I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 195:

It was a very decisive expression.

"In order for everyone to resist the monsters in the north, the king chose to abandon the prosperous kingdom he established, and demolished the walls of the Kingdom of Babylon to establish a monster front."

"And everyone in Uruk and Babylon fought **** beasts all day long. If the goddess of the Three Goddess Alliance were allowed to survive, the more soldiers would be killed and wounded."

So Decade, who inherited some of Semiramis' decisive and vicious character, decided to kill the goddess.

It was because of their so-called three goddesses that so many deaths occurred.

If it weren't for them, her father's kingdom of Babylon would not have been demolished, and everyone would not need to migrate to Uruk, nor would they need to go to the monster front to fight fierce monsters.

All of this was brought about by the Three Goddess Alliance.

Decade's words made Fujimaru Rika and the others open their mouths, and then fell silent, unable to refute or stop them.

Because the alliance of the three goddesses is indeed the enemy of this era, and it is also the factor that causes the singularity, and it is the existence that they need to solve in Chaldea.

If Ishtar (Ai Lei) keeps targeting Uruk, she must be dealt with.

Medusa lily looked at Deketo in surprise. She didn't expect this little girl who was laughing and laughing all day to have such decisiveness.

Thanks to Semiramis' free-range parenting policy...

"Father? You just said the Kingdom of Babylon..." Ellie, who was bound by the chains of the earth, looked at Decade in disbelief, "You are the... daughter of Qiye?"

"That's right."

"...Well, okay, let's do it." Alley twitched the corners of her lips bitterly, and then she closed her eyes.

The goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal, chose to accept death.

Although it is said that most of the people who kill humans are the monsters of the goddess of monsters, but she, Elle, also has a share.

The residents of Kusa City, the elderly and children of Uruk, their souls were all taken away by Elle's Garula Spirit.

So Elle doesn't think she's innocent, so she thinks it's normal for her to be killed by them who protect Uruk.

'I wondered why this little girl was so familiar with her. It turned out to be the child of Seven Nights and Semiramis... This kind of character that is determined to be an enemy and is eliminated directly is exactly the same as Semiramis. ’

"Wait, before I get killed by you, I want to tell you something!" Suddenly remembering something, Alley opened her eyes.

Elle thinks, she's going to die anyway, since Decade is the child of Qiye, tell them about the other two goddesses.

"Huh? Why did you let go of me?" Alley looked at Decade in surprise and doubt, because the earth chain tied to her body had turned into mud and fell down.

Now Alley has regained her freedom.

Facing Elle's surprised eyes, Decade looked to the side, and the figure of Qiye slowly walked out there.

It wasn't that Decade released Elle, but Qiye took control of the earth and broke the chains of the earth that Decade maintained.

"Father, why? Now is the best chance to solve one of the Three Goddess Alliance." Deketo said puzzled.

Qiye, who walked to Deketo's side, touched her head and said softly, "I know this is a good opportunity, but ah. The goddess kept her promise with us and told us all the information she could tell us. , so we should also keep our promise to untie her and let her go."

"..." Decade pursed his lips, then nodded his head, expressing his agreement with what Qiye said.

But isn't Decade's agreement too refreshing?

There are two reasons!

One, it was her most beloved father and king who let her let Ishtar (Ai Lei) go.

Second, although Deketo's reason told her to kill Ishtar (Ai Lei), thus reducing the disaster faced by this era by one, her emotions were pulling her.

In fact, the child Decade was not as calm and decisive as she seemed, she couldn't kill the goddess immediately.

Because the body that this goddess relies on is a priest Rin that Decade is familiar with and has a good relationship with.

That's why Deketo accepted Qiye's decision so readily.

People, as long as you find a good excuse, an excuse that can appease yourself, you will give up some things you insist on.

And that's what Decade is like.

Because of Qiye's insertion, Deketo could accept Qiye's proposal with peace of mind, and then let the goddess go.

It's not that she doesn't want to avenge everyone, it's just that her father stopped her.

such a situation.

Now, Elle has seen Ri Siye Siang's figure, she is very excited, but she is holding back the excitement, she doesn't want to tell Qi Ye that she is not the goddess of Venus, but the goddess of the underworld.

Because it's too embarrassing...

She was knocked unconscious and then tied up, and she said so many bad things just now, so Alley decided to hide her identity and let the Venus goddess take the blame for her.

After all, you Venus goddess is not only savage, but also often causes trouble, so it doesn't matter if you help take the blame!

Ailey decided to hide her identity in this way, but she never thought that when Qiye fainted, she suspected that she was the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal.

And now, Nanye can be sure that she is Ereshkigal.

Because the powerful Ishtar will never show such flickering eyes of guilty conscience...

You know, Ishtar stole the treasure trove of God Enki. After being discovered by God Enki, they laughed happily and ridiculed them as the oldest and most arrogant robber.

How could he show a guilty conscience because of what happened just now.

Only the goddess who lives in the underworld will show such a guilty expression after she has done bad things.

Qiye knows these two sisters best, so he can now be sure that she is not Ishtar, but Ereshkigal.

"Since you guys have decided to let me go, then I'll leave." Alley said with a guilty conscience in her eyes.

Now Alley just wanted to find a crack in the ground to crawl in and disappear in front of Qiye's eyes.

Find a crack in the ground to dig in...

In fact, it means to return to the underworld through the seam in the ground.

"Wait a minute, Xiao Hei, what do you want to eat tonight?"

"I think……"

Alley responded to Qiye subconsciously, and then she quickly closed her mouth and wailed in her heart.

