I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

068 Teaching The Ultimate Mind Of Freedom And Realizing The Ultimate Mind Of Self (Subscription Requ

After hearing Angel Whis' words, Son Goten showed a little surprised look on his face.

Because he knew that Angel had always been neutral, he didn't expect to ask such a question today!

But before he could answer, Beerus had already spoken.

"Whis, do you bastard think I didn't hear?"

"I'm still standing here, are you ready to start looking for a new Gods of Destruction?"

Beerus cursed angrily.

I am now in my prime, even if I work for hundreds of millions of years, there will be no problem at all.

So he would never agree to something like choosing a new Gods of Destruction!

"Master Beerus, am I not doing this for your own good?"

"If something unfortunate happens to you one day, you won't end up without an heir."

Angel Whis said with an aggrieved face.

He obviously did it for the good of Master Beerus, but he couldn't see that he was good for him.

It's really a sad story.

"Bah! Shut your crow's mouth, and you'll have an accident!"

Beerus cursed again.

This guy, it seems that he can't see himself well every day.

It's hard to be in a better mood, but when he said that, it suddenly became bad.

After scolding Whis, he turned his head to look at Son Goten and said: "You are really strong, you are the most powerful existence among human beings I have encountered.

"Someday, if I have time and I happen to be interested, I will ask Whis to bring you to the God Realm, and we will fight again."

"But before that, you can train well. If it is still at this level, I will lose interest!"

"At that time, maybe I will destroy the earth."

After Beerus finished speaking, he and Whis disappeared on the earth in an instant.

That's what he said just now, purely to put pressure on Son Goten.

Because after the pressure, there is the motivation to become stronger.

Such a good opponent, it is estimated that there will be absolutely no second one!

It seems that it really needs to be cultivated well.

Although I have no plans to abdicate now, it is still necessary to choose a candidate for Gods of Destruction.

After all, in other universes, some Gods of Destruction have already started looking for candidates for Gods of Destruction!

He naturally needs to think about this kind of thing.

That's after Gods of Destruction Beerus left completely.

Everyone let out a long sigh of relief.

He wished Earth's crisis had been resolved and Goten was still intact.

It can even be seen that Gods of Destruction Beerus seems to appreciate Goten.

Chichi was the first to run up to Son Goten.

He hugged Son Goten directly.

He didn't speak, but Son Goten could feel the warmth of his heart.

This is the warmth that no one can give him!

"Okay mom, I'm fine, don't worry!"

Son Goten also patted Chichi on the shoulder and said softly!

He knew that Chichi was really worried about him, and he was worried from the bottom of his heart.

But she is just a weak woman, she can't help anything at all!

So I must have been worried and guilty just now!

"You brat, you can't take such a risk in the future."

"I scared my mother to death just now!"

"If I lose even you, then I won't have the faith to live in the future."

Chichi said in a sobbing voice.

This scene also moved everyone.

Even Son Goku felt a little guilty.

If he had enough strength, such a thing would not have happened.

But there is no way, his strength back then was no way to deal with Cell.

Today there is no way to compare with Gods of Destruction Beerus.

And all this can only be solved by his son Goten.

To be honest, this feeling made him very uncomfortable.

It seems that his practice is not enough!

"Okay ok Chichi, Goten is okay!"

"And now that things are settled satisfactorily, why don't we go on with our birthday party!"

"It's hard to have today's reunion and reunion, don't let what happened just now disturb us.

Bulma also hurried forward to comfort Chichi and said.

Afterwards, the birthday party started again in full swing.

A few hours later, the sun has slowly set to the west.

The afterglow of the setting sun illuminates the earth.

At this time, Son Goten's family has returned to Baozi Mountain.

They also want to relive the happiness of a family.

This is a warm picture that has never been seen before. The family is sitting on the top of the mountain, admiring the afterglow of the setting sun.

"Chichi, Goten, I'm really, really sorry.~!"

"When you need me most, I am not by your side.

"Actually, I've always felt guilty..."

Son Goku said to Chichi and Son Goten very seriously!

At this moment, he is obviously very guilty.

When they needed him most, he was in the underworld.

There is no way to give them any help!

