I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

082 The Fusion Of Two Krillins, The Ultimate Artificial Human? (Seeking Subscription)

Son Goten pushes Kling away.

Then with a backhand shot, the purple energy ball was instantly sent flying.

The ground suddenly exploded.

And the body of Android 21 rushed towards Son Goten like lightning in an instant.

There was still an evil smile on the corner of his mouth.

At the moment when No. 21's fist hit, Son Goten grabbed it and smashed it heavily on the ground.

No. 21 in this Majin Buu form is still very powerful in resisting blows.

In fact, it is the same as Majin Buu, except that she has the ability to completely eliminate all her cells in an instant!

Otherwise, it would be impossible to solve No. 21 at all.

Of course, the current Son Goten has no idea of ​​getting rid of Android 21.

This time, I came to find Android 21 because I wanted him to participate in the competition with the Sixth Universe.


The body of Android 21 was instantly embedded into the hard ground.


The moment the sharp voice sounded, black and red flames appeared around the body again.

The ground behind him was also blasted into a huge sinkhole in an instant.

With a leap of his body, he attacked Son Goten again.

"It's really overwhelming!"

Son Goten said lightly, and easily avoided all the attacks of No. 21.

But this guy is like taking a stimulant. The bigger he gets, the faster and faster he gets.

And after having Majin Buu's cells, I feel that I will never be tired in fighting!

This is a little more exaggerated than Fat Buu.

On the other hand, Kelin looked at the attack of Android 21 and was extremely surprised.

"It's unbelievable that the strength of this artificial man No. 21 is so powerful!"

"I thought Cell was the strongest work of Dr. Gero, but I didn't expect that Android 21 would be even stronger.

Kelin obviously didn't expect that the seemingly weak No. 21 had such a powerful force in his body.

At this time, her speed and strength are obviously not weaker than Majin Buu and Xie Nianbo before.

Dr. Gero is just an evil scientist on the earth, he never thought he could create such an artificial human!

Time passed by every minute and every second.

Android 21 has launched hundreds of attacks against Son Goten.

But it didn't hit once.

All the offense didn't even touch the creature's clothes!

16, the face of No. 21, who was originally insolent in Majin Buu form, became slightly dignified.

She also felt the gap between herself and Son Goten.

This gap seems to be difficult to make up.


But at this time the battle has already started, she can't care so much anymore!

The body kept moving at the fastest speed, and the fists kept blasting towards Son Goten.

"It's over, the 21st."

"I'm not interested in your attacking style at all."

Son Goten said lightly.

For others, Android 21 might be strong.

But in front of Son Goten, it is really vulnerable.

Even if she has Majin Buu's cells, killing her can be done in an instant.

The moment the words fell, Son Goten grabbed the fist of Android 21.

Then the right knee went up heavily.



The moment the knee touched the lower abdomen of Android 21, a mouthful of purple blood spewed out from the mouth instantly.

It feels like Son Goten's attack is like knocking out his soul in an instant.

The body also flew upside down like a kite with a broken string.

Son Goten disappeared in place in an instant.

When it reappeared, it had surpassed Android 21.

The right hand lightly patted on the shoulder of Android 21.



And the body of Android 21 seems to have received a huge blow, and the body hit the ground again like a meteorite.

The ground was smashed into a huge sinkhole again.

The clothes on Android 21 are already in tatters.

Originally there was only a piece of black cloth covering the chest, but now it was all tattered, and it couldn't cover anything!

She struggled several times, but she felt as if her strength had been sealed by a powerful force.

It's hard to even stand up!


At this time, Son Goten's body appeared in front of Android 21 again.

Lifting the palm, a purple destructive energy quickly condensed in the palm.

And Android 21 is clearly threatened.

His face suddenly became serious.

Although the artificial man No. 21 in this form is very irritable, his rationality is not as high as that of No. 21 in the normal form.

But the ability to perceive danger has become more and more acute.

She could clearly feel how terrifying the energy ball condensed by Son Goten was!

Perhaps in an instant, she can be completely wiped out!

The destructive energy hit the head of Android 21, and Son Goten's faint voice sounded accordingly.

