Then Qiye pinched Deke Duo's face with black threads all over his head, and asked her to return the crystal of destiny that belonged to Edith to her.

Itisha, who showed a mischievous expression, said, "I want to use that Destiny Crystal to disguise as a father and then scare my mother. The father can see through my disguise at a glance, but the stupid mother must not."

"..." Itisha twitched slightly when she heard Decade's pretty face, she didn't think Semiramis was stupid.

"If you want to mess around like this, Princess, I can't give you the Crystal of Destiny to use."

"Stingy, Edith, you weren't like this before." Decade, who pouted slightly, stretched out her little hand to the black veil tied around Edita's waist.

This black veil is the embodiment of the crystal of destiny and camouflage. As long as it is worn on the body, it can undergo ever-changing changes that even the gods cannot see through.

"Because I have been warned by His Majesty the King, I can't let Your Highness, Princess, mess around." Itisa deftly avoided Decade's little hand, and then she said with a smile, "Then Your Highness, I will first Goodbye, good night."

"Well... good night." Decade looked at Itiza who had stepped down the palace stairs, her anguished expression disappeared instantly, and was replaced by a sly smile.

"If you don't borrow it, you won't borrow it. I've already 'copied' it anyway." Decade said words of unknown meaning, and then she spread out her little hand, and in her little hand lay a black veil.

The shape is exactly the same as the black veil on Edith's waist, but the black veil in Decade's hand is half the size of the black veil on Edith's waist.

With this black veil on, Deketo jumped into the palace. When she stepped into the shadow that the moonlight couldn't reach, a layer of faint black suddenly filled her body. Smoke, and then turned into the appearance of seven nights.

His handsome appearance, long black and supple hair, pure white dove robes... He is exactly what Qiye looks like.

Decade who turned into Qiye came to the palace. She originally thought that only Semiramis was here, but she didn't expect Qiye to be here too...

So when Decado, who turned into Qiye, stepped into the palace, Qiye and Semiramis watched together.

"..." Turned into Decade of the Seven Nights.

"..." Seven Nights and Semiramis.

"Decade, what are you doing?" Nanye and Semiramis stared at the changed Decade and said.

"Eh? Why... why do you all think it's me? Shouldn't you suspect that it is Itissa with the Crystal of Destiny and Disguise." Decoduo said weakly.

Then after another glance at Qiye, Deketo was very obedient and changed back to her original petite and exquisite appearance, and the black veil also burst, and then it turned into a magical light and disappeared.

"Because Edith doesn't dare to mess around like this, and the only one who dares to look like Qiye is you, Your Highness, the daring princess."

Decade looked at Qiye and Semiramis who were slowly walking towards her, and when she saw their unkind eyes, she immediately bent down with a cold sweat on her forehead, "I was wrong!"

"Because my mother and queen bullied me before, I wanted to become a father to scare her."

Qiye looked at Decade who was stooping down, and he sighed helplessly, "Alas, this is the downside of your stocking of Decade, Semiramis. She dares to act like this now."

"If you have an opinion on my parenting style, you can do it yourself. What right do you have to say this when you have been away from our mother and daughter all day long." Semiramis turned his head and said dissatisfiedly.

"Uh..." Qiyeyu stopped, he took Semiramis' jade hand, and said apologetically, "I'm sorry, I really don't have the right to say that to you, so I'm solving Uruk's expansion, and the basic After Shi's Aga, I won't leave and will always be by your side."

"You said it yourself, I didn't force you."


Decoduo, who was bent over, secretly raised her head and glanced at Qiye and Semiramis. After realizing that neither of them seemed to be paying attention to her, she cautiously stepped back and planned to escape.

"Where do you want to go, Decade! We haven't taught you a lesson yet!" x2!

"Wow wow wow, after my parents, I knew I was wrong."

"You said the same thing last time. You know you're wrong, but you're the one who dares to do it next time!"

Decade: Oh, it's a mixed doubles...

