I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 141:

After the Babylonian kingdom lost its walls, the Seven Nights Club took the people of the Babylonian kingdom to merge with the kingdom of Uruk, and then together with Gilgamesh, ruled the instantly growing Uruk.

Then we will fight against the monsters in the north together.

As for the reason why Qiye's smile was a little helpless... it was because of Semiramis, he didn't know what kind of expression Semiramis would have when he knew that he did this.

"Wait a minute, you don't need to tear down the walls of Babylon at Seven Nights." Gilgamesh, who was smiling, suddenly realized something, and he said, "Aren't you able to control the earth? The canal from Uruk to Kusa, so you can make the earth rise and form a solid wall."

"Although I can, but I can't." Qiye shook his head, "Although I can summon the wall, I need to maintain it with magic power. Once I lose my magic power, the wall will collapse, and the line of defense will cease to exist. "

"makes sense."

"In addition, after my mother returned from the imaginary world, I have lost the ability to instantly replenish my magic power from the river. I am no longer the one who will never lack magic power." Qiye said helplessly.

"What are you going to do in the seven nights? Your mother has returned, and the wreckage of the Mage King has come to you to wake up the **** Tiamat in the deep sea." Gilgamesh asked casually.

In fact, Gilgamesh is very nervous. If Qiye chooses the words of God Tiamat... then he and him are enemies.

Qiye looked sideways at Gilgamesh with a nonchalant expression, and he smiled, "What are you worrying about, I'm planning to build a monster front line, can't you be sure of my position?"

"This king is not worried, who said that this king is worried." Gilgamesh waved his hand disguisedly, "Since Qiye decided to help mankind, what about your mother's side?"

"..." Qiye pursed his lips and said softly, "I don't know what to do. I decided to go to the deep sea after the establishment of the absolute monster front line. I want to see my mother with my own eyes."

When Qi Ye was just born, he had dimly seen his mother's face and the pink eyes that reflected the inner sea of ​​stars.

So Qiye wanted to see his mother with his own eyes after establishing the absolute monster front.

After seeing God Tiamat with his own eyes, the obsession in Qiye's heart will be relieved.

Facing the major disaster in Mesopotamia, Seven Nights and Gilgamesh decided to build a wall behind Nippur and in front of Uruk to resist the monsters in the north.

After deciding on this plan, Qiye continued to focus his attention on Enkidu's soul mark.

"Gill, do you have any way to repair Enkidu's soul mark..." Qiye, who held the soul mark in his palm, asked Gilgamesh.

"I got a solution from Goddess Ningsong that is not a solution, but can't you do it at Qiye?"

"I also have a method that is not a solution."

Qiye said softly, "The broken soul imprint cannot be repaired, my solution is to put these soul imprints that have not completely dissipated into Enkidu's body, so that he should not dissipate, and he will still have his own. My own memory is just a part of my memory will be lost."

"It's a coincidence... that's what my mother told me too." Gilgamesh scratched his hair, "Goddess Ningsong is a broken soul imprint that cannot be repaired, it can only be fused into Enkidu. In the body, let his vitality and soul stop dissipating, but he will have amnesia."

"And the lost memory is related to the broken soul mark. The more the broken soul mark disappears, the more memories of the Enkidu incident."

Qiye said, "But there should be no problem, because Enkidu still remembers us when he entered the sea of ​​death and fell asleep, so his lost memories will not include us."


Gilgamesh glanced at the seven nights that added a 'probably' at the end, and he sneered, "Even if Enki forgets us, so what, because he has been able to survive, and he has escaped Once the gods are in control, that's enough."

That's right, even if the alive Enki has forgotten Qiye and Gilgamesh, he can continue to live, then that's enough!

Although Gilgamesh said so, but this guy's expression is not as free and easy as he said...

After all, who wants to be forgotten by their best friend?

But whether it is Goddess Ningsong or Qiye, there is no way for En Qi to survive intact, and now there is only one way left.

"The king is now returning to Uruk. You tell Semiramis about the plan to demolish the walls of the Kingdom of Babylon, and then move the residents of Babylon to Uruk. After all the preparations are made, we will break into the underworld together and let grace Qidu leaves the sea of ​​death where there is only death." Gilgamesh rose from the throne of Semiramis.

"Okay, Gilgamesh, take Enkidu's soul mark first, or keep it safe in your Uruk treasure house."

"Yeah." Gilgamesh solemnly took Enkidu's soul mark back into Uruk's treasury, then he said goodbye to Qiye, hurriedly left the Babylonian palace, and flew to Uruk through the golden ark.

And for the seventh night, he rubbed his hair and began to return to the Garden of Babylon.

"The walls of the Babylonian kingdom are to be demolished to establish a defense line, and everyone has to move out of Babylon and move to Uruk, which has a surrounding city [wall]. How should I tell Semiramis about these things..."

Qiye returned to the Garden of Babylon. He came to the resting place and saw Semiramis.

The empress hadn't woken up yet. She was sleeping peacefully with a beautiful blush on her pretty face. This blush has remained from last night until now, making her look so beautiful and moving now.