Son Goten didn't speak, he could feel Son Goku's guilt and powerlessness.

"Goku, why did we revive you eight years ago? You resolutely chose not to be resurrected.

"At that time, did you know how hopeless the earth is, how hopeless we are?"

"And when Goten was just born, we also wanted to resurrect you, but you refused!"

"You Saiyans, it seems like you have no idea how desperate we were.

Chichi is also very serious at the moment, and said to Son Goku seriously.

The desperation and helplessness at that time were probably only clear to them.

Obviously they both have very powerful husbands.

But I have to live in endless fear every day.

"Chichi, it's not that we don't want to be resurrected."

"The reluctance to disturb the law of natural development that was said at the time was just an excuse."

"Have you ever thought that when we were just killed, even if we were resurrected, we would still be killed by Cell."

"At that time, it is very likely that he will be angered and destroy the entire earth."

"And when Goten was born, we weren't strong enough to compete with Cell!"

"If we are revived then Cell will definitely come back to Earth again.....

"So once we return to Earth, it will be accompanied by a greater crisis."

"And Bulma was right when he said that our presence will bring more and more powerful enemies to Earth.

"That's why we don't want to be resurrected."

“Actually, those are things that we have thought through.

Son Goku spoke very seriously.

In fact, they were not unwilling to be resurrected in the first place!

After all, Gohan was only ten years old at the time, arguably the best age.

And Trunks was only one year old at the time.

No father wants his child to die at this age!

But even if they were resurrected at that time, they would be killed by Cell.

It will even bring greater disasters to the earth.

When they made up their minds like that, they actually felt very painful in their hearts.

It's not that Saiyan has no emotion, it's just that the expression of emotion is not so obvious!

Son Gohan obviously knew what Son Goku was thinking.

So not too surprised.

It's just that the faces of Chichi and Son Goten showed surprise.

Especially Son Goten.

In fact, he also blamed Son Goku and the others before.

Why can they refuse to save their wives and children.

But now listening to Son Goku's explanation, they really have no other choice.

If it was revived at the beginning, it is true that Cell cannot be defeated.

Chase cannot avoid the fate of being killed again.

What's more, if the Cell is angered, the earth may be completely destroyed!

"It turns out...it turns out to be like this."

After listening to the explanation, Chichi suddenly realized.

Knowing he was wrong about Goku.

"Well, that's it."

"But now that Goten is so powerful, he is fully equipped to protect the earth!"

"I believe he will become stronger and stronger, and he can protect everyone."

"That way we can rest assured."

Son Goku smiled in relief.

Goten has become so strong now that he can't handle the crisis that he can't handle.

And it is impossible to protect the earth forever.

Now Goten can do these things instead of himself.

"so sorry!!"

"Actually, I hated you in my heart before."

Son Goten looked at Son Goku and said with a little embarrassment.

But now all misunderstandings seem to have been resolved.

But the word father still couldn't say it out.

"By the way, even if you go back to King Kai, you should train well."

"Don't think that the earth doesn't need your protection just because of my strength!"

"If one day a crisis breaks out on Earth that even I can't solve, you will still have to come back.

Son Goten smiled and said to Son Goku and Son Gohan.

In this dangerous world, nothing is absolute!

Although his own strength is very strong, he can't guarantee whether he will meet a more powerful opponent in the future.

"Ah! That's for sure."

Son Goku also nodded with a smile.

Looking at each other and smiling, it seems that all the barriers between the two have been eliminated.

Time flies so quickly that a day is almost fleeting.

Especially for Chichi and Bulma they can speak.

The time of reunion is always so short.

At ten o'clock the next morning, Son Goku and the others had to go back to the underworld.

Because the time of the day has passed.

At this time, the divination mother-in-law also came back.

"Goku, the time of day has come, and you must return to the Underworld."

The divination mother-in-law said to Son Goku and the others.

"Understood, mother-in-law."

Son Goku nodded quickly.

Then she turned to look at Chichi and Son Goten and said, "Goten, protect your mother.

"Looking forward to our next meeting."

"Goodbye, Chichi!"

After finishing speaking, everyone's bodies also disappeared in an instant.

Parting after a short reunion is often very sad.

