I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 225:

Are you aware of your own identity and status?

Perhaps Aga also knew what Ellie was expressing, so he gritted his teeth in resentment and stopped talking.

As the oldest traitor to the gods, Ajia did not dare to contradict the goddess of the underworld, because he was already dead and was in the state of his soul. If he contradicted the goddess of the underworld without knowledge, then he would have nothing good to eat.

Ajia's arrogance and arrogance were all ground into powder in the tragic memories of the gun prison.

Alley glanced at Ajia, who had been silent, and she said coldly, "You refuse? Yes, then you will stay in the gun cell forever, and don't even think about leaving the gun cell."


"What about the others, do you choose to obey my orders, or choose to continue to bear the punishment for your sins."

"Don't ask, they are all my subordinates, it is impossible to obey your orders and then go to support that man!"

Alley said slowly, "I only give you three seconds to consider your choice. It is to faithfully follow this dead man and continue to return to the gun cell to be tortured."

"Follow my orders and help the king of Babylon."



After Alley said 'two', the souls who looked at each other immediately made their choice.

"We are willing to obey the orders of the goddess of the underworld! We want to atone for our sins!"

"Yes, we sincerely want to atone for the sins we once let go!"

Aga's subordinates all left behind Aga, and told Ellie that they would obey the order.

Of course, they chose to obey the orders of the goddess of the underworld.

Because it's very simple, isn't it?

Aga is not their king now.

The current Aga and them are just dead souls under the control of the goddess of the underworld, and they are completely unable to resist the dead souls of the goddess of the underworld.

So no matter how stupid or stupid they are, it is impossible for them to continue to follow Aga and then rebel against the goddess of the underworld.

Now, continue to follow Ajia, the end is to continue to be imprisoned in the gun prison, suffering the reincarnation of sad memories.

If you choose to obey the underworld of the goddess of the underworld, you will have a chance to atone for your sins.

So even a fool would choose to obey the orders of the goddess of the underworld.

Seeing all the souls who had left behind her, Ajia was stunned, while Alley smiled with satisfaction, she stared at Ajia, "Now I'll ask you again, you insist on your choice, and you will be imprisoned in a gun for eternity. In prison, still accept my orders."

"I accept……"

The earliest, the oldest, and the craziest traitor to God, and finally succumbed.

"Very good." Alley nodded slightly, and she followed closely, "Your enemy this time is a monster. I will reduce your guilt according to the number of monsters you kill."

So, if you don't want to continue to suffer the boundless pain and punishment, then give me a soul to deal with the beast!

Alley looked at some souls deeply and said, "Don't try to escape, because your souls are already connected to the gun prison. I can ask the gun prison to pull you back at any time. If you don't believe me, you can try."

"...I dare not dare."

"That's right, how could we dare to escape?"

They had the idea of ​​running away, but now there is no more, because it is useless for them to escape to the ends of the earth, they will be pulled back by the gun prison.

With a wave of her jade hand, Allie sent all the souls of the criminals to the seam that was opened earlier.

In addition to Galulaling from the underworld and Aga from Kish, Ellie also sent the original Babylonian people who were neither human nor ghost to the world.

Didn't they beg Qiye to ask Qiye to intercede with the goddess of the underworld?

Then Alley's Alley will give them this chance.

A chance to atone for the king of Babylon.

Once, you chose to leave the king of Babylon.

Now, it is time for you to repay the king of Babylon.

On this side of the cedar forest in the world...

Whether it was the earth, the cedar trees, or the bare rocks on the surface, they all trembled violently under the rush of tens of thousands of beasts.

Heizhen is still extracting the magic power of Qiye, preparing her own treasures, and the calamity flame manifested by the magic power fills the vicinity of Qiye and them. These dark flames seem to be overflowing from hell. Same.

This is when Heizhen has not completely liberated her Noble Phantasm. If she officially freed her Noble Phantasm, it must be a terrifying scene like a volcano eruption.

Medusa lily also clenched the slaughtering undead blade in her hand. She appeared in the form of a Lancer without a large-scale attack method, unless... unless Medusa lily liberated the sealed divinity and used her capable The magic eye that petrifies everything.

However, Medusa lily will not use her petrified magic eye unless it is absolutely necessary.

Because the petrified magic eye was left to the Goddess of Warcraft Gorgon by Medusa lily.

However, if she really can't resist, Medusa lily will liberate her sealed divinity and use the petrified magic eye. She can't let this man who makes everyone smile die here.

"If Jill knew that I planned to intercept the impact of tens of thousands of monsters with a few people, he would definitely call me a fool."

The three of them just wanted to block tens of thousands of monsters, so they were really stupid.

But Qiye is not such an idiot. If he is not sure to resist these attacking beasts, it is impossible for him to stay here.

With a smile, Qiye raised his palm, and the soil he held in his palm fell to the ground from between his fingers.

It was no ordinary dirt.

They shone like starlight, just like the bright stars in the night sky.

The soil in Qiye's palm fell, and then the soil below began to change.

The dirt that glittered with stars merged with the dirt of the earth, and then the earth wriggled like clay, quickly and inconceivably forming a clay figurine with no eyes, no nose, and no mouth.

Chapter 366 Chapter 56 The Battle of Cedar Forest Begins

There are a lot of these clay figurines, and they are like mushrooms springing up from the earth.

Although these clay figurines have no eyes, no nose, and no mouth, their burly bodies are covered with armor made of clay, and the sacred seal of the Babylonian kingdom is engraved on the armor.

The pattern of the endless sea and the dove spreading its wings is the symbol of the kingdom of Babylon.

The clay figurines are not only covered with armor, they hold long spears tightly in their hands, long swords hanging from their waists, bows, arrows, and spears on their backs.

