I! Son Goten, Start Bonus Ultra Instinct

095 Beerus' Decision, Resurrecting Son Goku And Vegeta (Subscribe)

Because Goten told himself about Ultra Instinct before.

Moreover, half a month's time was drawn, let him try to see if he can comprehend it?!

It's a pity, perhaps because of his lack of comprehension ability, half a month had no effect.

In the end, I could only give up.

Goten said at the time that he used the imperfect Ultra Instinct when fighting Sixth Universe Hitt.

If the Ultra Instinct at that time was in an imperfect state, then it is obvious that the current Goten has realized the perfect Ultra Instinct.

This state of calm and wavelessness is exactly the same as Goten described before.


Son Goten let out a long sigh of relief, and then looked around his body ~ those gorgeous ages.

"Finally the perfect Ultra Instinct."

"It does feel a lot stronger than the Ultra Instinct."

Feeling the power of God flowing from his body, Son Goten also whispered to himself lightly.

It's just a pity that if you want to maintain this state, you must be as calm as water.

In fact, in battle, the perfect Ultra Instinct does not have much advantage.

Because it is very difficult for Saiyan to maintain a calm state in battle.

It is estimated that this is why Son Goku abandoned this sense of freedom in the Dragon Ball Super Season 2 manga.

Finally comprehend the Ultra Instinct that can control emotions.

However, being able to comprehend Ultra Instinct in such a fast time is quite a remarkable thing.

As for the Ultra Instinct that controls emotions, it can be studied slowly in the future.

After all, Ultra Instinct is just one of his trump cards.

The real power must also rely on the Super Saiyan's own power zone.

At this time, Trunks also walked in front of Son Goten.

"Goten, congratulations on finally comprehending the perfect Ultra Instinct."

"You guys are really ridiculously strong. You can comprehend such an unfathomable ability in such a short period of time!"

While congratulating, Trunks did not forget to praise Son Goten.

Only those who have personally experienced Ultra Instinct know how difficult it is to master.

That is an extremely mysterious realm.

It is too difficult for those who understand to truly achieve peace of mind.

Especially for Saiyan.

"The main thing is that Whis taught me last time, otherwise I wouldn't be able to master the perfect Ultra Instinct so quickly."

Son Goten just smiled back.

Now that I have mastered the perfect Ultra Instinct, even in this state, it must be very easy to defeat Jiren!

But he will never be complacent just because he can beat Jiren, and stop there.

Because there are too many people stronger than Jiren.

And now they have had contact with Zeno.

Then maybe there will be more and more contacts in the future, and more and more dangers will follow.

Therefore, the pace of improving strength cannot be stopped for a moment.

"Anyway, you are really amazing!"

"If Uncle Goku can see how powerful you are, he will be very pleased."

Trunks continued.

At the same time, I also sighed in my heart, wondering if my father would feel relieved when he saw himself now?

"Okay, let's continue training while we still have time!"

Son Goten may not be interested in Son Goku's comfort.

The only thing I am interested in now is to keep getting stronger.

In the next time, he plans to try whether he can use Ultra Instinct on the basis of his self-consciousness.

If he can succeed at that time, his strength will undergo another qualitative change.

Fusion of two divine skills, maybe very likely to reach the level of Angel


Trunks also nodded quickly.

And at this time in the Gods of Destruction world.

Gods of Destruction Beerus and Whis finished buckets of noodles.

The two sat contentedly on the deck chair.

"Master Beerus, several days have passed!"

"Goten said before when he left the God Realm, let you go to the universe to find some players to participate in the competition."

"But you don't seem to take what Goten said seriously!"

Whis turned his head and glanced at the contented Beerus, and then said lightly.

Now there are only five fighters on the earth including Goten.

If the competition held by Master Zeno requires ten or more contestants per universe!

Then they won't be able to find so many players in a while.

Lord Beerus is just too lazy.

"What's the rush? Master Zeno hasn't announced the number of contestants yet?"

"And there is no news for so many days, maybe Master Zeno has forgotten about this matter.

Beerus said impatiently.

It was so comfortable to stay in the God Realm and eat delicious food, so he didn't bother to waste time.

"It's true, Mr. Jail King may have really forgotten!"

"I'm really worrying too much. Even if I can't gather the number of participants, the most I can do is destroy the entire Seventh Universe."

