I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 153:


Siduri, who was eager to know some information, interrupted and said, "Then do you know the rumored alliance of the Three Goddesses? Can you know their identities?"

"..." Merlin's face froze slightly, he said frivolously and indifferently, "Although my eyes can see everything, but some things are not very clear."

"Just tell me if you can see it!" The Babylonian Empress Semiramis said directly.

Semiramis is still as domineering as ever, who cares about your alternate for the title of Caster.

"Okay!" Merlin scratched his messy long silver hair, "I know the existence of the Three Goddess Alliance, but I don't know what their identities are..."

"It's really useless eyes, Caster." Gilgamesh squinted at the magician of flowers.

"Uh... don't say that, I can still do other things. For example, I can apply a buff to you, and then let you rush up and slash with the enemy."

"What this king wants is not a Caster who applies buffs! It is a Servant who wants to go up to fight the monsters in person!"

"I can do this too. How can I say that I have been a swordsmanship teacher for others for several years. It's no problem to apply a buff to myself, and then rush to slash with the monsters." Merlin said confidently.

What else can Gilgamesh do? I can only believe what this guy said. After all, he is the Servant that he summoned with almost all his magic power.

"Now that the Servant has been summoned, let's discuss the next battle plan." Nanye said.

"Now we have three problems to solve." Gilgamesh picked up a clay tablet placed on the table, "respectively, guarding the absolute monster front, confirming the situation of the alliance of the three goddesses, and the dense forest that appeared in the southern forest below. change the situation.”

"Merlin, you give me to guard the demon beast front and find an opportunity to hack the scorpion man who leads the beast group."

"Ah, I don't like this quest." Merlin muttered in distress, Gilgamesh rolled his eyes at the half-human, half-dream demon, "Put away your complaints, the reason why this king summons Servants is for the sake of Instead of this king, I will deal with the scorpion people."

"Okay, okay~ But it really doesn't matter if you leave the task of solving the scorpion man to me." Merlin looked at Qiye, he seemed to know something.

For example, the information that Seven Nights and the Scorpion are the sons of Tiamat...

Merlin came from a future era. In those future eras, there is a historical record of the king of Babylon. Maybe that historical record records the true identity of Qiye.

If this is really the case, then it is not surprising that Merlin, who has the eyes of 'seeing everything now', will know the identity of Seven Nights.

"It doesn't matter, even if the scorpions are really the sons of Tiamat, it doesn't matter. The scorpions want to destroy this world, and I want to protect this world and continue the principles of human beings, so we are enemies." Qiye said softly, Sai Miramis held her husband's palm lightly, giving him support.

And after Merlin heard Qiye's words, he nodded silently, and he decided to tell Qiye something, to the son of Tiamat.

"Now that things in Uruk have almost stabilized, then I'll go check the information about the Alliance of the Three Goddesses, and by the way, look for the person who is suspected to be Enkidu." Nanye said to Gilgamesh.

Now, the absolute monster front line has been successfully established, and the soldiers of Uruk and Babylon are resisting the attacking monster group there, so the battle situation has entered a delicate and stable state.

As long as there are no serious problems, you can stick to it in a short period of time.

So Qiye decided to hand Uruk to Gilgamesh, and he went to find out the information of the Three Goddess Alliance and the true identity of the person suspected of being Enkidu.

"I'll go with you." Semiramis, who was holding the palm of Qiye, said seriously.

"No, there will be danger, so you stay in Uruk, and you have to help everyone make medicines and antidote." Qiye shook his head and said, Semiramis frowned and wanted to refute Qiye, but Gilgamesh spoke at this time.

"Qiye, you don't actually need to confirm the information about the Three Goddess Alliance, because this king seems to have written down their information on the clay tablet."

"What?" Qiye and the others looked at Gilgamesh in surprise, "When did you have information about the Alliance of the Three Goddesses?"