The armor and all the weapons on these clay figurines are made of clay.

But... they are shining like steel under the moonlight. Their strength and hardness are comparable to those carefully crafted by craftsmen.

These three thousand clay figurines wearing armor and holding weapons were created by Qiye with his innate power.

No... it should be said that it was the power given to the twelfth son of Qiye by God Tiamat, Qiye's mother.

Qiye was able to separate out the soil in his body, let the soil merge with the soil of the earth, and then let the soil and soil quickly form a clay figurine.

When he was destroying the monster Humbaba, Qiye also used this power. The clay figurine fused with the earth's soil directly overturned the cedar trees growing in the earth.

And then cut off the protection that the monster Humbaba obtained from the cedar tree.

Now, Qiye uses this power again on the side of the cedar tree.

And the enemy to be solved this time is not the monster Humbaba, but tens of thousands of monsters who only know how to kill!

"Okay...that's an exaggeration." Heizhen, who was condensed with magic power, looked at the clay figurine army formed in the blink of an eye in astonishment. Then she turned her head to look at Qiye, and was surprised to find that her Master had become a Eight or nine year old boy!

"Wow, is that you, Master? How did you shrink?!"

Seven Nights will shrink!

As long as there is not much magic left in Qiye's body, he will shrink and become smaller.

Heizhen condensed the magic power drawn from the Noble Phantasm, and in the blink of an eye, he created three thousand clay figurines soldiers like an army, so now there is not much magic power left in Qiye's body.

So Qiye changed back to the appearance of a child.

Qiye, who was carved with jade, looked at Heizhen helplessly, and then he said in a tender voice, "This is because of my excessive consumption of magic power, so don't be surprised, the beast is about to strike, Get ready."

After speaking, Qiye opened the treasure of the king, took out several precious celestial gems from it, like eating jelly beans, threw them directly into his mouth, and then chewed them.

Qiye was able to absorb the rich magic power in the celestite by chewing on the lapis lazuli, so as to quickly recover the huge magic power lost in his body.

'Three thousand mud soldiers is my current limit. I hope I can successfully resist the incoming beast tide. ’

Qiye, who was chewing on the lapis lazuli, thought silently.

Qiye said to Heizhen and Medusa lily, "I'll use the mud soldiers to resist the attack of the demon beasts first, you can adapt accordingly."

"it is good."

"The whole army is ready! Start the attack!"

As Qiye's tender voice sounded, the mud soldiers began to respond.

The faceless three thousand mud soldiers all pulled out the spears they carried on their backs, and threw them vigorously towards the front of the shock!

Immediately, there was a sharp air breaking sound caused by the spear flying in the air from the cedar trees that had become the battlefield!

There were 3,000 clay soldiers created by Qiye, and 3,000 spears were thrown.

The 3,000 spears flew towards the group of beasts attacking in front of them as if covering the sky and covering the earth, almost forming an effect like a cloud.

Qiye did not adjust the mud soldiers to aim at the attacking beasts, because the beasts were attacking from all directions, and the mud soldiers did not need to aim at all.

The sharp spear pierced through the cedar tree, and then pierced into the body of the beast that was running wildly.

The spear alone cannot directly take away the life of the beast, but it is enough to cause confusion and pause in its running pace.

Once the rushing beast stopped for a moment, it would be knocked down by the beast charging behind it, and the fallen beast was immediately trampled into flesh by the beast rushing from behind, in pain and howling.

The three thousand spears caused casualties and riots in the group of monsters, but they didn't know that they stopped, so they didn't care about these situations at all.

The purpose of the beasts is very clear, that is, to move forward and bite the humans they encounter into pieces!

hoo hoo hoo!

The roar of the monster group was close at hand, and Qiye, who had recovered to a young man, immediately waved his palm and said in a deep voice, "The whole army is attacking!"

Boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom boom

The three thousand mud soldiers who were silent, unaware of fear, and indefatigable, raised their spears in their hands amid the sound of tidy and roaring steps, and began to charge forward.

The charging mud soldiers and the rushing monsters have officially met!

The three thousand mud soldiers carried heavy and dark long spears, flickering with a chilling light in the moonlight, and they stabbed fiercely at the beasts attacking in front of them.

And the hideous-looking crazy beast opened its fangs to the group of mud soldiers, and its huge body slammed into it.

Bang bang bang bang!

Many mud soldiers were directly knocked away by the beasts, but there were also many long spears carried by the mud soldiers that pierced directly into the beasts' bodies, and then tore apart the strong and huge bodies of the beasts.

The silent mud soldiers charged, the demon beasts roared, spears and swords swung, minions swayed wildly, and a tragic sound like war broke out from the cedar trees here.

Qiye felt the connection between himself and the mud soldiers. His connection with the mud soldiers was constantly being cut off. This was because the beasts smashed and smashed the mud soldiers.

Although the mud soldiers summoned by Qiye are very strong and their strength is comparable to that of well-trained soldiers, there are too many beasts, and they are not afraid of death and pain at all. attack.

This is one of the disasters that human beings in this era have faced.

The situation is not good.

Even if three thousand mud soldiers blocked the group of monsters in front of them, the current situation of Qiye and the others is still not good!

Because the monsters attacked from all directions, even if they resisted the monsters in one direction, the monsters that attacked from other directions would also attack.

Looking at the group of beasts that were about to attack, Heizhen faced the Qiye Wetland, "Master, I'm going to release the Noble Phantasm."

"Okay...Wait, wait a moment!"

Qiye originally allowed Heizhen to release her Noble Phantasm, but he seemed to smell a very familiar aura.

That is the breath of Hades...

It is the breath of the underworld carried by the undead!

The Garula spirit from the underworld burst into the battlefield!

Garula Ling from the underworld finally came over!

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