I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 229:

In fact, after Qiye learned about the return of God Tiamat, he always wanted to go there and see his mother with his own eyes.

But because of Babylon and Uruk, and the alliance of the three goddesses, there was no way to leave.

But it's almost there now.

The plan for the Goddess of Warcraft is proceeding in an orderly manner, and Quetzal Coyatl, the goddess of southern beauty, also handed it over to Fujimaru Rika and the others, so Qiye can now leave for the Persian Gulf.

Nanaya and Fujimaru Rika left Uruk one after another.

Looking at Qiye who was alone, Fujimaru Rika asked curiously, "Didn't the Empress come to see you this time?"

Now Qiye is alone. When Qiye left Uruk Palace in the past, his wife Semiramis would come to see him off.

"Semiramis seems to have something important to do, so she didn't come to see me." Qiye said.

It's so wrong. Not only did Semiramis not haunt Qiye at night, she didn't even have time to say goodbye to him. What the **** was she doing in the magic workshop.

Qiye didn't know what Semiramis was doing there, but the little rascal of Deketo knew, because when Qiye wanted to enter the underground workshop, the naughty daughter came out and mysteriously prevented Qiye from entering. in.

So, Qiye is curious about what the mother and daughter are doing.

The direction of Fujimaru Rika and the others is the dense forest in the south, and the direction of Nanye is the Persian Gulf waters in the southeast.

Because they were on the same road, Qiye took them for a ride with a mud cow, and after they brought them to the wetlands, Qiye officially separated from them.

Fujimaru Rika and the others continued their journey south, while Qiye began to advance toward the Persian Gulf in the southeast.

Originally, Ishtar wanted to go to the Persian Gulf with Qiye, but she was rejected by Qiye. Qiye asked her to follow Fujimaru Rika and the others, and go to the south with them to deal with the goddess of Nanmei.

So Qiye came to the shore of the Persian Gulf alone.

Qiye stood on the shore and looked at the blue sea in the distance. The sea in the Persian Gulf was calm without waves, but he knew that under this calm sea, the Goddess of Creation of Mesopotamia was asleep.

That is Qiye's own mother, a mother she has never met.

When Qiye was born out of tears and the earth, he had seen God Tiamat dimly, but what he saw was only a pair of pink crossed eyes.

Those are the eyes that reflect the inner sea of ​​stars, revealing the love and reluctance for Qiye.

So Qiye never saw his mother.

And now, Qiye is about to see his mother.

Qiye stepped into the waters of the Persian Gulf, the cool feeling passed from the soles of his feet, and he stepped toward the deep and calm sea step by step.

When the sea water floated Qiye Tuo up, he smashed his head into the sea, and then swiftly galloped toward the deep sea like a swimming fish.

As Qiye began to dive to the bottom of the sea, the surrounding light began to dim, and Qiye had reached the bottom of the sea where even the sun began to fail.

The dark and deep seabed was a source of fear involuntarily, but... the sea was the mother of Qiye, so he didn't feel any fear at all, instead, he felt a sense of peace in his heart.

It was like returning to the mother's womb, being protected and cared for by her mother.

This kind of feeling is something Qiye has never felt before...

'This may be her mother's love. Decade, who is held by Semiramis, should feel this way often. ' Qiye thought silently.

When God Tiamat returned, Qiye had a slight and vague connection with her, which should have been produced by their common eyes.

And this connection became stronger after Qiye entered the Persian Gulf.

Qiye knew that this connection would lead him to find his mother, so he moved straight towards that connection.

Although it is not a fish, Qiye is more adaptable to the sea than a fish, so he can move in the sea very naturally.

After ignoring the darkness and pressure brought by the sea, after sneaking for seven nights for an unknown amount of time, he finally came to the place where God Tiamat was asleep.

This is a deep seabed, but the seabed here is shining like starlight.

It's not the bottom of the sea that shines, but the **** Tiamat...

That's right, although it is located in the dark and dark deep sea, the sleeping **** Tiamat, her body, her skin, and her azure blue hair, are like the stars in the night sky, emitting sparkling sparkles. starlight.

The sleeping **** Tiamat was peacefully suspended in the deep sea, her self-bound hands wrapped around her legs, forming a round posture.

Such a posture...like a baby in a mother's womb.

Chapter 371 Chapter 60 Merlin! What are you doing! Merlin!

Tiamat's slender hair, the color of the sea, was randomly scattered on her shoulders and behind her, swaying gently and gently.

A few strands of scattered blue hair floated in the sea, floating in front of Tiamat's white forehead. Now her eyes are closed, and her white and beautiful face reveals the tranquility of the ocean.

Qiye with a complicated expression quietly looked at the sleeping God Tiamat, and he finally saw his mother.

And Qiye felt that his mother was very big...

Hmm... God Tiamat's body is very large, although she is not in a circular posture holding her legs, but if she stands up, she should be as tall as a giant.

Although God Tiamat is very tall, if her height is reduced proportionally, she is a slender and beautiful woman.

Then, Qiye's gaze moved to Tiamat's head. On both sides of her ears, there were two huge and curved black horns, which were the double horns that symbolized the earth.

"My mother, I finally met you." Qiye in the deep sea whispered softly, as if he was worried about disturbing God Tiamat's sleep, he floated towards her gently.

She slowly floated towards God Tiamat for seven nights, and came to God Tiamat's side. He sat down on her arms around her legs.

Then Qiye closed his eyes like this, as if he fell into a deep sleep like God Tiamat.


This is the first time of Seven Nights.

It was the first time I saw my mother with my own eyes.

For the first time, I had skin-to-skin contact with my mother.