"It's the future vision, plus the Destiny Tablet we got from the treasure house in the cedar forest." Gilgamesh explained.

"Before you merged Babylon in Seven Nights, this king took the golden ark to deal with the monsters that appeared near Uruk. When he returned, he held the Destiny tablet on the golden ark to meditate. The content of 'to' is written on the tablet of destiny."

"This king thinks that those contents should be related to the Three Goddess Alliance."

"Think? Should? Are you not even sure about the future you 'see'?" Semiramis squinted at Gilgamesh.

Her current situation is as if Gilgamesh disliked Merlin's 'eyes' just now.

"Hmph, because at that time this king was recorded in a half-asleep state of meditation, so of course I'm not sure." Gilgamesh, who couldn't hang his face, snorted coldly, and Siduri asked quickly, " Then, Wang, where is the destiny clay tablet?"

"It's not in the hands of this king. The meditating king vaguely remembers that after he finished memorizing the content, he seemed to throw it away."

Why are you so unreliable, you lose the chain at a critical moment? This is not your characteristic!

"..." Qiye fell silent, and he said helplessly, "Then how do you want me to find it?"

"It doesn't matter, this king remembers that he flew back to Uruk from Kusa City. You should follow this road to find it in Qiye. You should find the tablet of destiny." Gilgamesh said confidently.

Only Gilgamesh remembered this very clearly, and the others were forgotten because of the half-asleep meditation.

"Merlin went to the Warcraft Front, and I went to look for the Destiny Clay Tablet that might record the information of the Three Goddess Alliance. As for the dense forest in the south, the abnormality there has to be clarified, otherwise we don't know if our rear will suffer. Until the attack." Qiye said.

Uruk's upper north is a group of monsters, while the lower south is a forest of secret forests. They still don't know if there are enemies there, so they have to figure out the anomalies in the southern forest, and then take measures to deal with them.

"This king will send soldiers to explore the southern forest."

"But the soldiers who went to explore have never returned. There is definitely something in the southern forest." Qiye looked towards the south and said.

"Although I don't know what's in the mysterious dense forest in the south, but now we can only send soldiers to explore. After all, we have insufficient manpower." Gilgamesh said helplessly.

In order to prevent the monsters from the north from attacking, most of the more powerful soldier leaders were dispatched to the absolute monster front. After all, the defense line could never be breached by the monsters.

Therefore, Uruk has no manpower to fight.

"It would be great if there could be another six or seven Servants like in the Holy Grail War in the future." Merlin sighed, "After all, the normal Holy Grail War summons seven Servants."

Merlin, who came from the future, seems to know that the Holy Grail War is about to appear.

After Gilgamesh heard what Merlin said, he immediately clapped the table and said loudly, "Then this king will call out seven more Servants, so that there will be more Servants. "

"You looked like you were about to die when you summoned Merlin just now, and you still want to summon seven Servants." Qiye rolled his eyes at Gilgamesh and said, "You are not afraid of turning into a mummified corpse because your magic power is drawn away."

"Just now, now is now, this king has other ways to summon the supplementary magic power of Servant." Gilgamesh grinned, he opened the king's treasure, and took out a thing from it.

Although Gilgamesh sealed the key to the king's law, he was still able to unlock the king's treasure in a small area and take things out of it.

The thing that Gilgamesh took out of the king's treasure was a large golden cup, if Qiye remembered correctly...

"Didn't we get this cup from the treasure house of the gods in the cedar forest?" Qiye said in surprise, "Jill, do you plan to let it provide you with magic power?"

This golden cup is one of the treasures of the cedar forest. Gilgamesh once used it to hold the wine of the gods to drink. It is not an ordinary wine vessel, but a Noble Phantasm that enables people to obtain enormous magical power.

"That's right, this king intends to use this cup to supplement his magic power. This thing can come in handy, then Qiye, if you want to give it a name, how about calling it the 'Uruk Cup'. ' Gilgamesh weighed the golden cup in his hand.