"This matter doesn't seem to have a great impact on me, and I shouldn't worry about it."

Whis said a little bit weirdly.

Then he leaned directly on the recliner, closed his eyes and began to enjoy the eye bath.

Anyway, even if the entire Seventh Universe is destroyed by Master Zeno, their Angel will be fine.

After I heard this, Beerus sat up suddenly.

His eyes are not as lazy as before.

Whis was absolutely right.

They are very clear about Master Zeno's character, and he does things completely on a whim.

Maybe he has forgotten now, but what should he do if he suddenly remembered in a few days?

If it is true that each universe needs ten or more players, then the seventh universe will not be able to get them together.

It is very likely that it will be directly destroyed by Master Zeno on the spot.

What's more, if you randomly invite ten people to participate, you may be destroyed on the spot because you don't respect Mr. Zeno.

Although it is very comfortable to lie down like this.

But it can't go on like this.

At that time, it will be troublesome if it is really destroyed by Master Zeno.

"Whis, Whis...."

"Hurry up and help me see which other planets in our seventh universe have powerful fighting talents?"

Beerus hurriedly said to Whis.

"Oh? Wasn't Lord Beerus not worried at all just now?"

"Why are you asking this all of a sudden now?"

"Isn't it nice to lie down and sunbathe?"

Whis glanced at Beerus and said angrily.

Just now I kindly reminded him not to take it seriously, but it only took a few seconds! Then I changed my mind.

"Stop talking nonsense, hurry up."

"Hurry up and see who are the stronger humans in our seventh universe besides Son Goten on Earth?"

Beerus cursed and continued.

Although he is Gods of Destruction of a universe, he doesn't know much about the seventh universe.

After all, he spends most of his time sleeping, and after waking up, he randomly destroys several planets.

There is simply no extra time to learn about this universe.

"Oh! You are really troublesome enough."

After Whis complained, maybe he could only take out his Angel staff, and then began to look seriously.

After watching for a few minutes, he said to Beerus: "Master Beerus, there are not many humans in our seventh universe who are talented in fighting, and there are even fewer powerful ones!"

"I looked at it just now, and there are a few fighters on Sita's side, but their strength is a little too weak, maybe even the current Klin can't compare."

"If you participate in this kind of universe-level competition, I'm afraid you won't be able to make it to the stage."

"There are also some remnants of Frieza's subordinates, but their strength is ridiculously weaker!"

After hearing Whis' words, Beerus frowned instantly.

Unexpectedly, in such a vast universe, there are so few humans suitable for fighting!

And if those guys can't even match Klin's fighting power, then it is meaningless to participate in this competition.

Because they don't work at all!

Beerus propped his chin and stood up from the recliner.

Then it started wandering around.

After thinking for a few minutes.

Suddenly, a flash of inspiration seemed to come up with something!

Then he said to Whis: "Whis, do you remember Vegeta and the other Saiyan we saw when we first went to Earth?"

"That Saiyan seems to be Son Goten's father, what's his name?"

Although those guys in Vegeta are not as powerful as Son Goten!

But it's still Saiyan anyway, and his strength is not bad.

They are also Saiyan. If they are trained properly, their strength may be improved a lot.

"It's called Son Goku, Beerus Tianping."

Whis opened his mouth and replied.

But then he said: "But they have been dead for many years, if they are allowed to participate in this competition, I'm afraid it will be a bit bad!"

"What's wrong with that!"

"Master Zeno has no rule that dead people cannot participate!"

"And don't your Angels have the ability to be resurrected? Wouldn't it be good to just revive them?"

Beerus said indifferently.

As Gods of Destruction of a universe, there is still the right to revive a few humans.

And those Saiyans are really good too.

If they are cultivated for a period of time, their strength will definitely be greatly improved!

When the time comes to participate in the competition organized by Master Zeno, the possibility of winning will be even greater.

"Angel was actually able to bring them back to life."

"But this seems to be a bit against the laws of nature, is it really okay?"

Whis continued to ask.

After all, resurrecting the dead is a violation of the rules.

It's like traveling through time and space at will.

It is a complete change of the natural order.

Reviving the dead in this way means creating a parallel time and space out of thin air.

"Of course, I can do it if I say yes."

Let's go find those guys now. "

Beerus immediately said to Whis.

They don't have much time now, because Master Zeno will suddenly hold the All-Universe Contest that he mentioned!