"I have no intention of killing you, but if you continue to fight, maybe I will consider killing you!"

Son Goten's words made Android 21 suddenly stunned.

In the next second, Android 21 exited the form of Majin Buu directly.

changed back to what it was before.

"You said...you didn't intend to kill me?"

Then Android 21 asked.

Obviously she was a little surprised.

After all, these warriors on Earth have always wanted to destroy the artificial humans.

The main purpose of the artificial man is to kill Son Goku.

Of course, there are also artificial humans created with the purpose of destroying the entire world.

Son Goten nodded.

"Then... what is your purpose in looking for me?"

Android 21 asked with some vigilance.

She didn't really believe Son Goten's words.

"Tomorrow we have a match between our universe and other universes, and we are still short of the last player."

"Your strength is good, so I want you to participate."

Son Goten also straight to the point explained his purpose.

Even if Android 21 does not need to transform, his own strength is still very strong.

Fully capable and qualified for this fight!!

"Is that so?"

"Then can I refuse?"

A sweet smile appeared on the face of Android 21, looking at Son Goten and asking tentatively.

"Yes, but then I will be killed by you!"

Son Goten said calmly.


"Just kidding, the little brother's character is really a bit too violent?"

"I promise you that's okay?"

Robot No. 21 immediately changed his face, and said to Son Goten with a smile.

She also felt as if what Son Goten said was true.

With Son Goten's strength, if he wanted to kill her, it would be too easy!

It is no exaggeration to say that it can be done with a raise of hands.

"Your decision is wise!"

"In that case, come with me!"

Son Goten looked at Android 21, his tone was still very calm.

However, I couldn't help but look at No. 21 a few more times.

This guy looks absolutely perfect!

The huge evil before the murder also makes people not want to look away.

The figure is quite wow.

After seeing the eyes of Son Goten, the corner of the mouth of Android 21 showed a subconscious smile.

Looking at the Son Goten in front of him, although he is powerful, he is still a young man with full of vigor.

It is also difficult to resist the temptation of beautiful women!

And see after the battle is over.

Kelin also walked over from the side.

Android 21 still looks more pleasing to the eye in this form.

"Isn't this Mr. Crean?"

"It's unbelievable. Don't the warriors on Earth hate artificial humans the most? How come Mr. Kelin has also been transformed into an artificial human."

Robot No. 21 can tell at a glance that Klin has already become a robot.

It's more surprising now.

Because according to her data, all fighters on the earth are very resistant to artificial people.

But why was Krillin transformed into an artificial human?

It doesn't appear in his own database that Dr.Gero transformed Krillin.


Clint looked embarrassed.

Being transformed into an artificial human is also a helpless, last resort decision.

If the situation on the earth was not too critical at that time, he didn't want to turn himself into a man-made man.

As time goes by, he is now slowly accepting this result.

As long as it can protect the earth and block some small troubles for Goten, it doesn't matter whether it is a human or an artificial human!

"Don't ask if you shouldn't."

Son Goten said coldly.

Kelin is his friend, and it is helpless to be transformed into an artificial human.

What Android 21 said just now was obviously exposing Kling's scars.


"All right!"

"Actually, Mr. Kelin has become a cyborg now, and I have a way to make Mr. Kelin even stronger.

After Android 21 nodded, he looked at Kelin again and said.

Now she has fully mastered the technology that Dr. Gero had mastered before.

In Dr.Gero's idea of ​​making artificial humans, there was a concept of making artificial humans fit together.

At that time, Dr. Gero thought that the most suitable candidate was Android 17.

Because Android 17 itself is transformed by humans.

If a purely machine-type Android 17 is made, and then the two of them are combined, a super powerful ultimate robot warrior can be born.

This kind of ultimate robot warrior is simply not an existence that can be compared with the kind of Cell.

It's a pity that when he modified Android 17 a few times ago, human thoughts and feelings remained in his body.

Dr. Gero is definitely not willing to let Android 17 become the ultimate robot and not obey his orders.

So that experiment was never done!

In the end, Dr. Gero was killed by No. 17, so there was no time for the fit test.

And now Kling seems to be very similar to Android 17.