There are still about three days left, then seven nights...let's take a rest like this.

Qiye sat on the arm of God Tiamat, leaning on her leg, and closed his eyes, he whispered softly, "Mother, I'm so tired..."

The sage, who has always been very reliable, will get tired too.

He was busy for the sake of everyone in this era, and he hardly ever rested. The only place where he could relax and rest at ease was by his wife Semiramis.

But now Qiye also has a place to rest in peace.

That is his mother, the arm of Tiamat here.

Just when Qiye was enjoying the tranquil feeling brought by his mother, he didn't know if it was his illusion. He seemed to feel his sitting arm and leaning leg moving...

Well, Qiye seemed to feel Tiamat moving.

'Impossible. Mother, she is sleeping because of Merlin's dream cage. It will take several years to wake up, and we haven't eliminated the Goddess of Warcraft, so how can she wake up? ’


The feeling of Seven Nights is not wrong!

God Tiamat really moved!

Tim has moved, I don't play anymore... ahhh, what are you talking about!

Now, God Tiamat's closed eyes moved slightly, his long eyelashes trembled, and the calm sea water began to flow strangely because of her small actions.

The sea is cheering!

They are cheering for the goddess of creation of origin!

Because the Goddess of Creation is about to wake up!

Nanye, who noticed that something was wrong, opened his eyes quickly, then raised his head, he saw God Tiamat who opened his eyes.

Qiye's mother's eyes are very beautiful, very beautiful.

These are beautiful pink eyes that are different from ordinary people, and the pupils are also of a strange shape like an X.

These are the eyes that reflect the Inner Sea of ​​Stars.

It's just that the eyes that Qiye looked at were dull and empty, as if they lacked wisdom, just like the delicate eyes of a puppet.

"How could it be possible... to open her eyes." Qiye stared at God Tiamat's eyes in astonishment and sluggishness. She is now staring straight at the man sitting on her arm with those empty pink eyes. Seven nights.

God Tiamat, watching Qiye quietly and vacantly...

No... that's impossible!

When God Tiamat returned to this era from the imaginary world, Merlin imposed a cage of dreams on her, making her fall into a deep sleep.

If nothing else, God Tiamat has been asleep in the deep sea.

There are three situations that will awaken God Tiamat.

One, the goddess of beasts who was connected to the **** Tiamat through the 'womb of beasts' died.

Second, the cage of dreams that Merlin maintains has expired due to the passage of time, but it will not expire until at least a few years later.

Third, Merlin was already dead and could not maintain the cage of dreams.

When the above three situations occur, God Tiamat will wake up.

But now, the goddess of beasts has not died, time has not passed, and Merlin, who is good at fishing and escaping, has not died, so why did God Tiamat wake up? !


The mother woke up when she heard the voice of the child she missed and loved. Is there any problem?

Seeing God Tiamat staring into his eyes, Qiye suddenly realized.

"Merlin's dream cage can't let his mother fall asleep at all... The mother who chose to seal herself was sleeping voluntarily, and she did not want to destroy this era..."

If that's the case, then it makes sense.

God Tiamat, who chose to seal herself, still has the ability to break free from Merlin's dream cage, but she didn't do it because she didn't want to destroy this era.

Instead, he accepted Merlin's dream cage and chose to sleep in the deep sea.

It is estimated that even if Merlin's dream cage fails, God Tiamat will continue to sleep...

As long as no one wakes her, she will continue to sleep like this.

But now... Seven nights came, the child she loved came over, and she felt the child's exhaustion while she was sleeping, so she... opened her eyes.


When they returned to the Merlin in Uruk with Fujimaru Rika and the others, a mouthful of old blood suddenly spewed out. Fujimaru Rika and the others looked at the Merlin that suddenly spewed blood.

And Ushiwakamaru and the other Servants looked at the aura that appeared on Merlin, and said in shock, "Caster, are you going to die?"

Um...Merlin is going to die.

Because just now, God Tiamat directly broke free from the cage of dreams that Merlin had been maintaining, and also expelled his clone in God Tiamat's consciousness.

So Merlin is going to die.

Merlin's face turned completely pale, "Qiye, you, you, you... You actually awakened God Tiamat? My God, aren't you a reliable sage, why are you so unreliable at this time? It's reliable."

Caster, who likes to fish, was moaning. Merlin had already noticed the situation of the dream cage, so he thought that he went to the Persian Gulf to search for the **** Tiamat for the Seven Nights, and destroyed the dream cage he maintained.

But that's not the case, it's not that Qiye destroyed the cage of his dreams.

To be precise, it was Merlin who was unreliable.

His dream cage couldn't trap God Tiamat at all...

"Merlin, are you all right? And what did you just say about Mr. Qiye?" Fujimaru Rika asked, looking at Merlin, who was coughing up blood.

"He said just now that God Tiamat was awakened," said Quetzal Coyatl on the side.

Fujimaru Rika and the others have successfully persuaded the South American goddess Quetzal Coyatl, and the method of persuasion is very subtle...

Originally, Merlin suggested that everyone drag Quetzal Coyatel, and then the fast Rider Ushiwakamaru, or Archer Ba Yuqian, to destroy Quetzal Coyatel's temple, thereby reducing her divinity.

But the plan failed.

Quetzal Coyatl was unbelievably strong. Not only did he kick Rider Ushiwakamaru away with one kick, he also grabbed the Noble Phantasm arrow in front of Ba Yu with his bare hands.

So the plan failed.

Next, the Servants pestered Quetzal Coyatel, and Master Fujimaru Tachika stepped onto Quetzal Coyatel's temple and destroyed the Sun Lishi in her temple.

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