I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 134:

"Father, I seem to have seen a light!" Decade said excitedly.

"This king is also."

"Well, I saw it too, it should be the exit."

As soon as Qiye's voice fell, the chariot filled with the flames of the sun rushed into the light, and then the sight of the three of them in Qiye suddenly became clear.

And what comes into view is a beautiful world with a mythical existence.

Jewels are sprinkled all over the earth, the iron tree blooms with lapis lazuli flowers, and bears beautiful fruits like lapis lazuli. This is Mount Mashu, the true garden of the gods.

Section 300 Chapter 193: The Boatmen of Noah's Ark

"It's so beautiful." Decade, with twinkling eyes, looked at this beautiful place, "Follow your father to take an adventure, and you will always encounter surprises."

"This king feels the same way." Gilgamesh, who agreed with Decade, snapped his fingers, and Nanye looked at Gilgamesh, who opened Uruk's treasury, subtly.

"What are you doing, Jill... No, I should ask you what you want to do."

"To collect the treasure, this is the treasure we found. Of course we have to put it away. Don't worry, this king will give you half of the treasure." Gilgamesh said with a happy smile.

"No, it was the father who took you through the dark tunnel. The credit is the greatest. It should be seven or three points. Our seven uncle Gilgamesh, you three."

"This is no good, at most six or four!"

"Well, what do you think, Father."

Qiye knocked on Deketo's head neither too lightly nor too seriously, "Look what, we didn't come to Ma Shushan for these gems, let's go find Siduri's mother."

"That's right, let's get down to business first." Gilgamesh nodded, and he raised his head to look at the sky over Mount Mashu. The sky over Mount Mashu was the same as the outside, and he could see the sky and the nasty things.

After they passed through the tunnel in Qiye, the sun was still hanging high, and all the gods could get lost in the dark tunnel. Hours passed.

"Siduri said that her mother lives in the seaside garden of Mashu Mountain. Let's go to the seaside of Mashu Mountain."

"it is good."

Qiye and the three of them continued to move towards the seaside of Mashu Mountain. As for how to identify the direction, this is very simple. Qiye only needs to take a bite of the soil here to know.

Of course... Qiye didn't eat the soil because he wanted to know what the soil on Ma Shushan was like!

Following the information provided by the soil, Qiye and the others came to the seaside, and the seawater in this sea is normal, clear and pure, but that's all there is to it.

In the distant sea, it was pitch black.

Just like what the Eye of the Age of God saw before the Seven Nights.

The darkness that floods the land of Mesopotamia.

The sea over there is not a normal sea, but a sea of ​​death that brings death.

"This should be the sea of ​​death of Mount Mashu. As long as we cross the sea of ​​death of Mount Mashu, we will be able to reach the place where the Eternal Zhusudra lives." Qiye said to Gilgamesh.

"That's what the descendants of Jusudra said, I hope that's the truth." Gilgamesh nodded and said.

"Father, are we directly crossing this sea of ​​death now?" Decade asked.

"Don't worry, let's go visit Siduri's mother first. She lives in Mashu Mountain. She may be able to provide us with a way to cross the sea of ​​death." Qiye touched Deketo's head. .

The Sea of ​​Death is a place that can devour everything, but it is not so easy to cross. Although there is a way to cross the Seven Nights, perhaps Siduri's mother has a better way to cross the sea.

Besides, Qiye also wanted to meet the brewing goddess whom she hadn't seen for many years.

Qiye and the others sat on the chariot and walked along the coastline of the Sea of ​​Death. There was a beautiful garden by the sea in the distance, and the fragrance of wine came from it.

There should be the garden where Siduri's mother Siduri lives.

"Is this the place where Sister Siduri's mother took it? Although the ground is full of gems, and the trees grow with precious jade, it is very beautiful... But it should be very lonely if you are alone." Deketo said softly.

"I won't be lonely, because I have good wine to accompany me." A figure suddenly appeared from the garden. She was very similar to Siduri, the chief priest of Uruk, who was Siduri's mother 'Lady Ale'. The goddess of wisdom associated with fermentation.

But well, it's not so much Siduri's mother, but Siduri's younger sister, because she is no less young than Siduri...

After all, she is a goddess with a long life.

"Mrs. Siduri, I don't know if you still remember me." Qiye smiled at the ale lady, she nodded, "Of course I remember the little boy who used date palm wine to fight me."

"The little boy I used to have grown up." Qiye said with a smile.

"Yeah, I've grown up to the point where I can go head-to-head with the gods." Siduri showed a smile, "The matter between you and the King of Uruk and the Chain of Heaven was communicated from the human world to Ma Shushan, no matter what. Whether it's a human being or a god, everyone knows that you killed the bull of the sky."

