I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

040 Son Goten Refuses To Help, Son Goku's Last Plan, Fusion! (Seeking Flower Evaluation Tickets

"Is that so?"

"It seems that the matter is indeed serious, but I have to discuss this matter with Goten, and I can't make the decision."

Supreme Kai didn't decide for himself because he knew he couldn't be the master of Son Goten.

If you decide on your own, and Goten is unwilling at that time, it may cause unnecessary trouble.

And it's disrespectful to Goten.

"Goten, you heard what the Great Kai said just now!"

"Perhaps you are the only one who can deal with that wave of evil thoughts. I don't know what you think?"

Afterwards, Supreme Kai looked at Son Goten and asked.

If he followed his thinking, he naturally wanted Goten to deal with that evil thought wave.

Because in this way, it is possible to avoid causing the loss of life.

After all, when creatures from the underworld enter the real world, it will definitely cause a series of panics!

Then the world will be in chaos.

"Sorry, I can't help you with this matter."

"The real world and the underworld are two completely different worlds, and we should follow the laws of natural development."

"This is what my father and the others said before."

"The earth was also in extreme danger at that time, but they did not choose to resurrect to protect the earth."

"In their words, it is necessary to follow the law of natural development. There is no need for the dead to continue to be resurrected, so there is no need for the living to interfere with the affairs of the underworld."

"Of course, this is my personal opinion."

"If you want to help, that's your business. After all, you are gods, and these things are under your control."

Son Goten replied in a flat tone.

Although he does not reject fighting evil thoughts.

Maybe you can even pick up Xie Nianbo's various superpowers by fighting Xie Nianbo.

But before Son Goku they said, should follow the law of natural development.

Then people in the real world naturally don't need to go to the underworld to solve the crisis for them.

Maybe he still has some grudges about what happened a few years ago!

After all, the earth a few years ago was indeed very dangerous.

Once Cell returns to Earth, it will be the end of Earth.

At that time, he could only be killed by Cell!

Fortunately, Cell has not appeared in the past few years.

But Son Goten is not relieved.

Of course, Chichi and Bulma are also included.

They still can't understand the thoughts of Son Goku and Vegeta at that time.

Obviously they could use the Dragon Ball to resurrect and protect the earth, but they still decided to let the situation develop naturally.


After hearing Son Goten's cold tone, Supreme Kai was also at a loss for words.

Unexpectedly, Goten refused so simply!

But with the strength of him and Jebit, I'm afraid they can't solve the problem of the underworld at all.

"Great Kai, Goten can't help you with this matter."

"So you guys first think of a way to stabilize that wave of evil thoughts, and I will also think of a way here."

Supreme Kai could only reply awkwardly.

Although he is a distinguished Supreme Kai.

But after all, his strength is limited, and some things are simply not what he can do.

"Alright! Master Supreme Kai."

The Great Realm King could only interrupt the call.

It seems that if you want to get rid of the evil thoughts, you still have to rely on Goku and Ribs.

After hanging up the video call, Supreme Kai Asin immediately began to use the magic crystal ball to watch what happened in the underworld.


And at this time in the hell of the underworld.

The sky is full of giant colorful candies.

The figures of Son Goku and Vegeta soon appeared in sight.

At this time, the five people were covered with scars.

After several days of wheel tactics, not only did Xie Nianbo not consume any of his physical energy!

Instead, they fell into a very passive situation.

And this is why Xie Nianbo didn't want to get rid of them, maybe that guy wanted to play!

That's why they weren't killed...

"Goku, Son Goten has denied my request."

"He just said that people in the real world should not interfere in the affairs of the underworld, and should let the people in the underworld solve it by themselves and follow the laws of natural development."

"I'm really sorry, we can't help at all, now we can only rely on you to deal with Xie Nianbo!"

The voice of the Great Realm King quickly rang in Son Goku's mind.

Son Goku and Vegeta frowned suddenly.

They are all aware of Goten's strength. With his help, the wave of evil thoughts in front of them may be able to be eliminated.

But unexpectedly Goten refused!

"Can Goten resist fighting such a powerful opponent?"

Son Goku was a little surprised.

After all, Saiyan is warlike by nature.

Goten has the blood of Saiyan, and naturally has a warlike nature.

Unexpectedly, such a powerful opponent, Goten has no interest!

"Idiot, Kakarot."

"Can't you hear that kid Son Goten's words are very familiar?"

"That's what we said to Bulma and the others eight years ago."

"That little brat is obviously brooding over our refusal to be resurrected."

"Smelly brat..."

Vegeta immediately cursed at Son Goku.

Because he was too clear about the sentence that the eldest sister relayed just now!

This is what they said to Bulma and Chichi eight years ago when they were about to revive them with the Dragon Ball.

I didn't expect Goten, a brat, to hold grudges like this!

"Ah! Did we ever say that? I forgot."

Son Goku scratched the back of his head, apparently he didn't remember saying something like that eight years ago.

"It does appear to be so."

"Goten and Gohan have completely different personalities."

"Now it seems that Xie Nianbo can only be solved by ourselves!"

Piccolo also nodded and said.

Although Goten is also very kind in nature.

But his kindness is completely different from Gohan's.

Clearly, Goten is a man who likes to hold a grudge.

"Since this is the case, there is only one way!"

"Create a super soldier by using the fusion request of the Metamo star."

Son Goku's expression became serious in an instant!

With the strength of a few of them alone, even if they join forces, they will definitely not be able to defeat Xie Nianbo.

But through the Fusion method of the Metamore Stars, a super soldier can be created.

At that time, Xie Nianbo can definitely be easily killed!

And he and Vegeta are the most suitable candidates for Fusion.

"Nani?? Fusion."

Hearing the word Fusion, Vegeta's face suddenly changed.

Then showed a repulsive look.

It is absolutely impossible for the majestic Saiyan prince, the proud warrior, to agree to such a thing as Fusion!

"Vegeta, the fusion between the two of us works best."

Son Goku said to Vegeta very seriously.

Because they know each other very well.

Vegeta's understanding of himself completely surpassed Gohan's.

So Vegeta is the best candidate for Fusion.

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