Looking at Semiramis, who showed a happy sleeping face because of contentment, Qiye's eyes softened, and a deep and warm feeling emerged from his heart, and then spread in his heart.

If you can see the happy faces of your family every day, how happy it would be.

Qiye stretched out his hand and gently brushed Semiramis' black hair scattered on his cheeks, and this slight gesture awakened Semiramis, who was resting.

Semiramis, who had woken up from the resting state, opened his eyes, revealing those golden eyes with a hint of laziness.

Qiye's heart skipped a beat, because Semiramis, who had just woken up, looked so lazy, his eyes were blurred and hazy, and he looked even more attractive than before.

When Semiramis opened her eyes, she saw Qiye who was looking at her tenderly. She was stunned at first, and then showed a beautiful smile.

The smile is like a beautiful flower that blooms beautifully.

"Seven nights~" Lazy and soft words emerged from Semiramis's crystal-clear lips. She took the palms of Qiye's hair that held her hair in both hands, and then put his palms on the on his own cheek.

This is similar to the coquettish situation, which made Qiye laugh.

"I now know why Deketo is so good at acting like a spoiled child. It's all inherited from you."

Chapter 309 The Poisoned Lamasu and the 'Poison of Ten Thousand Deaths'

"Who knows from whom Decade's good at acting like a spoiled child came from." Semiramis gave Qiye a lazy and charming look.

She wouldn't say that her coquetry just now was learned from Qiye.

Qi Ye sometimes wakes up in a daze and acts like a spoiled child unconsciously.

This is the main reason why Qiye always sees Semiramis' satisfied expression after he wakes up sometimes.

The lazy Semiramis wanted to pull Qiye down to sleep together, but Qiye had to discuss something important with her, so Qiye pulled her up instead, who was sleeping on the bed in Babylon Garden.

Then the lazy Semiramis lay in Qiye's arms, using her husband's warm embrace as a bed.

"Okay, wake up quickly, don't stay in bed like Decade."

"It doesn't matter, is there anything else?" Semiramis, who stretched out his arms around Qiye's neck, said lazily.

"There's really something, I have something very important to tell you." Qiye said gently holding his wife's slender waist, and when Semiramis heard this, he raised his body slightly and glanced at Qiye. expression.

Now Qiye's expression is a little guilty, a little helpless, and there is a trace of guilt. Seeing Qiye's expression like this, Semiramis cheered up.

"what happened?"

"Little dove, let's tear down the Kingdom of Babylon."

Qiye's straightforward words made Semiramis' pretty face stiff. The lazy, charming, and seductive color quickly receded, replaced by calm and staring.

Semiramis, who was staring at Qiye, asked quickly, "What did you say at Qiye? The kingdom of Babylon was demolished? Why?"

"You have been staying with me in the Babylonian garden these days. I don't know that there are many disasters happening outside." Qiye held the body of the Babylonian queen and told her softly the disaster that Mesopotamia was facing now. And news from Professor Rafe and his mother.

"..." Semiramis pursed her lips after listening to Qiye's story, she realized the seriousness of the problem, but...

"But why did you tear down the walls of the Babylonian kingdom and the walls of Uruk?"

Qiye looked at Semiramis who objected to the dismantling of the Kingdom of Babylon from other aspects, and he shook his head, "The Kingdom of Babylon cannot accommodate so many people in Uruk, and the geographical location is not better than Uruk, after all, Uruk Kerko was the center of Mesopotamia."

Semiramis clenched his lips, and Qiye gently kissed her fair and tender profile, and then asked softly, "Do you agree with my idea."

"Kiss me a few more times before I agree."

Listening to Semiramis' request, the smiling Seven Nights satisfied her, and after the kiss, he said to Semiramis seriously, "Be serious, little pigeon, we are now deciding on Babylon. The kingdom, and the future of the inhabitants of Babylon."

"I'm serious." Semiramis stroked her cheek kissed by her husband, and she said with a satisfied look on her pretty face, "You are the king of Babylon, and everything in Babylon is up to you to decide. , so you can make the decision, and I agree with the decision you made."

"Even if... tear down the kingdom we've worked so hard to build?"

Semiramis held up Qiye's face, and she said earnestly and gently, "Even if the kingdom we have worked so hard to build is demolished."

"Actually, Qiye, you don't give up more than me, after all, you love this kingdom more than I do."

Semiramis' soft words made Qiye show a complicated smile, "Well, I love this kingdom more than you, but I have to do it."

"I know, because you think your mother's return from the world of imaginary numbers led to the rapid collapse of this era, so you want to make up for the guilt in your heart, right?" Semiramis said softly, holding Qiye's cheeks.

"...Well." Qiye nodded.

Semiramis knew Seven Nights better than Gilgamesh.

Regarding Qiye's decision to tear down the walls of the Babylonian kingdom and establish a defense line, Gilgamesh just thought that Qiye was his mother and this era, and he chose this era.

But Semiramis knew that Seven Nights had a deeper idea. He wanted to make up for the damage his mother had caused to the world.

