I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 138:

"Of course I intend to mobilize all the staff and prepare for the next disaster." Qiye smiled, "If you want to survive a disaster that you don't know where it came from, you can't rely on one country to survive, you must use the entire Mesopotamian power."

"Okay." Gilgamesh with a proud smile stretched out his fist at Qiye, "This king's Uruk, Qiye, your Babylon, if they unite, no matter what disaster is, they can solve it."

"Of course." The smiling Nanaya clenched her fist into a fist, and then slapped Gilgamesh's fist.

"After saving Enkidu, let's start preparing for the next disaster."


But... the disaster came too fast, and there was no time for Gilgamesh and Seven Nights to save Enkidu.

Just when they were returning to Mesopotamia by boat in Qiye, a change suddenly appeared.

And the first person to have the mutation... is Seven Nights.

It was a cloudy day. Qiye held Decade with one hand while steering the river to drive the boat forward. Then he shuddered violently.

Qiye felt that the strength in his body disappeared instantly, and he didn't even have the strength to hold Decade.

"Uh..." Suddenly the weak Qiye fell to the ground, and Deketo, who was released by him, quickly supported Qiye, who was in a bad situation.

"Father, what's wrong with you, ah! Father, you have become transparent!!" Decade looked at Qiye, who had become transparent, in astonishment.

"What's wrong with me..." Qiye, who was suddenly weak, looked at his palm, as Deketo said just now, he became transparent, as crystal clear as the sea water in the sea.

Now Qiye can see the deck of the ship under the palm of his hand.

Qiye was contemplating the sudden change in his own weakness, and then he was slightly taken aback, as if he felt something, he looked in a certain direction.

That is the direction of Mesopotamia.

But Qiye's gaze was not on Mesopotamia, but on the Persian Gulf in the southeast of Mesopotamia... I don't know if it was Qiye's illusion, but he felt... the breath of his mother from there.

In other words... the breath of God Tiamat.

"Father, are you alright?" Deketo looked at the stunned Qiye worriedly.

Decade's voice made Qiye recover from the shock. He gave Decade a complicated smile, and then said, "Deketo, I'm fine, you can help me call Uncle Gilgamesh over now, I have something to look for right now."

"But Father, you look like this, I'm very worried about you." Deketo, whose eyes were misty, looked at Qiye, which was as transparent as sea water.

"My goodness, as long as you call Jill over, I can change back to the way I used to be."

"Father, wait a moment! I'll call Uncle Gilgamesh right away!" Decade quickly left the deck and went to pull Gilgamesh over.

"Uncle Gilgamesh, something happened to my father!"

As soon as he heard that something had happened to Qiye, Gilgamesh dropped the carved clay tablet and hurriedly followed Decade out of the room.

Seeing Qiye becoming transparent, Gilgamesh asked in a panic, "How did you become like this, Qiye, and your breath is still so weak."

Isn't that right? The breath Gilgamesh is feeling from Nanya is like... the breath of someone who is about to die.

305 Chapter 2 My mother is Tiamat, the goddess of creation in Mesopotamia

"Don't ask so much now, give me some lapis lazuli." The weak Qiye waved his hand, interrupting Gilgamesh's panic. Gilgamesh immediately opened the Uruk treasure house and took out a Lots of lapis lazuli gems.

Qiye picked up the lapis lazuli that Gilgamesh nervously handed over, put it in his mouth and started chewing. After swallowing the lapis lazuli with rich magical power, Qiye gradually recovered from its transparent state to the one it once had. gesture.

"Huh, Father has recovered." Decade said with peace of mind.

"Well, I worried you just now." Qiye wiped away the tears that remained on Decade's cheeks. The child was so worried about him that he cried.

Deketo jumped directly into Qiye's arms, then hugged him with peace of mind, "It's best if your father is fine."

But Gilgamesh was not as reassured as Deketo, because he knew that Qiye was only on the surface, and his breath was still so weak, as if nine-tenths of the power in his body had been taken away.

"What happened to you, Qiye, why did you suddenly become so weak?" Gilgamesh asked solemnly.

"That's it." Qiye glanced at Decade, who was lying in his arms, "I'll tell you later, now, Jill, look up at the sky."

"Sky?" Gilgamesh raised his head in surprise, and then his scarlet eyes flashed a bit of astonishment, because he saw a faint band of light in the sky.

is a band of light that forms a ring.

"This light band... seems to have unusual energy." Gilgamesh felt the unusualness of the halo in the sky.

"Jill, do you still remember the oracles of the gods?" Qiye whispered, "When the sky is covered with a halo, the land of Mesopotamia will return to its origin..."

"The prophecies of the gods have come true. Could it be that something happened to Mesopotamia?" Gilgamesh frowned.

"Perhaps, after the gods were divided, their prophecies began to come true." Qiye said with a wry smile.