"It doesn't matter what your name is, the key is that you really plan to continue summoning a Servant, or I will summon a Servant." Qiye said.

And Semiramis immediately objected.

"No, you have now lost the ability to quickly replenish your magic power from the river, so don't mess around!"

[The mana consumed by summoning a Servant, maintaining the existence of a Servant, and fighting a Servant is all provided by the summoner, so a huge amount of mana is required. 】

[And why are the Masters of the Holy Grail War able to maintain the Servant so easily? That is because of the Great Holy Grail of the Holy Grail War, the Great Holy Grail will be responsible for providing the magic power to 'maintain the existence of the Servant'. 】

[And the Master's magic power is only used for 'summoning Servants' and 'mana consumed by Servant battles', so it won't be as hard as Gilgamesh. 】

[Without the Great Holy Grail of the Holy Grail War, the magical power of those Masters would not be able to maintain the existence of Servants. 】

This is the main reason why Semiramis prevented Qiye from summoning Servants. Now Qiye suddenly lost the ability to replenish magic power from the water due to the return of God Tiamat, so Semiramis will not let Seven nights are coming.

Seeing Semiramis staring at him, Qiye scratched his hair helplessly, "Okay, I won't summon the Servant, after all, I have to leave Uruk and go outside to find the lost Gilgamesh. The Destiny Clay Tablet, as well as confirming the identity of that Enkidu."

If a Servant is summoned, Nanya will have to consume mana to maintain him/her. This is indeed a disadvantage for Nanya who may encounter danger when leaving Uruk.

After all, Seven Nights is not Gilgamesh sitting in Uruk.

"You don't need Qiye to summon the Servant, it's enough for this king to come." Gilgamesh threw the Uruk cup to Siduri, "Chief priest, modify the magic circle for the king, so that The magic circle is connected to the Uruk cup, so that it can replace the king to provide magic power to summon the Servant."

"King, do you really plan to continue summoning Servants?" Siduri said worriedly, who took the Uruk Cup.


"Actually, you don't need to worry so much." Merlin said refreshingly, waving his hands, "Because I am special, I only need such a huge amount of magic power when I am summoned. If it is a less 'special' Servant, You don't need such a huge amount of magic."

After all, Merlin has the qualifications for the title of Caster. Don't look at his frivolous appearance, if he is serious, he is actually very strong.

Um...Especially in terms of escape, Merlin is the strongest, he endures second, no one will go first.

However, no one will claim the first one who escapes...

So after summoning Caster Merlin, Gilgamesh planned to summon seven Servants, and Qiye was worried that his body would not be able to bear it.

And Siduri had no choice but to modify the magic circle of falling spirits, connect it to the Uruk cup, and let this golden vessel full of magic power instead of Gilgamesh to provide the magic power to summon Servant.

Then the summoning continued, Gilgamesh just provided the magic power to activate the magic circle, and the other magic power needed was provided by the Uruk Great Cup.

So for the second Servant's call, Gilgamesh was an easy one!

Lancer Leonidas I.

Rider Ushiwakamaru.

Archer is in front of the royal family.

Berserker Ibaraki Doji.

Assassin Fengmo Kotaro.

Lancer Musashibo Benkei.

Ruler Amakusa Shiro Tokisada.

There are seven Servants in total.

Looking at the Servants who were summoned one after another, Merlin muttered in a low voice, "Wow... Not only did the class repeat, but there was also a ghost, a half-ghost."

The 'a ghost' that Merlin refers to is Berserker Ibaraki-doji, a very evil ghost who spreads tyranny.

'A half-ghost' refers to the situation where Archer Ba Yuqian is half-human and half-ghost.

However, Ba Yuqian is not an ordinary human-ghost hybrid, but a ghost from a different generation, or a ghost that has been separated for several generations, and suddenly becomes dominant, so she is half human and half ghost.

