I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 191:

Qiye roughly stated the rules of the underworld, and then continued, "In order to leave the underworld and reduce the trouble of entering the underworld, you stay here."

"Okay then." Decade nodded obediently.

"But Mr. Qiye, are you all right?" Matthew asked worriedly.

"Of course there's no problem, because I'm an extraditer from the underworld." Qiye smiled at Matthew.

Although it is said that there are many rules for entering the underworld, even the gods must abide by the rules, but Qiye does not need to follow them.

Because Qiye is the extradition of the goddess of the underworld.

Therefore, Qiye does not need to prepare a substitute for death, so he can enter and leave the underworld freely, and he can also wear clean and gorgeous robes, and can also freely talk to the dead in the underworld.

Moreover, when Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld, gave Nanye the role of an 'extrador from the underworld', she also allowed him not to perform the duties of an 'extrader from the underworld'.

The post of the extraditioner of Qiye is just a passport that can repeatedly enter the underworld.

A situation where you don’t need to fulfill your responsibilities while getting convenience.

After saying goodbye to Medusa Lily and the other three daughters, Qiye put the magic power into the magic circle. After the magic power drove the magic circle, Qiye looked at the magic circle emitting purple light and began to chant. .

"Open it, the guiding door to the underworld."

Afterwards, Qiye, who was standing in the magic circle, turned into light, and he had been transferred to the underworld below Cusa City through the magic circle.

Seven Nights in the Underworld has been here many times. He is extremely familiar with the despair-like color and atmosphere of the underworld, so he began to feel the fire of life that exists in the underworld, ignoring the situation in the underworld.

If Fujimaru Rika really falls into the underworld, then only the underworld of death and silence will make Nanye feel the fire of life that belongs to Fujimaru Rika.

Soon, Qiye felt the breath of the fire of life in the vast underworld. His identity as an extraditer from the underworld was given by the goddess of the underworld, so the underworld would bring a lot of protection to Qiye.

After all, Qiye is the extraditioner loved by the goddess of the underworld...

So it is extremely simple for Qiye to feel the breath of the fire of life.

After sensing the fire of life in the underworld, the underworld extradited people for seven nights, turned into the breath of the underworld, and began to fly towards the other side rapidly.

In the underworld, people from the underworld turn into the aura of the underworld... Isn't it normal?

"Huh? This feeling is..." Ai Lei, who was located in the palace of the underworld, looked in a certain direction, she said in surprise, "Seven nights? His breath is not wrong, how did he come to the underworld."

"Could it be that Qiye has already noticed that I am a member of the Three Goddess Alliance, so he came down to ask me for guilt!"

Some people, when they do some bad things, can't help but wonder if others know what they have done, and then become nervous and panic.

Right now, Elle is in such a tense and panic situation.

In a panic, Ellie lost her job of weaving the gun cell, and then she sat on the throne of the goddess of the underworld and smoothed her blond hair.

Just like that, Alley tried her best to put on a calm expression, waiting for the arrival of Qiye.

From the moment Ellie decided to become the 'Three Goddess Alliance', she had already prepared for this day. If Qiye asked her the residents of Kusa City, the elderly and children of Uruk, whether their souls were hers. Take away, she will admit that she did it.

After admitting it, Alley felt that she would receive that disappointed look from Qiye again.

When Ellie killed Inanna, Qiye showed her disappointment in her eyes. At that time, the feeling was so bad that Ellie never wanted to experience it a second time.

But the second look of disappointment seems to be coming.

"If you have a question for me at Qiye, then I also have a question for you. I want to know if you are... the son of Tiamat." Alley, who was sitting on the throne, muttered to herself.

Alley knew the identity of the son of Tiamat at Qiye.

Knowing from the green hat Professor Leif, after knowing the identity of Qiye, Alley was stunned, and then she suddenly realized.

Because of this status, Alley has learned many things.

For example, why did Qiye not worship the gods all the time?

For example, why does Qiye always resist the gods?

For example, why did Qiye never accept the...love of a certain goddess.

Because he is the child of the **** Tiamat, his mother was driven by the gods to the imaginary world, and it is only natural that he does not like the gods.

