I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 217:

"You are the human being who angered and shocked the gods the most!"

"That's right!"

Gilgamesh glared at Ishtar, who was attached to the palm of the Seven Nights, what are you agreeing with!

"I can't forgive the current Mesopotamia. I don't agree that human beings want to abandon the gods and plan to create a world that only belongs to themselves." Alley said decisively.

"Why can't you agree?"

Alley looked at Qiye, who was talking, and she answered seriously, "Because there is only pain."

"Humans cannot escape the pain of living and the fear of death, but as long as there are gods, this unavoidable pain can be alleviated."

"Everyone can blame a lot of unreasonableness and a lot of ruthlessness on the gods. In this way, human beings can live open-mindedly."

Blame your own powerlessness on the gods, so that the pain you have suffered will have a place to vent.

This is one of the reasons why Ellie can't accept Gilgamesh's separation of gods and humans.

Elle didn't think it was a bad situation to separate gods from humans because she lost the worship of humans. She was just... just worried that humans who had grown too far would lose a way to vent their pain.

Everyone present probably heard Ellie's thoughts on the matter of 'dividing the gods', and at the same time, they also thought in their hearts, 'This goddess of the underworld...couldn't she be a very good goddess? 'a feeling of.

The fact is that the goddess of the underworld, Ereshkigal, is a very good goddess.

Now Fujimaru Rika and Matthew recalled what Nanya said to his daughter Decoduo in the underground tunnel of Uruk.

That sentence is... the goddess of the underworld, an overly cute goddess.

It is an overly cute goddess, not a ferocious and terrifying goddess.

Now, Fujimaru Rika and Matthew understand a little why Nanye said that the goddess of the underworld is too cute.

When everyone was silent, Alley continued to speak earnestly, "Anyway, after ten days, the goddess of monsters will attack Uruk with all the more than 100,000 monsters she has cultivated."

"Rather than being killed by her and her demon beasts, it is better for me to take their lives, and I will keep their souls in the gun prison!"

"So..." Ai Lei raised the spear in her hand to Qiye, and she said with a complicated expression, "Even if it is Qiye, even if you plan to hinder me, I will not show mercy!"

Seemingly aware of the hostility of the goddess of the underworld, Matthew immediately embodied the round table shield and entered a state of battle.

"Mashu, wait a moment, things haven't reached the point where a fight can only be resolved." Fujimaru Rika froze slightly for Mash's purple skirt armor.

"Well, it seems so... The weapon raised by the goddess of the underworld is trembling slightly."

That's right, Ellie is shaking slightly with her spear. If she has made up her mind to fight Nanye and the others to the death, then the weapon she is aiming at here will not be able to tremble.

Seeing Ai Lei who was trembling slightly, Qiye said, "Ai Lei, you are the **** who loves human beings the most, even now, everything you do is for human beings, I have always believed that the goddess of the underworld is not will do harm to human beings.”

Qiye's firm belief made Ellie's pretty face subconsciously show a smile, and her reaction made Ishtar and Gilgamesh look speechless.

Sure enough, this guy was completely unable to resist Qiye.

It is estimated that if Qiye said a few more words, the goddess of the underworld would directly betray the alliance of the three goddesses...

"What...what, what are you talking about now, what are you talking about, I just said, but I plan to kill all the human beings in Mesopotamia before the goddess of beasts strikes, even if That's right, you still believe me, this... this kind of thing bothers me a lot."

"Ah." Ishtar looked at Ai Lei, who was showing the attitude of a young girl, and came out with disgust.

Fujimaru Rika and Mash just glanced at Ishtar who came out. In fact, they thought, she didn't have any qualifications to go to the goddess of the underworld.

Because they had seen Ishtar and Nanye's relationship with her many times to the sage-sama of Uruk, showing the expression of a young girl similar to Elle's present.

"I don't know why you want to join the Three Goddess Alliance, but I know very well that you deeply love the human beings who have the destiny to die sooner or later." Qiye stretched out his palm towards Elle.

"Because I am your extraditioner."

"So Elle, for the human beings you love, betray the Three Goddess Alliance and join us."


I don't know if it was an illusion, but Fujimaru Rika and the others seemed to hear a sound similar to the sound of gunshots hitting the bullseye.

Ai Lei, who was hit by the bull's-eye by Qiye's affectionate words, showed a flustered expression.

In fact, it's not just that Nanye is not good at dealing with soft women, but Elle is also extremely bad at dealing with the softness from Nanya.

'Wow, what should I do, I have to... or should I betray? No, no, no, I have bound the souls of countless human beings away, how can I join Seven Nights now? ’

Just when Ellie was so entangled, Qiye's expression changed, because he felt a strange aura just now, and that aura was attacking the tangled Ellie.