"Then, Mrs. Ale, can you help us cross the sea of ​​death by seeing that we are all persecuted by the gods, and we are going to find the Eternal Zhusudra." Gilgamesh said quickly.

"Why do you think I'm being persecuted by the gods? The reason why I stay here to make wine is my own idea, because it's very quiet here." Siduri said with a smile.

"For this sake?" Qiye took out the golden thread given by the chief priest Siduri. After seeing the golden thread, Siduri's smile subsided, and she turned her head to the garden. .

"Come in, sit down and discuss beforehand."


At the invitation of Siduri, the three of them stepped into the garden where she lived in Qiye. After sitting down, Siduri poured three cups of sweet ale for the three of them.

Decade wanted to take a sip, but Qiye patted her little hand off.

"You are still young and can't drink."


"Oh? It's been more than ten years, hasn't it? Why hasn't Semiramis grown up yet? You're a demigod, it's really strange." Siduri said in surprise as he looked at Decade next to Qiye.

Because Decade was so similar to Semiramis, Siduri took Decade as Semiramis.

"No, she's not Semiramis, she's my daughter and Semiramis."

"Ah? Then I recognized the wrong person. Let me prepare a glass of juice for you."

After Siduri prepared wine and juice for Qiye and the others, she asked softly, holding the gold wire, "How is Siduri doing now."

Gilgamesh, who took a sip of wine, shrugged, "Siduri is doing well. She is the chief priest of Uruk now, just because she has a lot of things to do and her hairline is a little high."

"Pfft." Qiye laughed, Siduri had to deal with so many things, and it wasn't because Gilgamesh often went out on adventures.

"Is that so, that's fine." Lady Brewer Siduri looked at Qiye and the others, and she exhaled softly, "I already know your purpose, that is, you want to go through the sea of ​​death and find the person behind the sea of ​​death. The immortal Jusudra, seeks the secret of immortality from him."

"That's right, that's it." Gilgamesh nodded.

"You guys really dare to think about it." Siduri shook his head, "The immortality pursued by human beings is impossible. For the sake of acquaintance and daughter, I will tell you..."

Then Siduri lowered his voice, "The mystery of immortality is only in the hands of the gods, so even if you cross the extremely dangerous sea of ​​death and find the immortal, it is impossible for him to give you immortality."

"That's it."

"Huh?" Siduri looked strangely at Seven Nights and Gilgamesh, who had no mood swings. Why didn't they show incredible expressions after learning about this situation?

It seems that I already know this situation, and it seems that... I don't care if I can live forever.

The former is mentally prepared because they know it, and the latter is because they don't care, so they don't care.

In order to persuade Qiye and Gilgamesh to go back, Siduri continued, "So you should give up the idea of ​​immortality."

"Why give up, that is the eternal life that humans seek." Qiye, who can live forever, whispered that he is the son of Tiamat, as long as the earth is not submerged by the sea and the sea is eroded, he will not die.

So Qiye is more immortal than the gods, but he can live forever, so can Deketo, but Semiramis can't... She is just an ordinary demigod. After a few hundred years, she may be like a Gilgamesh grows old.

However, because Qiye was by Semiramis's side, her lifespan should not be so short. After all, Qiye wouldn't let his wife die like this.

"Because immortality is something that cannot be attained by man," said Siduri, shaking his head. "You two are kings high above the ground, and you should eat all day long, be amused, and amuse day and night, neatly dressed, brightly colored, and pampered under your knees. Mother and daughter, enjoy life indulgently."

"Let your daily life be like a joyous feast, instead of pursuing the impossible eternal life."

After Gilgamesh heard Siduri's words, he sneered and said, "This king is tired of those boring and boring days."

Feasting all day long, neatly dressed, and enjoying life indulgently, Gilgamesh is tired of enjoying this kind of thing. Since Enkidu left his side, he feels that everything has become boring, and he is thinking about it every day. Adventures and getting along with his best friends.

Siduri sighed after hearing the words, "Since you are determined to go your own way and insist on continuing to cross the sea of ​​death, looking for the immortal Zhusudra, and seeking immortality from him, then I have no way to stop you."

"But I want to remind you that since ancient times, no human being has ever been able to cross the sea of ​​death, so do you still want to continue?"

"Hmph, since ancient times, no human being has been able to cross the sea of ​​death, so the three of us are the first human beings to cross the sea of ​​death." Gilgamesh said proudly, while Decade was excited. The little head agrees.

And the son of Tiamat, who had nothing to do with humans, chose to shut up.

Siduri seemed to be moved by Gilgamesh's determination, she pointed to the sea of ​​death and said, "As long as the water of the sea of ​​death touches it, you will die, and danger will surround the road ahead, and dangers are everywhere, if you If you really decide to cross the sea of ​​death, I may be able to provide you with a way."

