical version.

If it weren't for the protagonist's halo, Son Goku and the others would have already received the box lunch...

"Hey ah ah..."

Broly roared again, obviously fighting could quickly stimulate his desire to fight.

Accompanied by bursts of roars, the green arrogance around Broly's body rose again.

At the same time, a huge grass-green energy ball quickly condensed in his chest.

This guy doesn't have any skills at all in fighting, it's just that kind of inexhaustible energy.

In a blink of an eye, the energy ball became the size of several basketballs.

Then blasted directly at Son Goten.

"Is this the power of Chuanchao Broly?"

"It's really ridiculously strong, Lightning Cell can't be his opponent at all!"

While Son Goten was extremely horrified, his body flashed for an instant, and he disappeared in place.


The ground was directly blasted into the biggest sinkhole by the grass green energy ball.

A semicircle of energy visible to the naked eye rises from the ground! !

At this time, Son Goten's body has appeared in mid-air.

He clenched his fists tightly, and blue electric arcs suddenly appeared around his body.

The golden hair was also bundled up high, and the arrogance turned into a jet.

It has become Super Saiyan II.

Because from the energy of Broly just now, it can be felt that it is only Chao Yi's full power form, and it is impossible to be his opponent at all!

There is even a world of difference in strength!

If this guy can learn some fighting skills, his strength will be ridiculously strong.

More importantly, Broly's aura seemed to be rapidly expanding every moment.


Broly was still roaring wildly.

Immediately afterwards, one green energy ball after another was released from the body.

The surrounding mountain peaks continued to collapse, and huge pits on the ground continued to emerge one after another.

The originally desolate planet is now full of devastation, like a purgatory on earth.

With the continuous improvement of breath, Broly also changed again.

The originally brown hair turned grass green at this moment, and the pupils in the eyes completely disappeared, leaving nothing.

It looked like he had completely lost his mind.

This is Broly's true teleportation form.

What's more, his aura has undergone earth-shaking changes from just now.

"This... is this the legendary Super Saiyan form?"

"This powerful aura is simply not comparable to Super Saiyan II."

"It's unbelievable that after Son Goku absorbed Vegeta and Son Gohan's Qi in the theatrical version, although he was able to defeat this monster."

Feeling the overwhelming sense of oppression, Son Goten thought to himself in horror.

After personally feeling this powerful aura, he became even more certain that Broly in the movie version died because of the plot and the length of time in the movie version because of the halo of his protagonist!

At that time, Son Goku and Son Gohan could only become Super Saiyan at full power.

As for Vegeta and Trunks, they are weaker.

For all the energy they put in, Son Goku can punch Broly through the body, it's a joke!


Originally more than two meters tall, Son Goten looked like a kid in front of him.

That kind of obvious gap, no matter how you look at it, is very inconsistent.

At this time, after the transformation, Broly has reached a height of more than three meters, and he looks like a giant.

This is Broly having completed his transformation and stopped continuing to growl like a beast.

Although the eyes are still empty.

But at this time, Broly had obviously regained his sanity.

But at the same time, it has completely turned into an ancient beast that can only kill!

Then the empty eyes turned to Son Goten.

There was a bloodthirsty grin on the corner of his mouth.

Then a voice like a devil said: "I know you are not Kakarot, but I feel exactly the same thing as Kakarot from your body."

"Besides, you look so much like Kakarot, so I'll use you as a blood sacrifice."

The moment the devilish voice fell, Broly's body rushed towards Son Goten again.

The speed of this guy has undergone a qualitative change.

That huge body is like a hill, covered with sinew and flesh, and the body is made of copper skin and iron bones.

Looking at this guy, one can't help feeling a sense of helplessness.

That feeling of oppression is really too strong...

And at this time on King Kai's small planet.

Originally, his planet disappeared with the explosion of the Cell.

However, in the past eight years, he has rebuilt a small planet by himself.

It is about the same size as before, and basically the same in all aspects.

During these eight years, Son Goku and Vegeta have been practicing here with the special approval of King Yama!

At this moment Son Goku was quite speechless.

"Ah! What's going on? That Saiyan named Broly seems to have a deep hatred for me."

"But I've never met him, let alone fought him, do you know what's going on, Vegeta."

Son Goku looked at Vegeta with an innocent face and asked.

After all Vegeta is Saiyan's prince, maybe he will know something about Broly.

"Cut! How would I know?"

"I've never heard the name Broly either!"

Vegeta turned his head and replied arrogantly.

But at this time his self-confidence was also very hit.

Obviously he is the genius of Saiyan, the proud prince of Saiyan.

It's okay to be surpassed by Kakarot, after all, he's almost used to it over the years.

But now there is another legendary Super Saiyan Broly.

There is no limit to the jokes! !

"Eh? What's the story then!"

Son Goku continued to scratch his head in doubt.


At this moment, Son Goten looked at Broly who was rushing towards him, and muttered.

"Your attack method is too direct!"

Then his eyes froze, and he raised his right hand high.

A touch of golden energy instantly condensed in the palm of the palm, and then turned into a round air blade.

"Qi Yuan Slash Ten Blades!"

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