I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 132:

"You... I didn't expect you to come to see me on your own initiative. It's really strange, Qiye."

Inanna's words intertwined with sadness and joy made Deketo shudder. Now she looked at Inanna who was drunk and hazy, and suddenly felt a little regret in her heart. She now felt that the beautiful blonde and golden eyes before her. Goddess, I can't handle it myself...

But she came, and Deketo couldn't just run away, so she touched her goosebumps skin, and said in a loud voice (smudged by the smell of alcohol), "I came here to hope that you will take care of the black sheep. Luke's."

"You came to see me just for this matter? I thought you came to me for Enkidu, or how to get immortality." Inanna, who was a little drunk, looked at me in surprise and said this sentence 'Seven Nights'.

In other words, the affairs of Enkidu, or the pursuit of immortality, are more important than managing Uruk well.

But...why did the person in front of me, Qi Ye, who took the initiative to come to see her, said these words?

"I'm here to see you for these things. If you can't do it, I'll say goodbye!" Decoduo took a step back, and Inanna said quickly, "Wait a minute."

"You are very wrong, Qiye... But forget it, I will take care of Uruk."

"Then what is the price, my father...cough, a great king said that if you ask the gods to do things, you will definitely pay the price." Decade coughed and changed the word "my father".

Chapter 297 Chapter 190

"There is no cost. Governing Uruk is my own duty." Inanna narrowed her golden eyes and stared at the black-haired and white-robed man standing in front of her. She always felt that the seven nights in front of her were different from the seven nights she knew... ...not the same person.

"That's it, then you are really a generous goddess, why don't you come to the Kingdom of Babylon to help too." Decoduo said happily.

Decade felt that if this goddess could solve Uruk's dilemma, then it should also be able to solve Babylon's dilemma.

"Impossible, I don't have this obligation, unless... you make me the city **** of Babylon."

"This... I have to discuss it with others."

"Hmph, with Semiramis?" Inanna snorted softly.

No, Decade was not discussing with Semiramis, but with Seven Nights.

Now the alcohol in Inanna's beautiful eyes has faded, and her eyes have sharpened. She believes in how she feels about Qiye, so she feels that the man in front of her is definitely not the man she cares about.

"But if you want me to help Babylon, then play a song for me. If I'm in a good mood, maybe I can help." Inanna pointed to the mud flute tied around Decade's waist. .

"Okay~" Decade happily pulled out the flute from his waist.

'Oh, I didn't expect to appease this goddess so easily. After the royal father finds out, he will definitely praise me. ’

But... the next second when Deketo played the flute, the mud flute in her hand was shattered by the magic bullet.

"..." Decade widened her eyes and looked at Inanna who held out her finger at her. It was her fingertip that fired the magic bullet just now.

"Oh, why are you looking at me with such a surprised expression? You fake, you dare to pretend to be Qiye to deceive me. It seems that you are very courageous. Who are you... Forget it, go to hell."

The anger and killing intent of the goddess made Deketo feel the chill of death for the first time. In a panic, she stomped on the ground of the temple.


The chains of the earth rose into the sky. The chains turned into a barrier, blocking the middle of Decade and Inanna, and Deketo fled in the chaos.

Inanna didn't pursue her, she looked at the chain of earth in front of her in surprise, "This... is indeed Qiye's ability, isn't it wrong, is he Qiye?"

"No, he's definitely not Qiye. Qiye wouldn't come to me in a mess, and he wouldn't be able to play such an unpleasant flute."

Because of the chains of the earth, Inanna's temple suddenly shook, causing the Uruk priests and nobles outside to panic.

"Did the sage-sama fight with the city **** inside?"

"No way... Probably not. After all, he is a reliable sage."

Yes, if it was Qiye, there would be no fight, but... the Qiye inside is not Qiye.

Just when they were so worried and fearful, the black-haired and white-robed sage ran out of the inside in a panic, and walked away without even saying hello to them...

Gilgamesh and Seven Nights in Uruk Palace also heard a strange sound from the Temple of Inanna.

"Did something happen?" Qiye, who was holding the wine glass, looked outside in surprise, and Gilgamesh immediately said loudly, "Soldier, what happened outside."

An Uruk soldier walked in hastily outside, and he said in a panic, "King, Inanna's temple suddenly shook for some unknown reason."

Qiye and Gilgamesh looked at each other, then put down the wine glass in his hand and walked outside.

At this time, Deketo, who had changed back to her original appearance, hurriedly stepped on the stairs leading to the Uruk Palace. Qiye stared at Deketo who was in a panic below, and an ominous feeling suddenly rose in her heart. hunch.

