Chapter 133: Goat-horned Demon [6/7]

【ps: Chapter 6, there is one more update! 】

Soon, the car left the airport and came to the highway.

The first saint looked at the surrounding scenery through the glass.

Outside was a grain base.

Wheat was growing in large tracts of arable land.

There were also many farmers carrying something like a backpack and holding a long pole in their hands. Water like rain was constantly spraying out from the top of the long pole.

It fell on the crops.

This is a special liquid fertilizer that is beneficial to the growth of crops.

There are also many machines driving between the fields.

“How can the Los Empire not be strong? Even their grassroots farmers have all kinds of magical creations to help them. Thinking about it this way, I really envy the farmers of the Los Empire.”

The First Saint couldn’t help but look at it in fascination, and he admired from the bottom of his heart.

The First Saint knew that although these farmers looked ordinary and these crops were also very ordinary, all of this was the reflection of the strength of the Los Empire.

To see whether a country is strong or not, you can tell by looking at its grassroots people.

“The lower-class peasants in the Los Empire live much better than the lower-class people in our country.”

The First Saint thought.

At this time, a car sped past on the road.

It passed by the car that the envoys were riding in.

“Do ordinary people in the Los Empire have this kind of creation?!”

The First Saint was surprised when he saw the car passing by quickly.

He thought that this kind of creation was specially used to receive their envoys, and that only the emperor of the Los Empire could use it normally.

“Well, cars are now produced by private manufacturers in China, and the civilian ones are sold to the domestic public.”

“But it is very expensive, and only rich people can afford it at present.”

The officer driving the car looked straight at the road and answered

“So that’s it.”

The First Saint nodded, indicating that he understood.

It seems that there are still many things in the Los Empire that the outside world can’t see, waiting for him to discover……

The First Saint glanced at Tianluan on the other side, and saw that Tianluan seemed a little excited. The First Saint couldn’t help but feel a little strange.

Tianluan, what are you looking forward to?

Soon, the envoys arrived at Los City.

At this moment, Los City has undergone a lot of changes compared to a month ago. First of all, the port was successfully built a month ago, and the workers have returned to continue building buildings in Los City.

Many high-rise buildings have been built, and it can be said that everywhere is full of the atmosphere of the United States in the 1950s and 1960s.

“There are such tall buildings in Los City, and there is more than one”

“Such densely packed high-rise buildings can only be found in the capital of our empire.”

“I used to think that the architectural landscape of our imperial capital was unique in the entire continent, but now it seems that we have no experience.”

“The prosperity of Los City is not inferior to our capital, and it even seems to surpass it! I can only say that it is worthy of being the imperial capital of the Los Empire.”

Along the way, the three sky mages stared at everything in Los City with wide eyes, and the more they looked, the more shocked they felt.

Because at the beginning he thought that the Los Empire was just a mortal kingdom with powerful weapons.

But when he arrived, he found that there were still countless things in this world that he had never seen, and even what he saw along the way made him discover that the living standards of the civilians in Los City seemed to be better than that of him, the Great Sky Mage!

This could not help but shock him.

Although his status in the Central Magic Empire was not too high, under the Star Saints, the Sky Mage was the most powerful. He was also considered the top among the sky mages, and his life was colorful, which was admired by ordinary mortals. It was impossible to see even if he looked.

But now he suddenly found that he, a sky mage, was not as comfortable as an ordinary civilian in Los City!

Isn’t this a bit too depressing! ?

Los Empire Port.

Los City is receiving a delegation of envoys.

Let’s turn our attention to the sea.

Above the endless ocean, on a deserted island.

A pitch-black sheep’s foot stepped lightly on the ground.

The lower body of this man was an animal foot like a sheep, and the upper body was exactly the same as a human, with some kind of fluff on his face and two huge horns on his head.

His eyes were scarlet, he took a long breath, and a breath of turbid air spilled out of his mouth.

“Is this the human world?”

“I’m finally here.”

He closed his eyes and felt the sunlight shining in the sky.

“How warm and beautiful!”

“That sun, the sun that our tribe longs for!”

The goat-horned demon knelt on the ground, stretched his hands toward the sky, and kept grabbing at the sun, as if he wanted to grab the sun in his hands. There was an extremely obsessed look on his face.

After basking in the sun for about half a day, he stood up comfortably, feeling warm all over and extremely comfortable.

He moved his muscles and bones, and a series of”crackling” sounds came from his body.

“Get ready to work”

“Those damned humans, no matter how many space gates the great empress opens, they will always destroy”


“But they certainly can’t imagine that we have developed a new single-person cross-border technology. Although it is extremely unstable, it seems that I am the only one who succeeded among the 300 demons in the experiment. But, as long as I succeed, it will be fine!”

The goat-horned demon raised an extremely evil smile, and he took out a black round object from a small backpack on his waist, which looked like an egg.

“As long as you have this thing, when the space gate egg hatches, it will grow into a real space gate.”

“When the time comes, it will be the day when our army descends.”

The goat-horned demon said, and took another deep breath of pure air, his face full of intoxication:”This intoxicating air smells much better than the smell of sulfur.”

“And there is the incredibly beautiful and intoxicating sun in the sky!”

“Ah! So beautiful!”

“All of this will belong to our great race!”

“Weak humans, just wait for us to conquer you, hahahahahahaha!”

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