I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 179:

Maybe it is. After all, Qiye and Gilgamesh confine the gods worshipped by humans to the sky. The two of them can be said to be the most arrogant and bold anti-gods in history.

So because they all have the characteristics of 'God-defying', Qiye summoned this dragon witch? ?

Whether it is for this reason or not, the Servant summoned by Seven Nights is this arrogant Dragon Witch.

Hei Zhen looked at her Qiye with a tangled expression, her crystal clear cherry lips turned down and the corners of her eyes were raised, revealing an expression full of disgust.

"I said why are you looking at me like this, begging for a beating!"

With a click, Gilgamesh snapped his fingers, opened the King's Treasure, took out the royal seal, and went directly into battle.

After sensing Gilgamesh's hostility, Heizhen's eyes changed instantly. Holding the flag of Calamity, she shielded Nanya behind her and stared coldly at Gilgamesh.

This is the last 15,000 words I owe you~

Well, Apple doesn't owe you anymore~

The next chapter is the announcement of the bounty.

I hope you can make Apple owe a lot of words this time too [happy smile~]

Section 334 Unlimited Bounty! On!

As the title says, Apple once again offered a bounty.

The time for the bounty starts now and ends at 12:00 noon on March 8th.

Because of the last bounty, Apple almost died from exhaustion, so this time the bounty data, Apple... does not plan to increase!

So it's still...

Five hundred recommended votes plus one more.

The 60-month ticket adds one more update.

10,000 rewards plus one more.

Sixty blades plus one more.

Ok! And it’s still an unlimited addition [emphasis again]

So as long as you meet the data, Apple owes you a chapter.

Although...Although Apple did not raise the data, the number of chapters Apple owes has changed from 4,000 words to 2,000 words.

Because it is still four thousand words and one chapter... Apple really can't take it, because now that I have started to work, I don't have that much time to code words.

And Apple doesn't think it will be exhausted this time, after all, not many people follow Apple's books.

So the reward this time is probably only about 10,000 or 20,000 words.

Well, here is the current data...

Sa, let's start our war again!

Chapter 335 Chapter 29 Hei Zhen: The old lady originally wanted to say no, but this man...

"Qiye, slaughtering this Servant, she is probably not a good thing." Gilgamesh, who was holding the royal seal, looked down at Heizhen and said.

"Huh? What are you talking about, the withered straw-haired guy, who is not a good thing, the old lady set you on fire!" Hei Zhen showed a disgusted expression, and the flag she was holding was burning in pitch black flame.

"Smelly woman, whose hair looks like yellow straw!"

Gilgamesh and Heizhen, who was summoned by Nanye, were glaring at each other. If Nanya was not standing here, the two of them would definitely fight directly.

"You two stop for a while, why are you so excited?" Qiye, who came out from behind Heizhen, hurriedly smoothed out the field, he said to Gilgamesh who was looking down at Heizhen, "Although her magic power is somewhat unknown, but Isn't she nice?"


...it seems to be pretty good.

After Heizhen sensed Gilgamesh's hostility, she immediately protected Nanya behind her.

Although her attitude and words were a bit annoying, her body honestly protected the Master [Nanye] who summoned her.

The mouth says this and that, but the body is very honest.

Maybe this is arrogance.

"Hmph." Gilgamesh, who snorted coldly, took back his royal seal and lifted his fighting state, but Heizhen still tried her best to widen her eyes, staring at Jin Twinkle who just said she was not a good thing.

After getting Gilgamesh out of the fighting state, Nanaye turned to look at the Servant who was summoned by him, "What should I call you, is it Avenger [Avengers], or Zhen..."

"Heizhen, call me Heizhen." Heizhen interrupted Qiye and said, "Don't call me Avenger, and that name doesn't belong to me."

"So Heizhen, you don't need to maintain a fighting stance now. Listen to me first, why did I summon you."

Qiye told Heizhen about the situation of this era and the disasters to be faced and resolved.

"In order to solve the alliance between the beasts and the three goddesses, I need my strength, right? I understand."

"Then are you willing to dedicate your strength to this?" Qiye asked sincerely.

"I don't..." Hei Zhen originally wanted to say no, and then laughed at Qi Ye for doing such a thankless thing, but after seeing the sincerity and hope on Qi Ye's handsome face, she suddenly choked. .