They are all made of ordinary human beings.

What's more, Kling was a martial artist himself before his transformation.

So if an experiment can be completed, then Kling may have more power than Android 17.

At that time, it may become a real ultimate artificial man...

"What... what?"

"Is there anything you can do to make me stronger?"

"May I ask what method?"

After hearing that I can become stronger,

Kelin immediately looked at Android 21 with great excitement and asked.

All along, he has been eager to become stronger.

Even in my dreams, I want to become stronger and be able to keep up with Goten's footsteps.

Even if you can't keep up with Goten's footsteps, at least you can't be a burden to him in battle!

It's just that even if he trains desperately, the gap between him and Goten has not been made up.

Instead, it gets bigger and bigger!

Hearing that he can still become stronger now, he is naturally extremely excited.

As long as he can become stronger, no matter what method he uses, no matter how much pain he endures, he can accept it.

Son Goten also looked at Android 21 curiously.

He knew that Android 21 had completely inherited Dr.Gero's technological talents.

It even includes tech ideas and the experience of creating an artificial human!

So she is definitely not joking, but it can indeed help Kelin improve his strength.

"Actually, the method is very simple. This is the technological concept left by Dr. Gero before."

"I have seriously analyzed this concept before, and it is completely feasible."

"That is to create a pure machine Kling again, and then let you combine them."

"In the end, the ultimate artificial man will be born..."

"Originally, Dr. Gero wanted to make Android 17 into the ultimate artificial human. This is because the human feelings and thoughts of Android 17 cannot be completely removed."

"Dr. Gero was afraid that No. 17, who became the ultimate android, would be uncontrollable, so he just didn't try."

Robot No. 79721 also said very seriously.

Let Kling become strong, maybe Son Goten can also see himself loyal.

"Ultimate.....artificial human?"

Hearing the words of the ultimate artificial man, Kelin clenched his fists tightly.

The body trembled accordingly.

Although I don't know what kind of power will erupt after the fusion of the two Krillins!

But it will definitely be very powerful...

The name of the ultimate artificial man seems to symbolize the strength after the fusion.

"Is that the way it is?"

After hearing this way, Son Goten was surprised.

But it does work.

Because in Dragon BallGT, Dr.Gero and Dr.Myuu in hell joined forces to create a purely mechanized No. 17.

After the two Android 17s are combined, their strength is directly comparable to Son Goku of Super Saiyan 4.

More importantly, they can continuously absorb energy, thus becoming stronger and stronger.

Dragon BallGT has a medium fit of size 17, and it can indeed be called the ultimate artificial human.

At that time, the strength of the two No. 17s should not be comparable to that of Kelin now.

If Klin is allowed to fit together in that way, it will definitely be quite powerful!

"On the 21st, how long would it take for you to make a purely mechanized Kling?"

Son Goten asked.

There is now only one day left until the match against the Sixth Universe!

I don't know if the 21st of the day can make a purely mechanized Kling.

"It's estimated to be about ten days!"

"With Bulma's help, maybe the Lord can finish it."

Android 21 is conservatively estimated.

After all, it is not an easy task to create an artificial human with exactly the same personality as Kling.

"Will it take at least three or five days?"

"It seems that I can't catch up with this match against the Sixth Universe?"

"But it doesn't matter, those guys in the sixth universe are not very good."

Son Goten murmured.

Even with Klin's current strength, except for the sixth universe's killer Hitt, no one else is likely to be Klin's opponent.

The thing that can make the two Klings fit together can be pushed back.

"Ultimate.....artificial human? I don't know what level the power will reach. It's really exciting!"

Collins is still immersed in the joy of the ultimate android.

"Little brother Goten, you mean that I am helping you participate in the competition and also helping you transform Kling, so tired, how do you want to thank me?"

Android 21 suddenly smiled and said to Son Goten.

Her voice, movements and eyes are quite charming.

Especially with that beautiful facial features and figure.

She is simply a proper charming vixen!

"Then how do you want me to thank you?"

"Also...you can call me little brother again, be careful that I will destroy you."

Son Goten said coldly.

My younger brother is not young at all.

And Android No. 21 is definitely uncontrollable. .

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