Gilgamesh also saw Decade, and he said, "Your daughter is too timid in Qiye, so she was scared like this?"

"No, Jill, you're wrong, Deketo is very courageous, she won't panic to such a degree because of this commotion, unless... these commotions are caused by herself." Qiye slowly said.

Deketo, who came up with her skirt, saw Qiye's figure. Her little face showed a happy expression at first, and then she didn't know what to think, and her happy expression instantly turned into a guilty conscience.

"Father... Father King."

Qiye looked at Deketo who came up and greeted him timidly, and he sighed helplessly, "Tell me, Deketo, did you cause the disturbance in Uruk?"

"……Yes, it is."

"Hey, you really did a good job." Gilgamesh, who sneered, looked at Decade, who lowered his head and looked at his toes, and rubbed his black hair at Qiye, "Come on, tell us about you what did you do?"

Seven Nights and Gilgamesh entered the Uruk Palace, and Decade, who was uneasy, followed.

Decade didn't hide it either, and honestly told what she had done.

"..." After listening to Decade's story, both Nanye and Gilgamesh fell into silence.

"Hey~ Hahahahaha~" Gilgamesh laughed suddenly, he patted Qiye's shoulder while laughing, "Qiye, you are right, your daughter is indeed not a coward, she is more courageous than this king It's still big, how dare you pretend to be you to comfort Inanna, hahahahaha!"

"..." Qiye rubbed his swollen temples. He looked at Deketo, who was obediently standing in front of him, with a look of 'I know I was wrong'.

"Maybe it was a wrong choice for me to bring you along. We haven't set off yet, so you will cause trouble for me."

"Hmm." Decoduo flattened her mouth. She felt that Qiye would scold her for this and throw her back to the Kingdom of Babylon. After all, she had made trouble, and the trouble was not that big.

What a fool.

"Come here." Qiye beckoned to Deketo, she approached cautiously, and Qiye touched her head, "Are you hurt?"

"No, after Inanna saw through my disguise, she planned to attack me, but I stopped it and ran away." Deketo replied obediently, she raised her head timidly and looked at Qiye, " Aren't you angry?"

"Angry, there is a daughter who is so disobedient and causes trouble for me, how could she not be angry." Helpless Qiye pinched her tender face.

Although Qiye was quite angry, Deketo's starting point was good, that is... the consequences were very bad, and he couldn't get angry even if he spoiled the child.

Section 298 Chapter 191 The Prophecy of the Gods [Signs of the Seventh Singularity]

"Father, I apologize to you." Decade said obediently.

"Wrong." Qiye knocked on Decade's head, "It's not me who you should apologize to, but Inanna and your uncle Gilgamesh."

"You pretended to be me, teased Inanna, and because of this, you damaged Inanna's temple, so that your uncle Gilgamesh had to rebuild the temple, so you should apologize to the two of them."

"I don't care about this king. Anyway, the destroyed temple is to be rebuilt. If Inanna's words, you little girl should ask for your own blessings, that goddess is very scary." Gilgamesh shrugged, and Germany Ke Duo swallowed timidly.

How terrifying that goddess is, Deketo saw a little bit, and Inanna's anger and killing intent after seeing her identity made her whole body feel cold.

In fact, the reason why Inanna is so angry is because the person who Decade is disguised is Nanye...

Dare to pretend to be Qiye to fool her, isn't this courting death!

"Let's go, go see Inanna with me, and apologize to her. If you apologize, Inanna should..." Qiye paused.

"Forgive me?" Decade added.

"No, I don't know what Inanna will do, but forgiveness is impossible, but if you apologize, I will be very happy." Qiye shook his head, and the words forgiveness seem to have nothing to do with Inanna. relation.

"Father, did I get into a big disaster?" Decade asked cautiously.

"Yeah, that's right." Qiye nodded, Inanna was a troublesome person, and now that Deketo is doing something like this, it's a big disaster.

"Then I'll go and apologize to her myself, so that it won't affect the father." Decoduo said seriously.

"I'm glad you have this idea. One person does the work and one person does the work, but she came here." Qiye, who touched Deketo's head, looked at the palace, and with a bang, the wall of the palace of Babylon was smashed.

And Gilgamesh and the soldiers of Uruk have long been used to it, um... They are used to the walls of the Uruk Palace being destroyed by the city **** from time to time, so there is no fluctuation in their hearts.