Chapter 215 Chapter 110 Enkidu trapped in the gun prison

Under the bright moonlight, there is a quiet and comfortable atmosphere in Uruk, and in the palace of Uruk, a man with long pale green hair and a delicate face is sleeping, he is Seven Nights and Gilgamesh's best friend Enkidu.

Now Enkidu's eyes are closed, his eyebrows are wrinkled, and his delicate and beautiful face is slightly pale, as if he has been frightened. Could it be that he is having a terrible nightmare? ?

"!" Enkidu abruptly opened his eyes, his eyes as beautiful as nature were full of fear and fear.

En Qidu, who was awakened by the nightmare, slowly sat up. Sitting on the bed, he held his forehead, but his hands were hot and cold. He was surprised to find that he was sweating profusely.

"That dream... what does it mean?" Enkidu, who wiped away his cold sweat, muttered to himself.

Enkidu saw many silhouette-like pictures in his dream, but those fleeting pictures made him horrified, because the atmosphere revealed by those pictures was extremely dark and terrifying.

Even Enkidu, a god-made weapon, couldn't help but be afraid of the image of fear.

Enkidu was not timid. He and Gilgamesh took risks together, slaying monsters and monsters together. He did not know how many crises and disasters he had experienced, but he was frightened by an illusory dream.

But ah... Enkidu is not a human being, he is a weapon made by God, so his dream is also similar to the prophecy.

"So my gloomy pictures are things that I will experience in the future." Enkidu muttered to himself, he sat on the bed for a long time, until it was dawn, Enkidu did not leave the daze-like Trance state.

"Go and ask Jill to help him find the reason for the dream."

Enkidu, who had not slept all night, left his room and walked towards the Uruk Palace. At this time, Gilgamesh, the king, was already sitting in the palace.

But before Enkidu got close to the palace, he already heard Gilgamesh's super loud 'hahahaha' laughter.

"Hahahahaha! This king is really surprised that you have come to this king so quickly."

"This guy?" Enkidu stepped into Uruk's palace with a hint of doubt. In this palace, there were not only Gilgamesh and a lot of clay tablets, but also an extra one. figure.

"Qiye? When did you come to Uruk?" Enkidu looked at Qiye in surprise and said.

"I just came to Uruk. Isn't Jill thinking of expanding Uruk, so I'll come and help." Qiye, who was shaking his flute, said to Enkidu with a smile.

If some Uruk soldiers saw Qiye's flute, they would definitely tremble and heat up all over.

Because ah... they will recall the tragic experience of going to Babylon to help build Babylon!

They don't want to experience that kind of unpleasant experience if they don't work to vent their strength...

Qiye came here this time, not only to find an opportunity for Kish's Aga to attack Babylon, but also to help Uruk expand his territory. With the help of his son of Tiamat, it can be worth 100,000 yuan. Human strength.

"But Enkidu, your face doesn't seem very good, did you have a nightmare last night?" Qiye said casually, looking at Enkidu's slightly pale face.

"Well, I had a nightmare last night, and I haven't slept since then." Enkidu said something that surprised Nanaye and Gilgamesh.

"Have you had a nightmare?" Gilgamesh said in surprise, "What kind of nightmare kept you awake all night."

"It's a very gloomy nightmare, so I want you to help me contact Goddess Ningsong, Jill. I want to visit the almighty and omniscient Goddess Ningsong, and I want to get answers from her." Enkidu said.

"This is simple, this king will arrange this matter right away." Gilgamesh immediately dropped the clay tablet in his hand, and he stopped dealing with the affairs. He left the palace in a hurry and went to the temple of his mother, the goddess Ningsong, to go to Ask her if she can solve Enkidu's nightmares.

After Gilgamesh left in a hurry, Qiye came to Enkidu's side, and he said, "Enkidu, close your eyes now and recall the scene in your nightmare, I can peep at you through the crystal of destiny. nightmares, let me see what horrible things you have dreamed about."

"Yeah." Enkidu nodded lightly, and Qiye put his palm on Enkidu's forehead and began to use the power of a certain destiny crystal in his body.