Especially Chichi and Bulma, separated after just one day of reunion.

This is indeed very unacceptable.

But there is no way, they can't stop such a thing at all.

"Okay, let's go back!"

"Today I invite everyone to have a big meal."

Bulma obviously had a better mentality, and quickly adjusted his mentality, and said to everyone.


Lin nodded quickly.

of course he

Also very sad for Goku.

Then Bulma took them to a top restaurant for a meal.

Then Son Goten and Kling returned to Baozi Mountain.

"Goten, please start training me!"

"No matter how much training intensity is, I can accept it."

Kelin immediately spoke seriously to Son Goten.

After these two battles, he realized that his strength was simply not enough.

With this kind of strength, he can't help at all against the opponents he meets now.

It can even be killed in an instant!

He had already asked Bulma for help before.

But Bulma said that with her current technology, Kling's strength can only be raised to this level.

But in the future, she will think of a way.

But I can't wait any longer.

The crisis of the earth does not know when it will suddenly erupt.

So now he has to race against time to make himself stronger.

He really doesn't want to be a burden to Goten, he wants to be at least a little helpful when Goten is fighting!


"In this case, then I will teach you Ultra Instinct!"

"The way I ended up fighting Beerus."

Son Goten also nodded without hesitation.

He knew very well what Klin was thinking.

So there was no rejection.


Hearing that Goten is so generous, I want to teach him such a powerful ability.

An expression of disbelief suddenly appeared on Kelin's face!

He has seen with his own eyes how strong that kind of strength is.

More than two months ago, Goten couldn't beat Cell even if he transformed into Super Saiyan 2.

After becoming like that, Cell was completely killed in an instant!

The strength of that form is indeed outrageous.

If he can really learn that ability, his strength will definitely be improved qualitatively!

"of course it's true."

"However, it is not so easy to comprehend Ultra Instinct."

"First of all, we must achieve an absolute balance of mentality, which is also the biggest requirement for practitioners.

"If you can't achieve peace of mind, it is difficult to master Ultra Instinct."

Son Goten said very seriously.

"I . . . try to try.'

Clint nodded quickly.

In order to become stronger, he is willing to endure all things.

After all, I have even endured the pain of being skinned and boned when I was transformed, what else can't bear it?


"Then let's start now!"

Son Goten said, and began to introduce all the information about Ultra Instinct to Ke (good Zhao) Lin in great detail.

Although this is very difficult to master.

But Majin Buu's super regeneration ability and those abilities of Xie Nianbo are basically their own attributes.

It is simply impossible to learn by teaching.

So now the only thing that can be taught to Kling is Ultra Instinct.

In this way, the two are training desperately every day.

The days passed by.

All the theoretical knowledge about free energy has been taught to Kelin.

And Son Goten also demonstrated the form of Ultra Instinct to Kelin several times.

These include the changes in body and mentality after casting Ultra Instinct, as well as perception and experience, etc.

After teaching all of this to Kelin.

Son Goten also started his own training.

When he was in the spiritual time room before, he once thought that he could complete the perfect Ultra Instinct through his own training.

But that was not realistic, and he gave up after a while.

If you want to comprehend the perfect Ultra Instinct, you need an opportunity.

It is difficult to comprehend the perfect Ultra Instinct by training blindly.

So now, he puts the direction of training on Gods of Destruction's Gods of Destruction skill.

Gods of Destruction's Gods of Destruction abilities are more than just destructive powers.

Also includes the true form of Gods of Destruction........

In the second season of the Dragon Ball super manga, Vegeta's self-consciousness is a derivative form of the Gods of Destruction technique.

So he also wanted to comprehend that form of self-extreme intention.

Of course, if it is only in the form of self-consciousness, the strength is still not enough.

Son Goten naturally has his own plans in mind.

That is, after you have truly mastered the perfect free mind and self mind, you can find a way to perfect the fusion of these two divine skills.

At that time, not to mention the Gods of Destruction, I guess even if you meet Angel, you will have the strength to fight...

Of course, while practicing God's skills, you must never abandon Saiyan's transformation!

That's who he is.

Ultra Instinct, or ego extreme, is just a hand of cards. .

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