To put it simply, Ba Yuqian's parents were both human, and one of their ancestors was born from a human and a ghost, and the ghost's bloodline was manifested in her body.

This is intergenerational inheritance.

Now...the positions of these seven Servants are extremely delicate.

Lancer Leonidas I, Rider Ushiwakamaru, Lancer Musashibo Benkei, these three stand together.

Assassin Fengmo Kotaro and Ruler Amakusa Shiro Tokisada stood on the other side.

And Archer, the half-human, half-ghost, and Berserker, the ghost, Ibaraki-doji, because they are both related to ghosts, will they stand together?

No... The half-human, half-ghost, Kagozen, instead, stared at Ibaraki Doji closely, holding his Naginata in his armored hand, as if he planned to chop her down before the evil spirit Ibaraki Doji rises up.

Ba Yuqian is a character in the later period of Heian, so she grew up listening to the legend of the evil ghost Ibaraki Doji, and she did not like the evil ghost who harmed one side.

Nanaya and Gilgamesh looked at the hostile atmosphere these Servants showed.

"I will let this king let go of your personal hatred. I don't care who you have with whom to celebrate the festival, but now you are the Servants summoned by this king, and you are all doing business for this king!" Gilgamesh shouted out. break this delicate atmosphere.

Siduri quickly stepped forward and told the group of Servants about the current situation of this era.

"Lancer Leonidas I, Rider Ushiwakamaru, Lancer Musashibo Benkei, the three of you and the soldiers went to the Absolute Monster Front, and led the soldiers to fight against the monsters."

"Assassin Fuuma Kotaro, Ruler Amakusa Shiro Tokisada, the two of you went to the mysterious dense forest in the south to find out what's inside."

"Archer Ba Gozen, Berserker Ibaraki Doji, the two of you stay in Uruk on standby."

Gilgamesh gave orders to the seven Servants in a resolute manner. Except for Ibaraki-douji, who pouted and showed a rebellious look, the other six Servants cooperated with their jaws, expressing their acceptance of Gilgamesh, the summoner. Order.

After giving the order, King Leonidas I, Ushiwakamaru, and Benkei Musashibo took the Uruk soldiers and started to head to the monster front line in the north.

Fuuma Kotaro and Amakusa Shiro Tokisada went to the southern forest to investigate the situation.

In the end, in the Uruk Palace, there were only Merlin, three Servants, Ba Gozen and Ibaraki Doji.

Now Gilgamesh is thinking about...whether to get rid of these two Servants.

Because of the ghostly aura on them, Gilgamesh hated it very much.

But in the end, Gilgamesh did not choose to get rid of the two of them because of his dislike, but asked Siduri to take them down and arrange accommodation for them.

After Ba Gozen and Ibaraki Doji left, Nanye looked at Gilgamesh unexpectedly, "It really surprised me, I thought you would kill them, Gil."

"That is to say, after all, who doesn't know that the king of Uruk hates half-human beings the most." Semiramis said with a smile.

"That's right, this king hates half-human beings the most, especially half-humans and half-gods." Gilgamesh squinted at Semiramis.

Because Semiramis is a demigod! And Gilgamesh's words... didn't he scolded himself?

Because he is also a demigod himself.

Semiramis gritted his silver teeth angrily, while Merlin, who was innocently shot by the side, scratched his messy silver hair. He was half-human, half-dream, and half-human, half-human.

"Okay, the two of you are not **** for tat." Qiye, who was sandwiched between the two, interrupted Gilgamesh and Semiramis with a wry smile and said seriously, "Let's discuss the two most problematic ones. The Servant, the half-human, half-ghost Katsumae and the ghost Ibaraki-doji."

"Let's talk about that Ba Yuqian first." Semiramis, who was discussing business affairs, narrowed his eyes, "Although she has a calm expression, this is only the surface. I can feel her violent nature is deeply rooted, and once she loses control It's dangerous to explode."

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