Through Enkidu's memories, Qiye peeped at the nightmare scene he recalled. Looking at it, Qiye's face also began to look ugly.

Because Qiye knew where Enkidu's nightmare was disposed of...

Qiye, who frowned, withdrew his palm from Enkidu's eyebrows, "Okay, no need to continue."

Enkidu opened his eyes, and he immediately saw Qiye's ugly face, and then said, "Is Qiye also frightened by those pictures?"

"It's not too scary, because I'm already used to the gloomy atmosphere in your dream..." Qiye said helplessly.

"Huh? If you said that, do you know the source of those nightmare images I just had?" Enkidu said in surprise.

"That's right." Qiye nodded slowly, "I'll explain it to you when Jill comes back."

"Yeah." En Qi nodded his head and said happily, "As expected of Qiye, it seems that no matter what happens, you can't be troubled."

"Don't compliment me." Qiye shook his head with a wry smile and said, "I just saw the picture of your dream, and there is no solution."

Soon Gilgamesh came back, and he brought back good news to Enkidu.

"Goddess Ningsong is willing to solve your puzzles for Enkidu. You can go to her temple to pray to her at any time, and just tell what you want to solve."

"Before that, let me tell you what I know from Enkidu's dream." Qiye said, rubbing his eyebrows, "Actually, the pictures in Enkidu's dream come from the underworld. of."

"Underworld?" Gilgamesh and Enkidu exclaimed in surprise.

"That's right." Qiye nodded, "I am the underworld extraditer of Ereshkigal, the goddess of the underworld, and I am quite familiar with the underworld. Those dreams are all from the underworld, and..."


"And I don't understand why, Enkidu, you dream of the underworld, and you also dreamed that you were bound by a gun and thrown into the sea of ​​death in the underworld..." Qiye said tangled.

In the last nightmare picture, Enkidu was stuffed into the gun cell, and then thrown into the sea of ​​death in the underworld, which is the sea of ​​death where the **** Tiamat was born.

Chapter 216 Chapter 111 Rescue Inanna

"Huh?" Gilgamesh, who knew the origin of the Sea of ​​Death, frowned and cursed angrily, "What **** treats this king's best friend like this, Qiye, do you know who treats Enkidu like this? , we'll kill him/her now!"

[Apple: Now everyone remember Gilgamesh's words...]

Enki is one of Gilgamesh's best friends. When he heard that he would be treated like this by others in the future, how could this wise king who used to be a tyrant not be angry.

Facing Gilgamesh's anger, Qiye shook his head helplessly, "I don't know, because no one else appeared in Enkidu's dream, maybe we can know this through Goddess Ningsong."

"Then I'll take a bath first, and then go to the temple of Goddess Ningsong to pray, see you later." Enkidu left the palace in a hurry, while Gilgamesh looked at Qiye with a deep meaning, "Qiye, you Do you really just see these contents and hide other contents?"

"What, why should I hide it." An angry Nanye gave Gilgamesh a blank look.

"Because of the gun prison in the underworld." Gilgamesh glanced at Qiye, "The gun prison in the underworld is the property of the goddess of the underworld. Only she can use the gun prison for human souls and bodies, so Enki will be imprisoned. Going into the gun prison and throwing yourself into the terrifying sea of ​​death is closely related to your goddess of the underworld."

"What is 'you goddess of the underworld', it's like I have a strange relationship with her..." Qiye muttered, then he shook his head helplessly and said, "I really didn't hide anything from you. , that's really what I've seen."

"And you think, if I really wanted to hide something for Ellie, I wouldn't say the word 'gun prison'."

If Qiye really wanted to hide Ai Lei, how could he say the gun prison, and Qiye didn't trigger the 'Eye of the Gods' on Enkidu, so the only thing he could get was Enkidu's nightmare images.

"That's right, sorry, this king is also confused."

Qiye said understandingly, "After all, it's Enkidu. I can understand your anger and unease. Now let's wait for Goddess Ningsong to explain Enkidu's confusion."

