I, Son of Tiamat

Chapter 234:

This unlucky boy!

Medusa Lily also heard what Deketo said just now. She lowered her head slightly now. Because of her hood, Qiye couldn't see her current expression.

The atmosphere is slightly subtle.

"Cough." Qiye coughed to break through this delicate range, and then said in a serious tone, "Anna, tomorrow is the day of the official battle with the Goddess of Warcraft. Have you...have you decided?"

"Well, I have already decided that she is the mission I have to solve." Medusa lily said softly.

"Now that you have made up your mind, we will all help you."

"Well, thank you."

In the past, Medusa lily would not accept help from others, she just wanted to be alone, but she has changed.

Ever since she entered Uruk with Nanye, Medusa lily has been influenced by Tatsuka Fujimaru and the others around her every day, as well as the enthusiastic residents of Uruk.

She gradually became more cheerful and became easier to get along with, otherwise Medusa lily would not have taken the initiative to help the grandmother of the flower shop.

Before Medusa lily opens her heart, please accompany her silently by her side. One day, you will see her smiling at you when she opens her heart.

Afterwards, Qi Ye, who had a handsome face with a smile on his face, entered the old tavern with Medusa Lily.

The reward is over tonight, so if there are still tickets! Just give it to Apple!

Section 376 The fourth unlimited bounty is over!

This time, there are 26 chapters in total, 2,000 words per chapter, that is, 52,000 words...

This time, the number of words did not reach 56,000. [Should Apple be happy or disappointed]

Because several readers have said that a chapter of tens of thousands of words requires too many cat coins, so Apple's next chapter will be a chapter of 4,000 words.

52,000 words divided by 4,000 words are the thirteen chapters.

It came out at 10:30 tonight.

Section 377 Chapter 65 Returned Gift [1]

In the old tavern, it's not just Fujimaru Rika and Mash.

The Servants summoned by Gilgamesh, Rider Ushiwakamaru, Lancer Musashibo Benkei, Archer Ba Gozen, and even Lancer Leonidas I, who had been guarding the front of the monsters before, were also in it.

Even the arrogant Servant, Miss Heizhen, from Qiye was in it.

This young lady of the Dragon Witch is having a drink with Ba Yuqian. It seems that the two of them have a good relationship.

Originally, Gilgamesh summoned a total of eight Servants.

But Ibaraki-doji betrayed, and was dealt with by Kagozen.

And Fuuma Kotaro and Amakusa Shiro Tokisada went to the south, and because they showed war against Quetzal Coyatel, she was killed as an enemy.

In the words of Quetzal Coyatl, if you don't treat her as an enemy, she won't really kill you, but the two Servants regarded her as an enemy, so she just threw them to death.

Well, I fell to my death in a wrestling.

Now, Merlin is also dead...

Whether he was killed by his own unreliability, or by Qiye, remains to be discussed.

So, now there are only four Servants of Gilgamesh left.


It should be said... Gilgamesh still has four Servants left.

When the enemy is countless beasts and the alliance of the three goddesses, there are still four Servants who have survived until now, which is really an incredible situation.

"Lord Sage." As soon as Ba Yuqian saw Qiye walked into the old tavern, he left Heizhen and walked over with a happy expression.

Ba Yuqian can't stand Hei Zhen anymore. She is so savage. No matter whether she wins or loses, it is too much to ask her to drink.

So Ba Yuqian took the opportunity to escape to Qiye's side.

I don't know if it's because Ba Yuqian drank a lot of wine just now, but her pretty face is now covered with a light and beautiful red wine, which looks a little charming and moving.

Looking at this beautiful half-human half-ghost lady, Qiye said hello with a chuckle, "Archer, why did you start drinking at noon?"

"It wasn't me who wanted to drink, it was Miss Heizhen who pulled me to drink, hiccup~" As he said that, Ba Yuqian hiccups coquettishly.

And this wine hiccup made Ba Yuqian's slightly flushed face instantly blushed.

