I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 201:

"no, do not want!"

"Isn't it? Then tell me exactly what you said just now."

Looking at Semiramis with fierce eyes, Deketo swallowed timidly, and she said weakly, "Mother, did I say something strange just now, why are you looking like you want to eat now? It's my expression."

"Hehehe, as expected of the child of Qiye, in terms of dullness, he is comparable to him."

Although Qiye is a little dull, he is not a fool.

So how could Seven Nights reveal the conversation with Elle that night?

At that time, Semiramis greeted Qiye and them at the gate of the city, and the reason why Semiramis picked up Decade.

That's because Qiye told her about Decade's precocious maturity.

But now... Deketo said something that Qiye didn't say.

Not to mention the 'beautiful relationship' between Semiramis and Deketo, the mother and daughter, now Qiye and Ishtar have already started their journey to the Beast Front.

And Fujimaru Rika, Mash, and Medusa Lily stayed. After they rested, they would go to the southern jungle to explore the frivolous Caster Merlin, who accosted women.

Now, Gilgamesh's Servants, as well as Seven Nights' Servant Heizhen, have all gone to the beast front.

As for how Seven Nights and Ishtar traveled from Uruk to the far-flung front of the beasts... it's the Tianzhou Ma Anna!

The Tianzhou Ma Anna, who can go beyond the speed of light and make space jumps, can reach the monster front line from Uruk in just a few minutes.

Qiye and Ishtar, who are sitting on the Tianzhou Ma Anna, are now side by side because of the car, and they can feel each other's temperature on each other's arms.

Qiye breathed the breath from Ishtar's body between his nostrils, and his arms felt the softness and warmth of hers. This situation made him feel like he was on pins and needles.

"I said take it easy, what are you doing with your arms so tight, it's not the first time we've sat like this." Ishtar said with pouted lips.

"Well, that's what I said... It was a few years ago. At that time, we sat on the Tianzhou Ma Anna and took away all the treasures in the treasure house of God Enki."

"I remember, it was ten years, three months and twelve days."

"You really remember it clearly."

Qiye glanced at Ishtar next to her delicately, she had closed her eyes now, and then dropped her head on Qiye's shoulder.

"Of course, I have never forgotten what you have experienced. When I was grounded in the cedar forest, I relied on your memories to pass the time..." Ishtar leaned on Qiye's shoulder like a dream muttered to himself.

"..." Feeling the thoughts conveyed by Ishtar, Qiye lowered his eyes and said softly, "I'm sorry."

Ishtar opened her eyes, her eyes blurred and she looked at Qiye's handsome face, and then said, "Qiye, you know, what I want to hear from your mouth is not an apology. "

"Well...but I can't say what you want to hear, so I can only say 'sorry'."

"Humph." Ishtar hummed softly in a soft, inaudible voice. She closed her eyes that were filled with sadness and mist, and then snorted her sour nose.

"Qiye, do you know how I spent those years?"

"I didn't know before, maybe I know now."

Didn't Ishtar say it just now, relying on memories and the bits and pieces of the seven nights, and then just passed the time like this...

With her eyes closed, Ishtar gradually clenched her jade hand. She whispered, "Qiye, if I learn to accept others, then... Will others accept me too?"

Qiye was silent, he probably knew what Ishtar was talking about.

If she will accept others, will others accept her too?

So you just replace the first 'other' with 'Semiramis' and the second 'other' with 'Seven Nights'.

"I don't know..." The sage, who is not good at dealing with soft women, whispered.

"You don't know, then I know." The corners of Ishtar's lips were slightly upturned, as if she had received some good news, her pretty face showed a slightly happy expression.

What did Ishtar know?

Qiye just told her "I don't know".

In fact, the answer is already obvious.

I don't know, so it's not a rejection.

It's not a rejection, then it means a chance.

If there is a chance, that's enough...

"I'm sorry for the drought caused by the bull in the sky. After the disaster of this era has passed, I will use my power to eliminate the drought caused by it."

"It's best if you have this idea, but it's not necessary now, because everyone in Babylon has moved to Uruk." Qiye shook his head and said.

In fact, the first descent of the bull in the sky did not bring an unimaginable drought to the Babylonian kingdom, because the place where it descended was not in the Babylonian kingdom, but in the periphery.

Although the Babylonian kingdom was affected by the spreading drought, it was not serious.

And now everyone in the Kingdom of Babylon has been led to Uruk by Qiye, so it doesn't matter whether the drought over there disappears or not.