"Yeah." Gilgamesh walked to the desk, and he threw the clay tablet on the side to Qiye.

"Qiye, look at this clay tablet. Originally, this king planned to take this clay tablet to you after he arranged the expansion plan of Uruk, and then I, you, and Enkidu went to the Euphrates River. with the end of the Tigris."

Qiye, who took the clay tablet and looked at Gilgamesh in surprise, said, "The end of the two big rivers? Isn't that the cedar forest of the gods over there? What do you want to do there?"

The cedar forest, where there are countless valuable trees, which are light and hard, are very useful for building boats and houses, but because it is a place where the gods prohibit human beings from stepping into it, it is also called 'all kinds of trees'. The Garden of the Gods' or the 'House of the Gods'.

The tributes and treasures that the gods received from humans were stored in the cedar forest, and they sent the half-human and half-god subordinates to guard them, and there was a mythical beast Humbaba in the cedar forest.

The mythical beast Humbaba can also be said to be the monster Humbaba, because its body is taller than the cedar that catches the sky, and when it opens its mouth, it spews murderous gas and flames, and its shouts are deafening, like the roar of a flood.

"If this king is concerned about the treasures hidden in the cedar forest by the gods, what would your reaction be at Qiye?" Gilgamesh said.

"..." The corner of Qiye's mouth twitched, and he rolled his eyes at Gilgamesh, "I wonder if you have made a mistake, you are not Inanna, and you dare to think about the treasures of the gods. "

Then Qiye changed the subject, and he said, "At least wait until the gods are divided into the sky and can't set foot on the earth before they can get their treasures."

"Well, although this king is arrogant, he is not a fool. The reason for going to the cedar forest this time is related to the gods. You can see the content of the clay tablet." Gilgamesh gestured to Qiye holding the hand. said the tablet.

Qiye lowered his head and looked at the clay tablet in his hand. With a glance and ten lines, he quickly saw the contents recorded on the tablet.

"..." After knowing what was going on, Qiye fell silent, and he said subtly, "I feel strange, why haven't I heard the rumors of the Venus goddess Inanna messing around in the past few years, and I dare to feel that she is being arrested. Nu is imprisoned in the cedar forest."

"That's right." Gilgamesh nodded, and he grinned with his arms crossed, "That messed up goddess was imprisoned in the cedar forest by God Anu eight years ago, so this king is also because of this. situation, and it has been easy for eight years.”

Inanna, the goddess of Venus, is Uruk's city god, but Gilgamesh wants this troublesome city **** to stay away from Uruk, because although she has brought prosperity and love to Uruk, she is also close to Uruk. Kezhen had a lot of trouble.

"If it was eight years ago, wouldn't it be the time after I left the underworld with her." Qiye recalled Inanna who went to the Cedar Forest eight years ago.

Judging from the situation of being imprisoned, Inanna not only did not think that her father Anu wanted those treasures, but was also imprisoned by Anu in the cedar forest.

"Inanna's brother, the sun **** Shamash, who ordered the king of his city to make clay tablets and send them to our Uruk, he wants me and Enkidu to go to the cedar forest, to be taken by the **** Anu Inanna who was imprisoned was rescued."

That's how this tablet came from.

"Go and rescue Inanna." Qiye murmured to himself, and then he looked at Gilgamesh, "What do you think?"

"Of course I accept it." Gilgamesh showed an expression full of interest, "To do things in the name of the sun god... Well, the city **** Inanna who went to save Uruk is also a famous teacher. ."

"And this king wants to get rid of the mythical beast Humbaba in the cedar forest."

"Solve the divine beast Humbaba? You should be well aware of the power of Humbaba, right? Why would you take this risk to solve it?" Qiye asked suspiciously, "Is your head hot? Did you just do it when you thought of it?"

"No, this king is the kind of brainless person." Gilgamesh rolled his eyes at Qiye, "Actually, this king has three reasons."

Chapter 217 Chapter One Hundred and Twelve

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