"The way to cross the sea of ​​death?" Nanye asked.

"That's right." Siduri nodded, "Not only is it a way to cross the sea of ​​death, but it can also guide you in the direction of the Eternal Zhusudra."

"Sister Siduri's mother, what is the solution?" Decade asked curiously.

Siduri smiled at the cute little girl, and she said slowly, "It's Urshanabi, the boatman of Noah's Ark. Like Eternal Zhusudra, he is a gift from the gods. The eternal life, he is not on the side of the sea of ​​death, but on the side of Ma Shushan."

"If you can find him and convince him to become your companion, then you will have a way to cross the sea of ​​death and the location and direction of the Eternal Zhusudra."

"That's great." Gilgamesh showed a happy expression, and Qiye also smiled. Although he had a way to cross the sea of ​​death, there was no way to know where Zhusudra was. If the Noah's Ark If the boatman Urshanabi can help, then there will be no problem.

"Then where is the boatman?" Qiye asked.

Siduri pointed in a direction, "If you keep walking in this direction, you will encounter a forest, and the boatman should stay in that forest."

"But you have to be careful, there are stone men over there who can attack people. When I went to pick winemaking materials, I was attacked by those stone men." Siduri said with lingering fears.

"Isn't it a stone man? It's not a problem. We can easily smash them into pieces." Gilgamesh said proudly, waving his hands.

"It's good for you to have confidence, but I tell you, for Siduri's sake, I told you about the existence of the boatman, but I can't guarantee that he is willing to help you." Siduri reminded.

"Don't worry about this, no matter what the result is, we won't blame you." Qiye said.

Although they don't know if the boatman Urshanabi will help them, it doesn't matter, there is a way for Qiye to cross the sea of ​​death, so he only needs to know where the Eternal Zhusudra is in Urshanabi's mouth. Place is enough.

Don't want to say?

Then I'm sorry, I can only use physics to get him to speak.

Isn't Qiye's Destiny and Music the most suitable ability to pry open other people's mouths? Gilgamesh doesn't believe that they beat the boatmen to half-death, and he still has the will to resist Qiye's Destiny and Music.

So that's it.

"You came to me, just stay here for a day and rest for a day. After recovering your spirits, go to find a boatman." Siduri said.

"No, we are in a hurry to cross the sea of ​​death and look for Zhusudra, so there is no need for rest."

Qiye helplessly looked at Gilgamesh, who stood up suddenly, "I know you are very excited and can't wait, but it seems that you haven't rested for two days, can your body handle it?"

Qiye only needs to be down-to-earth or touch the flowing river to be full of energy, and his daughter Decoduo seems to have such a physique, but Gilgamesh does not have such a physique, although he is more than two-thirds of the gods. Humans are strong, but they can still be exhausted.

Section 301 Chapter 194 Stone Man and Crossing the Sea of ​​Death

"It's okay, this king is well now. After knowing how to cross the sea of ​​death, this king doesn't want to stop at all."

"Gulugulu." Decade drank the juice, and she echoed Gilgamesh in high spirits, "Yes, it's the same for me, I can't stop at all."

"In that case, let's go."

The three of Qiye said goodbye to Siduri, and then headed towards the direction she pointed to before, looking for Urshanabi, the boatman of Noah's Ark.

There is no precious tree here, and there are no gems on the ground, but a dark forest. In Qiye, they could see the huge stone people walking in the forest.

"It looks very hard. I wonder if this king's axe can chop them up." Gilgamesh showed a warlike smile, and then he opened the Uruk treasure house and took out his own from it. long axe.

"I'm going to fight too," Decade volunteered, "I tied them with earth chains, and then Uncle Gilgamesh took the opportunity to chop them up."

"Yes." Gilgamesh nodded, but did not refuse Decade's help.

On the other hand, Qiye chose...to stand by.

No, Qiye is not being lazy, he is guarding the surroundings to prevent other stonemen from appearing.

Deketo pressed her white and tender palm into the ground below, and then she mobilized the magic in her body and began to control the nearby ground.

The earth trembled slightly, and then stretched out from the earth where the pitch-black chains trembled. They flexibly bound the bodies and limbs of those stone men, preventing them from moving.

And Gilgamesh took his axe and stormed out like a cheetah, and then the axe cut through the air and the harsh sound of gold and stone mingling sounded from the forest box.

These burly stone men looked very powerful, but they couldn't break free from Decade's earth chains, and they couldn't resist Gilgamesh's attack.

In the blink of an eye, it turned into piles of rubble.

Just when Decade and Gilgamesh were fighting hard, Qiye picked up a piece of gravel and put it in his mouth. He felt that these fragile stone men were very special and wanted to eat them.

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