The earth of the underworld vibrated violently, and then the chains of the earth extended frantically while everyone was at a loss. These chains of earth followed Qiye's will and protected Ai Lei.

The old man in the black and gray robe swung the old great sword in his hand toward the earth chain formed in front of him.


The chain of the earth, which had never been cut or broken, was immediately cut off by that worn-out great sword...

This situation made Qiye open his eyes in disbelief, because being able to sever his chains of the earth means that this old man has the ability to sever the earth.

This is not the point, the point is that Ellie, who was protected by the chains of the earth just now... how is she? !

The severed chains of the earth turned into magical rays of light and disappeared immediately, and the protected Alley fell down.

The slow fall of the goddess of the underworld seemed to tell everyone that she had been beheaded.

The curse of the underworld that Ishtar maintained seemed to be lifted with the beheading of the goddess of the underworld. After returning to her original state, she glared at the robed old man standing in front of her.

Tianzhou Maanna instantly manifested, and the gems loaded on it surged with the magic of the Age of Gods, and Tianzhou Maanna was instantly charged.

As long as Ishtar has a thought, Tianzhou Ma Anna will directly release the imprisoned magical power of the gods, enough to shatter everything, and will carry Ishtar's anger, all of which will be smashed. The mysterious old man of the goddess of the underworld.

It is clear that the goddess of the underworld is at odds with her Ishtar, why is she so angry when she finds out that Alley has been beheaded.

"Bastard, what did you do to my sister!"

"Ishtar, calm down, it seems that things are not what we saw, Ellie is still alive." Qiye, who noticed that Ellie's aura still existed, quickly stopped the angry Ishtar.

"That's right, calm down, and then look carefully. What I cut is not the life of the goddess of the underworld, but her alliance contract." The mysterious old man with a big sword said slowly.

Matthew, who was holding a shield, glanced at the mysterious old man, and said in surprise, "Master, isn't he the old man we met in Uruk."

"What? Is there someone in front of you? Why can't Chaldea detect him? Is he a skeleton?" Romani in Chaldea said in surprise.

Because he couldn't detect the many mysterious old people who were fooling around here, Romani regarded him as the skeleton frame that Fujimaru Rika and the others encountered before.

Hmm... Treating the crown Assassin as a skeleton, as expected of you, doctor.

The crown Assassin King Hassan disguised as 'Jusudra' glanced at Tatsuka Fujimaru's bracelet, and then quietly retreated.

Just like giving the Seven Nights Destiny Tablet before, after finishing his work, he just retreated into obscurity.

Frowning Gilgamesh looked at the mysterious old man who disappeared like smoke, "This guy... feels so weird, not a living, nor a dead, nor a Servant."

"But he seems to be our comrade." Qiye left this sentence for Gilgamesh, then walked towards Aile who fell to the ground, and helped her up.

"Ai Lei, are you alright?"

Ailei was actually fine. She woke up after Qiye helped her up. Then she looked at Qiye who was supporting her and blinked her moist eyes.

'Okay... so close! Seven nights is so close! ’

'What should I do, what should I do, should I pretend something is wrong at this time, and then enjoy the current situation! ’

Ellie wanted to, and she did it too, but some people didn't like it!

Ishtar held Ailey's arm, and then pulled her out of Qiye's support, she said angrily, "I see how excited you are, I think you should be fine, since If it's okay, just stand by yourself!"


Ai Lei whimpered in dissatisfaction and reluctance, she touched her waist, and after realizing that it had not been cut in half, she exhaled with peace of mind, "I thought I was cut by that strange guy just now. In two halves, I didn't expect that I would be fine."

"That old man, what he cut off is the covenant you signed with the Alliance of the Three Goddesses."

Qiye stretched out his palm to Elle again, and he said sincerely, "So Elle, you can now protect Uruk and the humans you love with us without any hesitation."

"..." Ailei's fingertips twitched slightly. Now, she wants to stretch out her palm and hold Qiye's palm, expressing that she wants to guard this era with Qiye and the others.


"But no."

Ailei took a step back, looking at the palm of Qiye's hand, she reluctantly said, "I have already taken away the souls of the human beings in Kusa City, as well as some old people and children in Uruk, how is it possible for me like this? He is also qualified to be everyone's companion."

"Humph, if you are talking about the residents whose souls you have taken away, then you can rest assured."

Gilgamesh hummed and said, "Whether it's the residents of Kusa City, or the old people and children of Uruk, their remains are kept under Uruk's tower by us."

"So as long as the goddess of the underworld releases their imprisoned souls from the gun prison, then they can be resurrected."