"...I'm not unwilling, after all, you spent so much magic power to summon me, so I'll try to help you, I don't really want to help you, I just want to fight the monsters and goddesses you mentioned. That's it."

Qiye looked at Hei Zhen who raised his slightly pointed chin, and he felt a very familiar feeling from her.

If you want to describe that feeling... it's the feeling Gilgamesh gave Nanya when she was arrogant.

So the Servant who was summoned by Nanye was a deadly arrogant like Gilgamesh? ?

That's pretty good too, Qiye can conquer even Gilgamesh's arrogance... No, it's tame, it doesn't seem right.

Ahem, it's all about handling relationships anyway, so if Heizhen is concerned, Qiye might be able to let her get along peacefully with those Servants like Ushiwakamaru.

Qiye felt the remaining magic power in his body, and he wondered if he should summon the second Servant, so he asked Heizhen, "Heizhen, how is the magic power consumed by your battle and Noble Phantasm? Is it big?"

Hei Zhen picked up her silver hair and said in a very arrogant tone, "Of course it's very big. If it's a third-rate Master, it's estimated that his magic power will be drained in an instant."

"Really, I know."

Qiye dismissed the idea of ​​summoning a second Servant. Although he still has magic power to summon, once Heizhen fights with others, the magic power will be drawn from him.

So Qiye doesn't plan to summon a second Servant. He is not Gilgamesh. He also plans to leave Uruk. If he leaves Uruk, he will definitely fight with others, so let's just use a Servant.

"Gill, then we'll leave first, see you tomorrow." Qiye said to Gilgamesh.

"Did you just leave? Oh, let's go, Semiramis is still at home waiting for you to go back."

Originally Gilgamesh wanted Qiye to stay a little longer, but when he thought of Semiramis' expression after seeing Heizhen, his whole person became happy, so not only did he not keep Qiye, but he also planned to drive him back .

Looking at Gilgamesh's strange smile, Nanye knew that this guy was thinking something bad.

Qi Ye wouldn't be so stupid. He brought a beautiful Servant back to Babylon Garden. He planned to let Siduri arrange a place for Heizhen to live.

"Seven nights, this king reminds you, at this time, most of the people are already asleep, and Siduri is probably the same. You are not planning to wake up Siduri who has been working for a day and ask her to give it to you. Servant arrange a place to live."

"..." The corners of Qiye's mouth twitched. That's right, but it's midnight, and normal people are already asleep.

And as expected of you, Gilgamesh, actually knows what Nanya is thinking.

"And that woman, don't you really want to have a fight with beasts and goddesses, then it would be better if you know more information, just follow your Master home, he knows best about the alliance between beasts and the three goddesses. ."

Damn it, Gilgamesh, are you a demon!

"Thinking beautifully! How could the old lady go home with the man!" Hei Zhen glared at Qiye.

"I said why are you staring at me... I didn't say those words just now." Qiye said helplessly, looking at Hei Zhen who was staring at him.

"Huh~ If the Servant doesn't go home with the Master, then he can only live on the streets, tsk tsk, as expected, he is a despised Servant who can only live on the streets, but living on the streets is not bad." Gilgamesh revealed said with a wicked smile.

"...Let's go, where is your home?" Hei Zhen looked at Qiye very seriously and said.

Can you really be arrogant and can't stand this kind of aggressive tactics!

And Gilgamesh, why are you so skilled?

Of course Gilgamesh is proficient... He doesn't know how many times Semiramis has used this aggressive method to deal with it, and every time he is hit.

Gilgamesh is very skilled because he has experienced it many times.

Since Heizhen intends to go with Qiye, Qiye will not refuse, anyway, there is a room for her to live in the Babylon Garden.

When he established the Babylonian Garden, in addition to the rooms of Seven Nights and Semiramis, he also reserved rooms for Gilgamesh and Enkidu, two close friends, so that when they came to the Babylonian Kingdom, they could stay in the Babylonian Gardens. live in it.

But the two of them hadn't lived once, so those rooms were always empty.

Looking at Qiye and Heizhen who were leaving, Gilgamesh first whistled, and then laughed out loud hahahaha, and the happy and refreshing laughter spread throughout the entire shrine.