The crazy plan of Qiye and Gilgamesh has been successfully realized. The gods can no longer touch the earth. They originally planned to take a rest, and then take the golden ark to the sky and go to the palace of the goddess Ningsong to find Enkidu. soul imprinted.

But now there is such a situation.

On the day when the gods were divided, a halo appeared in the sky, and the **** Tiamat, the mother of Seven Nights... returned to this world from the world of imaginary numbers.

But he didn't know if it was Qiye's illusion. He just felt a touch of Tiamat's breath, and soon her breath disappeared.

It disappeared without a trace, as if the feeling of Qiye just now was an illusion.

[Because of Merlin's dream cage, God Tiamat fell into a deep sleep, so Qiye couldn't feel the breath of God Tiamat. 】

"Jill, then we will board the Golden Ark and return to Mesopotamia at full speed. Now that the halo of the oracle has appeared, I wonder if something happened in Mesopotamia."

"Okay." Gilgamesh immediately took out the golden ark from Uruk's treasury. Because of the emergency, he also allowed the boatman Urshanabi to set foot on the golden ark with them.

However, Urshanabi is also an ancestor of the immortals, not an ordinary person, so Gilgamesh allowed him to set foot on the golden ark.

Under the speed of the Golden Ark exceeding the speed of light, Qiye and the others quickly returned to Mesopotamia. However, there was no change in Mesopotamia, and it was still the same as Qiye and the others before they left.

But...it's just a little noisy.

Because a halo had appeared in the sky, the people of Mesopotamia knew that the oracles of the gods had been fulfilled, and then they began to pray to the gods in fear, hoping to get their protection.

But...the gods have fallen into a deep sleep because of the crazy plans of Seven Nights and Gilgamesh, and have not answered the prayers of the humans at all.

Gilgamesh, who was sitting on the golden ark, glanced at the peaceful Mesopotamia below, and he said to Qiye, "There is no change in Mesopotamia now, then Qiye will send you back first. Babylon, and then I myself fly into the sky to find the imprint of Enkidu's soul."

"No, I'll go with you too. If there is something that can't be solved, I can help you." Qiye shook his head and said.

"Forget it, you should know your current situation better than me." Gilgamesh said to the weak Nanye.

"..." Qiye was at a loss for words. He was inexplicably weak, but he was weaker than an ordinary priest. If he went to the sky with Gilgamesh in this state, he might be a dragging existence.

"Okay, then be careful yourself."

"Don't worry, all the gods have fallen into a deep sleep, this king doesn't need to worry at all."

Under the control of Gilgamesh, the Golden Ark turned into a golden afterimage and flew back to the Hanging Garden of the Kingdom of Babylon, while Qiye, Decade, and the boatman Ursanabi all left the Golden Ark.

Gilgamesh sat alone in the golden ark and flew into the sky of the gods.

Returning to her home is a happy thing, but Decade is full of worries now, because her father's breath is very unstable.

"His Royal Highness Princess of Babylon, I'll give you a task now." Qiye touched Deketo's little head, "Go and arrange Urshanabi's residence, and then call your mother over."

"No, I'm already here." Semiramis and Itisha hurried over. She had discovered Gilgamesh's golden ark, and immediately thought of her husband and daughter returning to the Kingdom of Babylon. So I came over quickly.

Looking at the figure that he hadn't seen with his own eyes for months, Semiramis's pretty face showed a happy smile, but this smile gradually became stiff due to the faint breath of Qiye.

The flustered Semiramis greeted him, "Are you injured in Qiye?"


"Impossible, you are definitely injured, otherwise how could your breath be so weak!"

The smiling Qiye hugged the nervous Semiramis, and Itisha touched Decade's shoulder, motioning her to leave here with her, leaving the time for Qiye and Semiramis.

Itisha took Deketo and the boatman Ursanabi out of the Babylonian Gardens, and the seven nights that no longer needed to endure were snuggled up in Semiramis' soft embrace.

Semiramis hugged her husband pitifully, "What's wrong with you, Qiye, you are weaker than ever before..."

Qiye said with a wry smile, breathing in the sweet scent of his wife, "Little pigeon, let me tell you, nine-tenths of the magic power in my body has been taken away, maybe now Decade can hang me with one hand. Woolen cloth.

When Semiramis heard Qiye's last words, she wanted to laugh, but she couldn't...

"Nine-tenths of the magic power was taken away? Are you cursed by the gods?"

"No, if I guessed correctly, I would become what I am now because of my mother." Qiye looked in the direction of the Persian Gulf.

That was the direction from which Tiamat's breath came from before.

"Your mother in Qiye? Is it your mother who made you into this situation? Sure enough, a mother is not a good thing." Semiramis said bitterly.

It seems that Semiramis recalled the incident when he was abandoned by his mother...

And Qiye became helpless, "Little pigeon, you have scolded yourself in those words. You are also a mother now."