"Eh?" Alley's eyes widened, she looked at Nanye, "Is it true? Wasn't Gilgamesh an excuse to fool me because he wanted my help?"

"Of course not." Qiye shook his head with a smile.

"This king won't lie. As long as you liberate the souls of those residents, then this king will waive the evidence you laid down and allow you to fight with Uruk." Gilgamesh said sternly.

"So what's your choice, Ellie." Qiye gestured to her outstretched palm, Elei's pretty face showed joy, but she was a little hesitant, as if she still felt that she had no face to be their companion.

"I really can't stand it anymore!" Ishtar pushed Ailei directly, pushing the hesitant Ailey forward, and the staggered Ailei threw herself directly into Qiye's arms.

Ishtar didn't do it on purpose! She just wanted to push this hesitant guy! Who would have thought that Elle would throw herself directly into Qiye's arms!

After Ellie fell into Nanye's arms, the atmosphere became a little awkward, Fujimaru Rika and Mash quietly looked away, pretending to be looking at the scenery.

Gilgamesh looked at Qiye and Alley with great interest, and Ishtar who was gnashing his teeth. What he liked most was the Shura Field that appeared on Qiye.

"Cough cough." Qiye, who was coughing, pushed Ai Lei out of his arms, and then he directly held Ai Lei's palm, and then said to Ai Lei, who was blushing, "Then it's decided, Ai Lei, who are you now? Guard this era and continue to be a member of Humanity.”

Feeling Qiye's warm palm, Elle said in a shy and happy manner, "Since this situation is already here, there's nothing we can do."

"I'm also one of the goddesses of this era, anyway... I have to... take responsibility. Well, I accept your invitation."

Therefore, the goddess of the underworld, one of the three goddess alliance, officially defected~

It is really a difficult task to make this underworld goddess who sticks to promises and rules betray, but now it has been completed, gratifying congratulations~

Alley restrained her inner joy, and she said to Qiye and the others, "I have given you permission to leave the underworld, you can leave now."

"Well, the **** of this king in the underworld has indeed been lifted, so this king must return to Uruk's body immediately. If Uruk does not have this king in charge, it should be very messy." Gilgamer Shi said.

As expected of a sage king, even if he has died from overwork once, he is still thinking about the documents that he has not finished in Uruk.

Gilgamesh looked at Qiye, "Qiye, this king will go back to Uruk first, and I'll leave the rest to you."

"I know, you can go back at ease." Qiye nodded, and Alley waved her hand, and the breath of the underworld swept away Gilgamesh's soul, sending him directly from the underworld back to Ulu Go over there.

After sending Gilgamesh's soul away, Alley asked Nanye, "The rest? Is there anything else you need to do, Qiye?"

"That's right, in fact, we went to the underworld mainly to win over you, as well as Noah's Ark in the sea of ​​death in the underworld. We need the ship Noah's Ark now." Qiye replied sternly.

"Noah's Ark on the other side of the sea of ​​death? Do you need that ship?" Alley was slightly taken aback.

"Well, is there a problem? Or is the ship broken?"

Because Noah's Ark has the concept of surviving the Great Flood, it is an extremely important prop in their plan of Seven Nights. If there is no Noah's Ark, then the plan to use the Great Flood of World Destruction cannot be realized.

So Qiye was a little bit urgent.

Looking at the urgent seven nights, Alley blinked, "Noah's Ark is not damaged, it is fine, it has not been rotten by the sea of ​​death, if there is a problem... no! There is no problem, you can just take Noah Take the ark."

Ishtar glanced at Ai Lei who said this, and she said angrily, "As expected of you, you handed over the treasure belonging to the underworld without authorization."

What is in the underworld belongs to the underworld.

And the goddess of the underworld cannot arbitrarily decide those things that belong to the underworld, because those things actually belong to the gods. The job of the goddess of the underworld is to transfer the treasures obtained from humans to the treasures of the gods.

Therefore, according to reason, Ellie cannot directly hand over Noah's Ark in the underworld to Qiye.


Alley glanced at Ishtar with disgust, and then said, "Don't be rambling, the gods can't control me now. If you have any opinions, let them go to the underworld and tell me."

"Ai Lei, is it really okay?" Qiye continued to ask.

"Of course there's no problem. The underworld is mine, so I have the final say."

"Humph!" Ishtar snorted coldly at Ai Lei, who had made a big deal, and then the two of them turned their heads left and right, like a pair of sisters who were arguing.

But Ellie didn't want to waste time with Ishtar, so she said to Qiye, "I will use the power of the underworld to transfer Noah's Ark floating in the sea of ​​death."

"it is good."

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