'This is the second time, the second time! How can I be so stupid! ’

Once, when the girl's mind was restless, Alley tried every means to bring Qiye into the underworld, so she let Galulaling pierce through the land of Uruk and get Gilgamesh's toy down.

Afterwards, Alley turned into a black owl and came to look for Qiye and let him go to the underworld.

It was at that time that Qi Ye suddenly said, "Little Hei, what do you want to eat tonight", and then Ellie, who turned into a black owl, answered him without hesitation.

Therefore, the identity of 'black owl = the avatar of the goddess of the underworld' was exposed.

Now... Qiye still came up with this trick, and she was hit again!

Only the goddess of the underworld will respond to Qiye's thoughtless words just now.

At the same time, Elle also knew that Qiye had discovered her identity.

Qiye sighed when he saw Ai Lei's body stiffening, then rubbed his hair, he turned his head to Decade and the others and said, "Leave a little, I have some things to talk to her alone, Maybe I can pull her to our side, maybe."

"That's right!" Romani's eyes lit up in Chaldea.

As the saying goes, "As long as the **** swings well, there is no corner that can't be digged", Uruk and Chaldea can pull the Three Goddess Alliance to be their allies!

It is very beneficial to win over!

Although the Three Goddess Alliance had a covenant, after becoming their allies, they couldn't help them to attack other goddesses.

But that was enough.

Because if they are successful, Qiye and the others will reduce a powerful goddess enemy.

And Romani felt that Qiye had a good chance to win over the 'Goddess of Venus', after all, the goddess had been thinking about him all the time.

But this is not the goddess of Venus, but the goddess of the underworld.

However... the goddess of the underworld is also like the goddess of Venus, with a heart attached to Qiye.

Fujimaru Rika and the others just looked at each other, and then left silently, leaving only Qiye and Ailey, but Decade followed Fujimaru Rika and the others halfway, and then turned back.

Decade said to Ellie very seriously, "This is my father."

"...I know, you don't need to tell me specifically." Alley said ill.

'Ok? Wait...is this little guy telling me this to remind me that I'm a loser. ’

Ugh, the man he has a crush on is bringing his daughter, and his daughter is still telling her very seriously that she is his daughter, which is too... too bullying.

Is blond hair destined to be a loser?

Wow, it seems that Deketo's words just now made Elle feel bad.

And... as expected of you, the Empress of Babylon, even if she didn't stay by Qiye's side, she still had a way to sink other women.

Looking at Ellie, who had shut herself off for no reason, Decade felt that she said something very offensive, but she didn't, it was just a word that had no meaning.

This sentence means nothing to Deketo, but to other women who are concerned about Qiye, it is a sharp attack of 'invincible penetration'.

A terrible attack that can completely sink them.

Qiye sighed with a headache when he looked at the depressed Ai Lei. Now he has probably guessed who had been telling Deketo to say these words to the people he met.

"Okay, Decade, leave first, I have something to talk about with her."


Deketo also left here, and now there are really only Qiye and Ailei left. The atmosphere is a little silent, making it hard to breathe.

Anyway, Ai Lei, who was bound, questioned, discovered, and beaten, didn't want to take the initiative to talk to Nanye.

So Qiye took the initiative to say, "Well, should I call you 'Ishtar', or..."

"You've found it all, haven't you, you can call it whatever you want."

"Then Ellie..."

"Ah, Qiye, you really found out who I am." Alley turned her back to Qiye, and then squatted down. She said sadly, "Isn't the performance of the underworld goddess very sad and funny."

"I didn't feel that way, but felt a little..." Qiye scratched his cheeks.

Qiye really didn't think Ellie was sad, nor did she find her funny, but instead thought she was a little cute.

But Qiye couldn't say these two words, because he was already married, so there are some words, some words, that he can't say to other women.

Especially the goddess of the underworld whose heart is tied to him.

"What's the matter? You tell me, I don't care about anything now, you can say whatever you want." Alley, who had her back to Qiye and crouched down, said sullenly.

"Oh, let's stop talking about this, let's discuss the business." Qiye changed the subject and said.

This is 17,000!

There are 19,000 words left, which is enough for 68,000 words.

Chapter 346 Chapter 38 Elle: I am wronged, the empress' coquetry, and the wind comment were killed to future generations

"Business... Hmph, didn't I tell you all about the Three Goddess Alliance just now? What else is there to talk about?"

Qiye looked at Ailei who was squatting, and he said slowly, "You are Ailey, the goddess of the underworld Ereshkigal, the gentle goddess of the cold underworld, when you think you will be killed, you are I didn't intend to tell the information about the other two goddesses."


Looking at the goddess of the underworld who did not respond to her, Qiye said softly, "If you didn't refute, then I'll take it as your admission."

The goddess of the underworld is still the gentle goddess of the underworld. She is helping the human beings in this era in a way that ordinary people cannot understand, so even if she knows that she is going to be killed, she still can't help reminding Deketo and the others, let the They know information about the other two goddesses.

"So Elle, come here and guard this land with us."

Qiye said softly to the squatting Alley, "I don't know why you chose to join the Three Goddess Alliance, but the reason you joined is definitely not 'they died in the hands of other goddesses, it's better to die in my hands ' That kind of reason."

"I know very well that although you are the goddess of the underworld, but you love human beings deeply, it is absolutely impossible to take away the lives of human beings and their souls casually."


'Seven nights... as expected of you, only you can understand me and know that I won't take everyone's life for that strange reason. ’

Alley bit her crystal lower lip, and a mist of water appeared in her eyes.

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