Because it was too rude for Ba Yuqian to burp in front of Qiye, so she became shy.

Looking at Ba Yuqian, whose pretty face was blushing, Qiye felt that she should avoid it. Just at this moment, Heizhen came over, and she raised the wine glass in her hand to Qiye.

"Isn't this Master, come on~ let's drink."

"..." Qiye looked at Hei Zhen, who looked like an alcoholic, subtly.

Heizhen now, it seems that because of being a little drunk, her pretty face has turned burgundy, her fair and translucent skin is plated with a light pink color, and her bright yellow eyes are also blurred and charming. look.

It is clear that Miss Dragon Witch is a grumpy girl, but after drinking, she seems to be very cute.

"Drink, okay, let's have a drink." Qiye responded to Hei Zhen with a smile.

For those who are savage, unreasonable, and drunk, go and don't refuse their request, because it will be very troublesome, and they will haunt you savagely.

You ask why Qiye is so clear?

That's because of Gilgamesh!

Gilgamesh and Heizhen, apart from their gender differences, are extremely similar in character, barbaric and unreasonable.

So Qiye already knew how to get along with such a guy.

Qiye drank two glasses of fine wine with Heizhen at random, and then took the opportunity to pull Rider Ushiwakamaru over and asked her to replace him and continue drinking with Heizhen~

In this way, Qiye escaped.

Nanaya, who escaped, found Fujimaru Rika.

To be precise, it was not Fujimaru Tatsuka that Nanye was looking for, but the communication with Chaldea.

"The plan we talked about went well, so when you go to the world, remember to ask Matthew to activate the round table shield." Nanye said to Fujimaru Tachika's bracelet.

"Understood, don't worry, we will absolutely abide by that agreement." Romani replied solemnly.

Fujimaru Rika asked puzzledly, "Mr. Qiye, did you agree with Dr. Roman?"

"Yeah, didn't I go to Chaldea before, I made an agreement with Romani and Da Vinci in Chaldea, I will be responsible for helping, and you Chaldea also correspond. Help me with one thing." Qiye said to Fujimaru Rika with a smile.

"What's that?" Mash, who was beside Fujimaru Rika, asked.

"It's just a small matter, it's just an agreement between us, you don't need to know about it." Smiling Nanaya stretched out his hands and touched the heads of Fujimaru Rika and Mash respectively.

Romani and Da Vinci in Chaldea looked at each other and smiled bitterly.

"Why is this such a trivial matter?" said Romani with a wry smile.

"Oh, since the sage said it was a trivial matter, then it is a trivial matter." Da Vinci patted Romani on the shoulder, "We only need to solve the Goddess of Warcraft, and the remaining Goddess of Creation. , leave it to the sage."

"Speaking of Romani, do you think he will succeed?"

"I don't know either." Romani shook his head and said.

"Hey~ you're not omnipotent and omniscient..."

"Wow wow wow." Romani called out loudly, and then he looked at Da Vinci who was snickering sadly, and then complained, "Da Vinci, I agreed not to mention those."

"Ahaha~ Let's liven up the atmosphere, don't worry about it~"

Da Vinci actually knew Romani's identity.

Before leaving Chaldea, he made a promise with Romani and Leonardo da Vinci.

The content of the agreement is that Qiye will deal with the Goddess of Creation by himself, and they Chaldea will provide him with a help in handling the Goddess of Creation.

As for what this help is... I'll talk about it later.

Say it next time!

After reminding Romani and the others in Chaldea again, Qiye left the old tavern. As for Decade, she was left behind by Qiye.

Because, ah, tomorrow is the official decisive battle, after the decisive battle.

Whether it is Fujimaru Rika, or everyone who is a Servant, they will all leave this era after the decisive battle.

So, there is not much time left for Deketo to get along with them, so Deketo will stay in Qiye.

Qiye kept Deketo, on the one hand, to let her get along well with everyone and leave more good memories.