"But Qiye... What does it have to do with me? When your mother entered the world of imaginary numbers, I was not born." Alley let out an innocent whimper.

The courageous Alley is mentally prepared for a one-on-one showdown with Qiye!

But Ellie waited left and right, and she didn't wait for Qiye to come here. Instead, Qiye deviated from the seven gates of the underworld that led to the palace of the underworld, and headed for other places.

"No... No, isn't Qiye here to find me? Well, yes, he must have just lost his way. That's right, he must have come to find me, but he was just lost." Alley is trying her best to convince the waiter. self.

Allie, wake up quickly! Qi Ye didn't know how many times he went to the underworld, how could he get lost!

So you hurry up and accept the cruel fact that Qiye went to the underworld this time, not to come to find you!

Then Elle gradually closed herself...

It was obvious that she had made up her mind just now to say that she didn't expect that Qiye who descended to the underworld was not here to find her!

"Damn, even fate is playing with me." Alley let out the wailing of a blond dog.

In fact, it wasn't as miserable as Elle thought. Nanye had plans to find her, but Fujimaru Tachika, who was now in the underworld, was even more urgent, so he didn't go through the seven gates of the underworld and arrived at the palace of the underworld to find Elle.

So don't cry, what you want will come true...probably.

Fujimaru Rika was approached step by step by the slaves of the underworld, and she kept retreating, but she could no longer retreat, because there was a cave fault behind Fujimaru Rika.

Similar to a cliff-like situation.

But it doesn't matter anymore, because Qi Ye, who turned into the breath of the underworld, has come here.


The breath of the underworld whistled in the air, and then slammed into the middle of Fujimaru Tachika and the slaves of the underworld. The too strong aura of the underworld scared the slaves of the underworld back several steps.

And Fujimaru Rika nervously looked at the sudden black mist. She didn't know what this thing was, but it looked very dangerous, because just looking at it produced a cold and biting feeling.

That is the feeling of death.

But the breath of the underworld quickly dissipated, and a black-haired and white-robed figure was revealed.

Looking at Qiye's figure in the dark mist, Tatsuka Fujimaru said in surprise, "Mr. Qiye!"

"Well, it's me." Qiye glanced at Fujimaru Rika behind him, and after realizing that she didn't receive any harm, he laughed, "It seems that you are not in serious trouble, that's great , how about a trip to the underworld in Mesopotamia interesting?"

Looking at Qiye who was joking with him, Fujimaru Rika, who was relieved, smiled bitterly and said, "Interesting? This place is terrible..."

"It's really bad, so I came down and took you up. You stand first, and I'll convince these undead... Huh?" Nanye said to Fujimaru Rika, while looking at the group of underworld people in front of him. slave.

Originally, Nanye planned to use the power of extraditing people from the underworld to take Fujimaru Rika away.

But before he even said a word, those slaves from the underworld did something that surprised both Nanya and Fujimaru Rika.

That is, they all knelt down towards Qiye, and put their ugly, ugly, skinny heads on the land of the underworld, kneeling down and salute like a king who greeted them.

"I said what are you doing..." Qiye said subtly.

Although Qiye is an extradition from the underworld, all the undead, undead, and souls in the underworld will hold a respectful attitude towards him that is second only to the goddess of the underworld.

But now, Qiye has never encountered such a situation of kneeling without saying a word.

Ah no, I have encountered Qiye before. When he was the king of the Kingdom of Babylon, the inhabitants of Babylon would kneel like this when they entered the palace of Babylon, to show his respect and love for Qiye.

But this is not the kingdom of Babylon, and they are not the inhabitants of Babylon.

But, are they really not the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Babylon...

"King...I wait...I beg your forgiveness...and hope for your redemption..."

The hoarse voice came from the group of slaves in the underworld. Qiye frowned slightly after hearing such words.

"King? Forgive? Redemption? I said, did you recognize the wrong person? There is no king in the underworld, only the goddess of the underworld." Qiye shook his head and said.

"No, you are our king... The king of Babylon who brought prosperity and happiness to all, we are the people of Babylon who betrayed you."