"I don't think I'm a good thing either, I'm just a poisonous woman." Semiramis snorted softly, and she hurriedly carried Qiye to the riverside set in the Babylon Garden.

According to Semiramis' understanding of Qiye, she knew that her husband could recover quickly as long as he was in contact with the flowing river, so Semiramis gently put Qiye on the bank and let his husband The feet are in contact with the river water.

"Are you feeling better now?"

Seeing the worried look on Semiramis' pretty face, Qiye smiled, "I'm much better."

"Don't lie to me, your breath is still so weak, you are not well at all..."

Now Qiye really wants to say to Semiramis, "Since you all know that I'm not okay, what did you ask?", but looking at Semiramis who is full of distress and worry, Qiye doesn't plan to hide it. for a moment.

If the flowing river water can restore Qiye, then when the ship returned to Mesopotamia, he had already jumped into the river.

Just because he couldn't get the magic power from the river, Qiye asked Gilgamesh for the celestial stone. By eating the celestial stone, he obtained the magic power in the celestial stone, so as to replenish the depleted body.

Semiramis sat side by side with Qiye, she whispered to Qiye, "Since it was your mother who hurt you like this, then I'll go to her, give her a hard lesson, and then ask her to give her belongings. Give you your stuff back."

Qiye looked at Semiramis subtly. Could this be the legendary 'battle between mother-in-law and daughter-in-law'? And as expected of Semiramis, he has the courage to teach God Tiamat a lesson...

"But who is your mother at Qiye? She didn't even come to our wedding, the birth of Decade." Semiramis asked suspiciously.

Oh, I almost forgot, Semiramis didn't know who Qiye's mother was. No wonder she had the guts to tell Qiye's mother a lesson.

"My mother." Qiye touched his eyes, where the tears flowed. He exhaled softly. Now that he is in this situation, he does not intend to hide himself and himself from Semiramis. motherhood.

"My mother was Tiamat, the goddess of creation in Mesopotamia."

"..." Semiramis' pretty face froze slightly, the corners of her lips twitched, and then she forced a smile and said, "Ahahaha, Qiye, you are really joking, I was scared by you."

Seeing Qiye's serious expression, Semiramis gradually stopped smiling, and she asked in a low voice, "Are you serious? You're not kidding me? Your mother is the one from the Mesopotamian creation legend. A goddess?"

"It's all this time, what am I kidding you." Qiye said, shaking his head, "And you know, I never joke about my family."

When Semiramis heard this, she fell into silence. She recalled many things now. The blood of Qiye is the rare water of life, which is impossible for the gods.

And the water of life is the source of all things, so blood is the water of life for the seven nights, and his source may really be God Tiamat...

Coupled with the fact that Seven Nights has always resisted the gods of Mesopotamia, Semiramis felt that it was not impossible that her husband was the son of the goddess of creation.

But the news was so shocking that Semiramis couldn't accept it right away.

"..." Now Semiramis supported her dizzy forehead, she temporarily put this shocking news aside, because the focus now is not on the identity of Qiye as the son of the Goddess of Creation, but on his body .

"Then why did your mother do this to you?"

"Actually it's just my guess. In the legend of creation, God Tiamat was transferred to the 'imaginary world' by the gods and could never return to the real world, but after the halo appeared above, I felt A mother's breath." Qiye pointed to the halo in the sky.

"And at this time, nine-tenths of the power in my body was drained, and I couldn't get energy from the river water, so what happened to my body was related to my mother leaving the imaginary world." Seven Nights General His own guesses came out.

"But why?"

"Maybe it's because..." Qiye touched his eyes, and he said complicatedly, "Maybe it's because I'm made up of my mother's tears."

"Semiramis, let me tell you, I was actually born from my mother's tears and the soil of the earth, so she returned to the world and controlled the sea, so I lost nine-tenths of my life. strength."

That's why Qiye couldn't get magic power from the river, but the earth could.

"Then you won't be able to recover completely in Qiye?" Semiramis said worriedly.

"Probably not. As long as I take a rest and eat some soil, I should return to the previous situation, that is, I can't get magic power from the river water." Qiye shook his head and said.

"Eating mud again... Can't make up for the devil." Semiramis wrapped Qiye's waist, and her golden eyes flashed with a charming look.

"What do you want to do, little pigeon?"

"Fixing the magic for you, you have been away from me for so long, and you are still continuing to restore your body with magic power. If you replenish the magic, it will help you to restore your magic power, and by the way, please comfort me for missing you."

Qiye looked at Semiramis' pretty face, how could he feel that comforting her was the main thing, and restoring the magic power was just incidental...

After all, Qiye had been away from Semiramis for several months, and she was a little lonely. In addition, Qiye, who was now a little weak, exuded an aura that made her sympathetic. She felt that... this good opportunity should not be wasted in vain!

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