So after resurrecting Son Goku and Vegeta, we need to help them improve their strength as much as possible.

…… Ask for flowers…………

"Since Lord Beerus is so determined, then fine!"

Hearing that Beerus was so persistent, Whis didn't say much.

Anyway, Angel can't make decisions on many things, and the final decision is still in the hands of Gods of Destruction.

but there is a problem

Afterwards, Angel doesn't have to bear the responsibility, everything will naturally be borne by Gods of Destruction.

Then Whis looked at where Son Goku and the others were through his superpower.

Then head to the planet King Kai with Beerus!

Because of Son Goku they have been training on the planet King Kai.

And at this time on the planet King Kai.

Son Goku and the others are also training hard.

Especially since they last saw the power of Goten, and the power of Gods of Destruction Beerus.

Let them know that there are many strong people in this universe.

And the strength is far beyond them.

This also greatly stimulated their determination to work hard.

Although only a few months have passed, the strength of Son Goku and Vegeta has also improved significantly.

At this moment, Son Goku's strength has fully reached the limit of Super Saiyan 3.

If he didn't know the form of Super Saiyan after 3rd, he would have already broken through!

As for Vegeta, although it is still in the form of Super Saiyan II.

But his strength is not much weaker than Son Goku in Super Saiyan 3.

After all, the strength of Saiyan depends on the basic combat power.

The stronger the basic combat power, the stronger it will be after transformation.

The strength of Son Goten and Piccolo has also been greatly improved.

"These guys, it seems that the last battle between Son Goten and Lord Beerus stimulated them a lot!"


"That's why they trained so desperately."

King Kai looked at Son Goku and Vegeta who refused to stop for a moment, and sighed.

Since the last time I came back from Earth.

The training of Son Goku and Vegeta can be said to be a waste of sleep and food.

Even foodie Son Goku seems to be less interested in food now.

Knowing to continue training with Vegeta all day long.

Sometimes he really doesn't understand, he has turned into a few dead people, what is he doing with such a powerful strength?

"Ha Ya Ya Ya!"

"Ah da da da!"

Son Goku and Vegeta are outputting crazy to each other at this time.

The entire planet of King Kai has long been destroyed and devastated.

And Son Goten and Piccolo are also fighting with all their strength.

Suddenly, King Kai felt a very familiar and powerful breath of God.

And quickly approaching the Supreme Kai world.

"What... what??"

"This divine aura is... Master Beerus?"

"How did he come to my planet!"

After suffering from Beerus' breath, King Kai instantly turned pale with fright.

I remember a long time ago, after Beerus came to his planet for the first time, because the food he made was not very tasty.

Just turn your own planet into such a little bit!

Don't know what kind of disaster will happen this time?


Just a minute later, accompanied by the sound of breaking through the air, two figures suddenly appeared.

These two people are obviously Beerus and Whis.

"Bi...Master Beerus, you are here, and I am sorry for the loss."

King Kai hurriedly ran up to Beerus, and said respectfully.

As for Son Goku and the others, they stopped training instantly after hearing the sound of breaking through the air.

Then he quickly looked over here.

Then saw Beerus and Whis.

"Master Beerus? What is he doing here!"

"have no idea!"

"But nothing good will happen!"

Vegeta shook his head and said in a low voice.

Where Gods of Destruction shows up, absolutely nothing good happens.

"King Kai, it's been a long time, I didn't expect your planet to be so small!"

"Also, what's the matter with the halo above your head?"

Beerus asked lightly.

"Eh, it's hard to describe in words."

King Kai replied awkwardly, then glared at Son Goku.

If this bastard hadn't brought Cell to his planet, he wouldn't have been blown up!

Most importantly, after he was killed, the Cell was still not killed.

So his death did not play any role at all!

"Master Beerus, I don't know what orders you have come to the humble house today!"

King Kai also hurriedly asked.

I hope it's not because I let Goku and the others return to Earth privately last time, and then came to punish myself.

"The purpose of our visit this time is because of them."

Beerus could only refer to Son Goku and Vegeta, and said lightly.

"What? Because of us."

Son Goku and the others were stunned.

Did Beerus come to fight with them?

But it's obviously a bit funny, because even if they teamed up, they would not be Beerus' opponents.

"Hey, would you guys like to be resurrected, and then go with Goten and the others to fight against other universe powerhouses?".

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