"You are the inhabitants of Babylon, but didn't I let all the inhabitants of the Kingdom of Babylon move to Uruk... Wait, you are not..."

Qiye recalled something, and he looked at the group of slaves from the underworld who were kneeling down to him in amazement.

"Are you the ones who chose to leave the Kingdom of Babylon?"

"Yes..." They responded bitterly and hoarsely as they put their heads on the ground of the underworld.

These slaves of the underworld are all seven-night inhabitants of Babylon, or at least [used to] be inhabitants of Babylon.

When Qiye planned to tear down the walls of the Babylonian kingdom and set up a monster front, he and Semiramis gave everyone in the Babylonian kingdom a choice.

That is to choose to continue to follow the King of Babylon and the Empress of Babylon to Uruk.

Or choose to bring their own property and family, and go their separate ways.

These two choices, Qiye did not interfere, let them choose and choose the path to take in the future.

So, all the people in Babylon made their own choices after seven days.

Thirty percent of the nobles chose to take their wealth and left Qiye.

Fifty percent of the priests chose to take their wealth and left Qiye.

10% of the residents chose to take their wealth and left Qiye.

The remaining Babylonian residents followed Qiye and Semiramis to the Uruk Palace to live there, and now these kneeling slaves from the underworld in front of Qiye...

Those who choose to leave.

Seeing that the people of the past had turned into the lifeless and pitiful appearance of today, Qiye took a slow breath, "Why did you become like this..."

Afterwards, the slaves who were reduced to the underworld began to mournfully tell what happened after they left Babylon and left for seven nights.

In fact, there is nothing to say, that is, they were dragged by their families and they were captured by Kish's Ajia and the others one after another, and then under the threat of Ajia's force, they joined Ajia's team.

Aga intends to occupy the Babylonian kingdom that has lost its walls and all its population, and these Babylonian residents are the best candidates to manage the Babylonian kingdom for him.

But everyone should still have an impression of what happened next.

It is the "Babylonian Rebellion".

The goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal, appeared in the Babylonian palace in the form of a black owl, wanting to remind Qiye to stay away from Gilgamesh, the **** who divided the gods.

Then just happened to discover Kish's Aga and the others, and Alley directly used her power to summon the breath of the underworld, depriving all the members of Kish's Aga of their vitality and life, and then extracting their souls.

After doing these things, Alley returned to the underworld and began to judge the sins of Kish's Aga and his gang with the Garula spirits.

And then... I found out that a large part of the people turned out to be inhabitants of Babylon!

At that time, Elle panicked!

She didn't expect that she would kill the people of Qiye by mistake... But fortunately, she knew from the mouths of those people that they were no longer the people of Qiye.

That's fine~

So does this count as the goddess of the underworld killing innocent people by mistake?


They are still guilty.

Because following a criminal is a sin, whether you are forced or voluntarily, it is not actually a manslaughter.

Actually, Alley wanted to release them from the underworld for the sake of them being the children of Seven Nights, and let their souls return to their bodies, thus resurrecting them.

But ah, it can't be done!

Because their bodies have the breath of Hades, they have all turned into mummified corpses, and the mummified corpses were also discarded by the white pigeons and burned down by a fire...

In the case of mummified corpses, they could barely be resurrected, but they were all burned to ashes. Don't think about resurrecting, just wait for death.

So if they couldn't be resurrected, Alley had to make arrangements for them.

Because these people who are no longer inhabitants of Babylon are not the first to follow Aga of Kish to betray the gods, so their sins are not deep.

It's just the sin of following.

So Alley exiled their souls and exiled them to the underworld, and let them be responsible for guarding the gun cell in the underworld and driving out the living.

When their souls turned into bodies are completely decayed, it is when they leave the underworld and reincarnate.

It won't be long, hundreds of years will pass in the blink of an eye.

It's just that watching the soul that turned into a body rot and shatter day by day, that kind of scene... It's really bad.

So these people, in the past few months, gradually turned into this ugly appearance.

If he had chosen to follow Qiye firmly at that time, he would not have fallen to the miserable situation he is now.

Unfortunately, there is no if.

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