The Uruk soldiers near the tower were all sighing, "As expected of a sage, you can always make the king laugh so loudly."

Heizhen heard the loud laughter coming from behind, and frowned, she asked Qiye, "Why is that blond guy smiling so happily?"

"Tsk, he must have remembered something very bad, that's why he laughed so happily." Said Qiye, smacking his lips.

"To be able to laugh out loud because of bad things, this guy is really bad."

"That's right, he's a bad guy."

Qiye and Heizhen spit Gilgamesh together. If it wasn't for this guy's talkativeness, he wouldn't need to take Heizhen to the Garden of Babylon.

It wasn't that Qiye didn't want to let Heizhen live in the Garden of Babylon, he was just worried that Semiramis would be unhappy.

Qiye thought that if the target was the Servant he summoned, Semiramis wouldn't be unhappy...

Soon Qiye denied this situation.

Because how could it be possible, according to Semiramis's personality that even eats her daughter's jealousy, she will definitely be unhappy.

Although he didn't want to make Semiramis unhappy, Qiye didn't want to make Heizhen, who wanted to help protect this era, uncomfortable, because he felt that this Servant had a delicate heart that needed to be taken care of.

"I said Master, don't be silent like a stuffy gourd." Hei Zhen glanced sideways at the black-haired and white-robed man beside him.

"Speak up... If you don't mind, Heizhen, tell me about you. I'm very interested in your business." Qiye said to Heizhen.

Qiye had heard Tatsuka Fujimaru and the others talk about their journey to repair the singularity, so they probably knew that Heizhen was the dragon witch they met at the first singularity, the Evil Dragon Hundred Years War.

Although Qiye didn't know whether the Heizhen he summoned was the same Heizhen that Fujimaru Rika and the others met, as long as Heizhen told her experience, Qiye would be able to confirm the matter immediately.

"Me? I don't have anything to talk about." Hei Zhen never mentioned her past, because it really wasn't something worth mentioning.

Black Zhen is related to Joan of Arc.

Although Heizhen is related to Joan of Arc, it cannot be said that she is the inversion and evil side of Joan of Arc.

Because Joan of Arc is a saint, there is absolutely no possibility of 'calling out from the other side'.

In fact, Heizhen was a fictional avenger named Joan of Arc by the French Marshal Gilles de Rais, who lamented the death of Joan of Arc, using the power of the Holy Grail.

As a heroic spirit who is the complete opposite of the original Jeanne, she appears in the world with the class of Avenger.

After thinking like this, Qiye suddenly stopped, and he thought of a possibility that Heizhen would be summoned.

'The Holy Grail I borrowed from Chaldea, shouldn't it be the Holy Grail of the Evil Dragon Hundred Years War! Therefore, this Holy Grail is related to Heizhen, so I will summon Heizhen. ’

It's not that there is no such possibility.

But now, yes or no, it doesn't matter anymore.

The important thing is that Heizhen is willing to fight side by side with Qiye and the others, that's enough.

Semiramis was waiting for her husband's return in the Garden of Babylon. When she saw Qiye returning here, her pretty face subconsciously burst into a beautiful smile, but she saw the black armor behind Qiye. After the woman, the smile gradually stiffened.

"Who is this woman I haven't seen before... Servant's breath, is it the Servant summoned by Nanye?"

Under the gaze of Semiramis, the erratic Qiye took Heizhen into the Babylonian Garden, but Heizhen did not notice Semiramis, she was already fascinated by this 'green' Babylonian garden among.

The beauty of the Babylonian Gardens fascinates everyone who sets foot here, otherwise Mesopotamia would not have so many beautiful legends related to the Babylonian Gardens.

On the day he married Semiramis in Seven Nights, the Garden of Babylon was opened to the public once, and that time, the name of the Garden of Babylon spread throughout Mesopotamia.

"Semiramis, you haven't slept yet, so let me introduce to you, this is the Servant I summoned, and his name is 'Black Zhen'." Qi Ye said solemnly, pointing to Hei Zhen who was watching the Babylon Garden in amazement. .

"I guessed it, so why did you bring her back." Semiramis said with a 'smiley' expression.

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