Inanna, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Ma Anna, flew in. She looked at Qiye in the palace and narrowed her beautiful eyes, "What happened to that 'Seven Nights' just now, is it you?"

Shaking his head, Qiye protected Decade behind him, "It's not me, but I know who disguised me."

"It's me." Deketo, who was guarded by Qiye, stuck her head out, and she whispered, "I disguised my father as the king. I wanted the goddess of harvest to rule the withering earth, so I disguised as my father. of."

"Father? You are..." Inanna looked at Deketo with her head sticking out from behind Qiye in astonishment. Now she turned her attention away from Qiye's body, only to find that this little girl was in addition to the black and white pair. Aside from his eyes, everything else was exactly the same as Semiramis when he was a child.

In other words... Semiramis' daughter pretended to be Seven Nights and made fun of her! !

And the reason why that 'Seven Nights' was able to control the earth just now was because she was the child of Qiye.

"I'm sorry about what happened just now." Decade said in a low voice.

Originally, Gilgamesh and Qiye thought that Inanna would start to be unreasonable, and then made all kinds of troublesome forgiveness requests, but she didn't expect that she, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Maanna, turned around and planned to leave look.

"Inanna, you just left..."

"Or else." Inanna said calmly with her back to Qiye.

"Those things that Decade did to you."

"I forgive her."

"It's not like your style, it really surprises me." Gilgamesh looked at Inanna in surprise and said.

"The human beings enshrined will change, and the gods enshrined will change. What's unexpected?" Inanna turned her head and looked at Qiye behind her, "You are not a person who is afraid of death, you want to pursue immortality is just an excuse, right? An excuse for what was planned."

Qiye's heart skipped a beat, and before he could say anything, Inanna, who was sitting on the Tianzhou Ma Anna, turned into a golden afterimage and left.

But before Inanna left, she left a sentence.

"If you really want to live forever, come and find me."

Inanna is very clear about Qiye, this man will refuse even the goddess's proposal, and even the attack of the gods will resist. .

"Huh..." Qiye exhaled a sigh of relief, "I didn't expect that Inanna's change was so great that it would be so easy for the original Decoduo's action."

"I heard that the injured woman will mature. I think this is your credit for Qiye." Gilgamesh said solemnly.

Qiye knew that Gilgamesh was making fun of him, so he gave this guy a blank look. Decade, who was guarded by Qiye, pulled Qiye's sleeve, and she asked timidly, "Father, I am now Is it alright?"

"You have something to do, you have a big problem." Qiye pinched Decade's face, "You have caused us such a big trouble before we set off. Do you think you will be fine?"

"Uhhh." Deketo could only let out a helpless whimper. She already knew that she was in trouble, so she let Qiye deal with it. Even if he threw her back to the Kingdom of Babylon, she would have no problem.


"Don't punish Deketo, she wants to help this king manage Uruk well."

Gilgamesh's words made Decade look grateful, and then Gilgamesh's next words made her look sad.

"It's just that the method I came up with is a bit stupid, and it's just self-defeating."

I'm so sorry for being so stupid!

Qiye let go of Decade's face, and he said to Gilgamesh, "Jill, let's go now, in case something happens to you."

"Okay, this king can't wait to set off, so let's set off now." Gilgamesh replied immediately, and he actually didn't want to wait until tomorrow to set off.

"Then father, what about me?" Deketo looked at Qiye expectantly, and Qiye said helplessly, "Of course you are going with us, although you are a troublemaker, but leave yourself in Uruk, Or send you back to Babylon and feel like you're going to get into even more trouble."

"I promise I won't cause trouble again." Decoduo quickly assured.

"Can you trust this girl's promise?"

"Please believe it! It's really not going to cause trouble again!"

"Then let's trust you again."

Because Deketo disguised as Qiye and successfully cheated his father once, Qiye wanted to leave Uruk as soon as possible, and the night was long and dreamy.

And Gilgamesh has no opinion at all. He can't wait to leave the deserted kingdom of Uruk. As for Deketo, this little girl who is good at making trouble has no opinion. She just offended Inanna. Leave Uruk now.

So on the night Qiye and Deketo came to Uruk, the three of them brought some clothes and left Uruk.

Embark on a journey to find the immortal [prolonging time].

Qiye and the three of them have been heading towards the place where the sun sets, and that is where Ma Shushan is.

They left the roads with human traces, stepped into the vast grasslands, crossed the hot deserts, and crossed the vast rivers.

When I was tired and sleepy, I made a mud room to rest, I was thirsty and hungry, and I went hunting in the wild. Everything was so primitive.

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