Because of Ishtar's softening attitude, the conflict between her and Qiye gradually softened, and the atmosphere became much better.

"Huh? What's the situation with that tree over there?" Ishtar suddenly pointed forward and said.

Far ahead, that's where the cedar forest is.

On the other side of the cedar forest, there is a huge tree that climbs as high as a cloud. It is so huge that Qiye and Ishtar are far away from it, and it can be seen.

Judging from the size of this tree, it is estimated that it is a cedar tree that has grown for thousands of years, otherwise it would not be so thick and tall, but Ishtar has no impression of this tree at all.

Ishtar was once imprisoned by the **** Anu in the cedar forest. If there were such thick cedar trees in the cedar forest, she would definitely know.

"That tree... Could it be that tree?" Qiye muttered to himself in surprise, and Ishtar looked at Qiye curiously, "Qiye, do you know the origin of that tree?"

"Well, if I'm not mistaken, the cedar tree should be the one that absorbed the blood of the monster Humbaba." Qiye nodded and said.

After Gilgamesh cut off the head of the monster Humbaba, its blood spilled out and was absorbed by a tree, so the cedar tree grew rapidly, and it also had the power of the gods. Extraordinary breath.

So there will be such a giant tree suddenly appearing in the cedar forest, and Qiye feels that there is only one cedar tree that has absorbed the blood of the monster Humbaba.

"It turned out to be a tree that absorbed Humbaba's blood, so its rarity is no less than the tree of life. When the monsters and monster goddesses in the north are dealt with, I will cut it down and make it into my palace."

Qiye turned his head to look at Ishtar, and he laughed dumbly and said, "As expected of you, you are still the same."

"Hmph~ Humbaba is the gods, and the things of the gods are mine, so the cedar tree that absorbed its blood is mine."

Appeared, the robber logic of the Venus goddess Ishtar.

"But, I will use the essence of it to make a flute for you. You can see how shabby your flute is now." Ishtar pointed to the mud flute that Qiye had inserted into his waist in disgust.

"I think it doesn't matter. No matter what material the flute is made of, I can play a wonderful flute sound."

"I don't believe it~ unless you blow it to me now."

"Okay." Qiye took out the mud flute from his waist, put it against his lower lip, then inhaled and played it softly.

The beautiful and familiar flute sound softened Ishtar's eyes. She remembered the melody of the flute sound, which she named the "Song of the Goddess of Peace".

Every time Qiye played this tune, Ishtar's heart would be extremely calm and warm. It was because of this tune that her heart gradually became attached to Qiye.

Before the song was over, Qiye and Ishtar, who were sitting on the Tianzhou Ma Anna, reached the side of the monster front line.

In fact, Ishtar can control the flying speed of the Tianzhou Ma Anna, and listen to the wonderful and nostalgic flute.

But she didn't do it. Maybe she has really matured and knew that things on the Warcraft front need them to be solved urgently, so she didn't waste time at this time.

A large-scale camp has been established at the rear of the monster front line. In addition to allowing the soldiers to rest and recuperate from minor injuries, there are also buildings for crafting weapons and armor.

It can be said that apart from planting, this camp has almost all the facilities that other cities have.

Chapter 349 Chapter 41 Miss Heizhen... You are so brave!

Qiye and Ishtar entered the conference room of the monster front line, and the Servants who had already arrived at the monster front line rushed to the conference room.

The Servant who first appeared in the eyes of Seven Nights and Ishtar was the Dragon Witch.

Dressed in jet-black armor, the heroic Hei Zhen patted Qiye on the shoulder, her fair and beautiful face revealed a bold smile, "Oh, Master, you're finally here."

"What do you mean by finally coming, it seems like you have been waiting for me for a long time." Qiye smiled at the Servant, "But you are still so energetic, it's really good."

"Of course I'm in good spirits, it's very interesting to fight with those beating monsters." Heizhen squinted at Qiye with bright yellow eyes, "I've been waiting for you for a long time, you haven't come here, we will Unable to proceed with the next operational plan."

"What battle plan?"

"Rush into the base camp of monsters, destroy the temple in the north, and slaughter the goddess of monsters in the north."

Qiye subtly looked at Hei Zhen who had said these words with great pride, and he couldn't help but say, "There are tens of thousands of monsters over there, you still want to rush in directly??"

Miss Heizhen... You are so brave!

Ah, no, you are so reckless!

Everyone knows that there are tens of thousands of monsters over there, and there is also a goddess of monsters who has never appeared. Why do you have the idea of ​​rushing in directly...