"My sentimental lover, in fact, what's happening in Mesopotamia has nothing to do with you. You don't need to feel guilty." Semiramis said lovingly.

"I know, it's just a little idea of ​​wanting to do something for this era." Qiye shrugged freely.

Although Qiye feels guilty about the situation in Mesopotamia, but... he is not a fool, he just needs to feel guilty, Qiye will not continue to feel guilty forever.

After all, it was not Seven Nights that pulled God Tiamat back from the world of imaginary numbers.

So the collapse of Mesopotamia caused by God Tiamat has nothing to do with him.

Actually, Qiye is very grateful to the wreckage of the Magic King [Professor Leif] in his heart, after all, he helped him do what he wanted most.

That is to let his mother return from the imaginary world and let her be free.

He began to discuss the serious matter of dismantling the Babylonian Kingdom, and Semiramis began to get serious. He just snuggled into Qiye's arms and did not give him any trouble, so he discussed with Qiye the dismantling of the Babylonian kingdom and the Babylonian kingdom. plan to bring the crowd to Uruk.

Then the expressions of Qiye and Semiramis changed, from a casual expression to a puzzled and solemn expression.

Because Seven Nights and Semiramis felt the unstable atmosphere of Lamasu.

"Why is Lamasu's breath so strange, and how did it come back from outside?" Qiye asked in confusion, and Semiramis, who was leaning in his arms, said, "This morning, after you left the Kingdom of Babylon, , Decade came to quarrel with me, so I'll let her go out to play with Lamasu."

"Did you let Deketo leave Babylon alone? Now there is a possibility that magical beasts with murderous intentions towards human beings may pop up everywhere."

"She's not alone, Lamasu and Orpheus, aren't they all by Decade's side? Besides... I've been staying in Babylon Garden, and I don't know there are so many abnormalities outside. "

Semiramis quickly left Qiye's arms, and then the two of them walked in the direction of Lamasu.

Before the two of them got to Lamasu, they saw Decade's figure rushing over.

Seeing their daughter who was still alive and kicking, Qiye and Semiramis let out a sigh of relief, while Decade, who ran in a panic, grabbed Qiye's palm, "Father, it's great that you are here, hurry up. Come and see Lamasu, it was injured to protect me, very serious!"

"Really? I'll go take a look." Qiye, who took Deketo's little hand, walked quickly towards Lamasu and asked, "What did you encounter?"

"Hundreds of monsters that have never been seen before. Some of them are completely red and have hair that burns like flames. Some have scorpion-like tails and are highly poisonous."

"We were playing on the side of the mountain outside Babylon, and they suddenly attacked us. Lamasu became bigger and counterattacked, and the little snake [Orpheus] also counterattacked, but I was the most powerful. I killed more than a hundred of them."

In the end, Deketo boasted of herself, and she didn't know if what she said was true... But now is not the time to ask her if she really killed more than 100 monsters.

"Then are you injured?" Semiramis asked quickly, and Deketo shook her head at Semiramis, "I wasn't injured, although I was stabbed with a scorpion tail by a monster with a scorpion tail. A moment, but I seem to be able to ignore its poison."

When Qiye and Semiramis heard it, their hearts instantly became tense, and Semiramis directly picked up Decade, "What about your wound? Let me see."

"Mother, I'm fine, the wound has healed."

"Hurry up and let me see!"

"Hmm..." Decade, who shrank his head slightly, lifted the corners of her skirt, revealing her snow-white thighs. There was a dark spot on her crystal and snow-white skin.

That's where Decade was stabbed by the monster with a scorpion tail. If you don't look at it seriously... Maybe it's a black mole on Decade's body.

"Father, don't stare at me, you're so shy." Deke Duo said shyly, and Qiye rolled his eyes at the daughter, "When we were on our journey of eternal life, you always pestered me. I, want me to take a bath with you, why didn't you feel shy at that time?"

"Back then was different from now. Now the mother is here, ahhh!" Decade suddenly cried out in pain, tears streaming down her face.

The reason why Decoduo cried out in pain was...the expressionless Semiramis pinched the black spot on her leg.

I don't know if Deketo felt the pain because of the poison in the scorpion's tail, or...she was pinched by Semiramis, because she seemed to have used a lot of strength when she pinched it just now.

Everyone always said that the daughter was the little lover of her father's previous life. Now Semiramis thinks this sentence is really correct.

Too sticky!

Now Deketo looks at her 'heartless' mother with a tearful expression of resentment.

"What are you doing?" Qiye glanced helplessly at Semiramis, who pinched Decade with a blank face.

"I'm testing to see if Decade is poisoned," Semiramis said casually. "After the test, she is not poisoned. It seems that the poison of those monsters is not stronger than that of Orpheus."

When Decade was born, Semiramis asked Orpheus to grant her the protection of toxins.

So, as long as the poison that Decade suffered, as long as the poison was not as strong as Orpheus' poison, then she would be immune to those poisons.

Therefore, Deketo's thigh was not attacked by the poisonous beast, but only left a mark similar to a mole.

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