On the other hand, the next thing Qiye will do is to avoid Decade.

Qiye found Edith, the girl who had been following her since she was a child.

Itisha has lived alone since the merger of Babylon and Uruk, because her last family member is no longer there.

Originally, Seven Nights planned to let Edith live in their Babylon garden, but Edith reluctantly refused, she said she was not qualified to live in Seven Nights and Semiramis' Babylon garden.

Perhaps, Edith is still ashamed of how her mother Edith betrayed the Babylonian kingdom several times.

After discovering Qiye's figure, Edith hurried over, and after bowing, she asked, "Your Majesty, why are you looking for me at this time?"

"Because I have something to ask of you."

"If you have anything, just tell me, I will do my best to get it done." Itisha replied in a stodgy and serious manner.

"Don't be so serious, it's actually just a very simple task of delivering letters." Qiye patted Itiza's head affectionately, and then took out an envelope from her robe.

This envelope is made of a cowhide bag, and inside is gold wire.

It's a golden letter.

"Tomorrow is Decade's birthday, but it's also the day when we will officially fight the Goddess of Warcraft. I don't know how long the battle will last, so you can give this letter to Decade."

Itisha solemnly took the cowhide envelope handed over by Qiye, and she promised, "Your Majesty, please rest assured, I will definitely fulfill your order."

"Also, if everyone solves the problem that the Goddess of Warcraft has returned to Uruk, and I haven't come back, you can wait until seven days, and after seven days, give this letter to Semiramis." Seven Nights took out another letter.

The first letter was Qiye's birthday wishes to Decade.

The second letter was Qiye's words to bid farewell to his daughter and wife.

If the Seven Nights to deal with God Tiamat has not returned seven days after tomorrow... that means that Seven Nights will not be able to return.

If Qiye can return, he will get back this second letter with Edith.

Because Qiye has returned smoothly, then he doesn't need to say goodbye to Semiramis and Decade.

Itisha looked at Qiye in amazement. She hurriedly said, "What are you talking about, Your Majesty the King, like everyone else, you will come back safely."

"Don't be so excited. After all, the next battle is the final battle, and I may have an accident." Qiye, who chuckled lightly, stroked Itisha's head, soothing the excited her.

"Wait! Your Majesty, do you have any idea, because it's too strange, why do you want to give this second letter to Her Majesty the Queen seven days after you haven't come back? Are you planning to take your own life during these seven days? What dangerous things are you going to do?!"

Qiye looked at Itisa, who was staring at him, and he smiled helplessly, "Sure enough, you sensed something was wrong, but I hope you don't ask anything."

"...If it is your order, I will obey it." Itisa first gritted her silver teeth, then lowered her head and said in a low voice.

"Good boy." Qiye gently stroked Itisha's head again, "I will arrange for you to board Noah's Ark with Semiramis and Decoduo, then I will ask you for the rest."

Feeling the warm palm caressing her head, Edith replied in a low voice, "Definitely."

After that, Edith didn't know what to think, she quickly said to Qiye, "Your Majesty, wait a moment, I have something to give you back."

After speaking, Edith hurriedly returned to the building where she lived.

"Also?" Qiye showed a blank expression. He didn't remember that Itisha owed him anything, so what did she want to give him back?

Soon Editha came out, holding a bottle in her palm, which contained a drop of clear and transparent liquid, just like river water.

This drop of liquid is very magical. It did not fall to the bottom of the bottle with gravity, but was suspended in the bottle.

"Your Majesty, this is the water of life I found from the Kingdom of Larsa. You once gave me the water of life, and now I return it to you." Itisha, who spoke softly, handed the bottle to me Seven nights.

When Itisha was young, when Qiye and the others first came to Kish, Qiye led the surviving Kish people to the river, and when they were by the river, Qiye gave Itisha a drop water of life.

Itisha remembered every gift and reward that Qiye gave her, so after she became an adult, she always deliberately searched for the water of life.

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