Too reckless!

"There are tens of thousands of magical beasts, it doesn't matter, as long as you give me...cough, give me enough magic power, my Noble Phantasm will be able to burn them all." Heizhen, who had a tall chest, said proudly.

Black Zhen's Noble Phantasm is called 'Roar! my anger. ’

Also referred to as 'Hey, old lady is so angry. ’

Heizhen, when releasing the true name of this Noble Phantasm, will transform the resentment of herself and the surrounding into magic power and burn it, turning it into a conceptual flame of sin.

As long as the provided magic power is sufficient, the conceptual flames unfolded with the Noble Phantasm can burn even the marrow of the enemy!

Qiye had been with Heizhen for a while. Once, Qiye, her and Deketo went out to Uruk to destroy the wandering monsters. At that time, Qiye also knew a little about the power of Heizhen's Noble Phantasm.

The power that can directly burn the monsters into a pile of black ashes.

Besides, when Heizhen maintains that scary-looking Noble Phantasm, he also likes to laugh out loud 'hahahaha', he looks like a big villain...

At that time, Qiye was full of black lines, but Deketo looked at Heizhen with admiration. She seemed to like this kind of lethal Noble Phantasm very much.

With the arrival of Heizhen, other Servants also rushed over one after another.

Rider Ushiwakamaru, Lancer Musashibo Benkei, Lancer Leonidas I, and Archer Ba Gozen, there are a total of these four Servants.

Qiye, who was sitting in the seat, looked at the familiar faces, and he smiled and said, "I am very happy to see everyone who is so spirited. If I am at a banquet now, I will definitely toast everyone a glass of wine in person, thank you for this contribution to the times.”

"Lord Sage, you have won the prize. The mission I was summoned by King Gilgamesh was to solve the crisis encountered in this era." Musashibo Benkei said.

Without this group of Servants guarding the beast front here, Qiye would never be able to walk around, looking for a solution to the alliance of the three goddesses, only to be dragged by these beasts on the beast front.

So whether it's resisting monsters or making contributions to this era, Qiye has to thank them all.

"I'm different, I don't have any sense of mission, I just came here to fight with monsters." Hei Zhen, holding his cheeks, said casually.

Then the other Servants glanced at the Dragon Witch whose body exuded disaster and ominous aura.

How should I put it, Heizhen is a powerful Servant, but she is arrogant and arrogant, and she also exudes such a big villain's breath... So she doesn't get along well with other Servants.

Qiye also looked at Hei Zhen, and he said with a smile, "Is that so, but why did I hear from Decade that you are for..."

"Ah, ah, ah! If you dare to say it, the old lady will burn you!" Hei Zhen, who had a shy and angry look on her pretty face, stared at Qi Ye, and Qi Ye smiled, and stopped teasing this arrogant girl. The grumpy dragon witch.

In fact, Heizhen didn't come to the Warcraft front because he didn't want to fight with beasts.

She used to hang out with Deketo in Uruk, and happened to meet the wounded who returned from the monster front, so she decided to go to the monster front.

At that time, Deketo was reluctant to leave Heizhen, who was as kind as a sister, so he kept her, but Heizhen told her.

'Deketo, in order to end the war with monsters, so that they don't need to continue fighting with monsters, I'm going to the front line, and some wars need women and dwarfs to win, I think I'm the woman who will lead the war to victory this time. . ’

'This time it's me, not Jeanne. ’

Although Deketo didn't know what Heizhen was talking about, she also felt her determination to go to the front line, so Heizhen came to the Warcraft front.

So what Heizhen said just now, "I want to fight with monsters before I came to the front of monsters", this is a lie.

Ba Yuqian also felt that Heizhen was talking nonsense just now. As an Archer, she mostly provided remote support above the monster front line. Several times, she saw Heizhen rush into the monster pile and rescue the soldier who was almost killed. .

Therefore, Heizhen, who Ba Yuqian always found difficult to get along with, is actually a kind-hearted and good person.

Even if Heizhen's temperament is so evil and unknown.

After teasing Heizhen for a while, Qiye went straight to the topic. He asked earnestly, "Now tell me about the Warcraft Front and Nippur's situation."

"Okay, then let me explain to you, Master Sage."

Lancer Leonidas I nodded, and then he said in a deep voice, "Since we have dealt with the Scorpion, the leader of the monsters, because there is no leader to give orders, the monsters will be lured by us and killed by bombardment, Therefore, the pressure on the previous Warcraft front has been greatly reduced."

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