Chapter 140: Weiyuan Demon Sea Battle! [6/7]

【ps: Chapter 6, there is one more update!】

“There are human warships on the sea, and the flying unit’s attack has been thwarted!”

More than a dozen dark warships just sailed out of the gate, and the demon commander stood on the observation tower and watched.

“Such terrifying firepower! Could it be that humans have also been developing the navy in the past three thousand years?!”

The demon commander was shocked and his eyes widened.

“Sir, should we put up a magic shield?”

A demon sailor on the deck shouted at the demon commander.

“No, the distance between us and the enemy is more than three kilometers, they can’t fight that far!”

The demon commander smiled calmly and waved his hand. He said:”Let the flying troops harass for a while, and when we reach the attack distance, let them retreat, otherwise it will be easy to cause accidental injuries when the fight starts!”

The demon commander was very confident. The human race had only one warship, and they were the first echelon, with a total of sixteen warships!

And there were hundreds of warships waiting behind them! Waiting to enter the portal.

No matter what this human warship did, it could not���Win them!

Victory will surely belong to them!

“The enemy battleship appears!”

“Main guns in position!!”

On the Weiyuan battleship, countless flying demons in the sky attacked the anti-aircraft firepower network, but it was in vain. Countless flying demons that wanted to rush through were torn to pieces in an instant.

The bridge was undoubtedly safe. The Imperial Captain Priman stared at the more than ten demon warships that appeared on the sea in the distance, and he roared:”A round of test firing!”


The cold muzzles of the four triple-mounted 355mm main guns suddenly burst into huge flames.

The muzzle flames flickered in rounds, and twelve huge caliber shells streaked through the air and shot at more than ten demon warships three kilometers away!

“My lord! They are attacking us!”

Hearing the panicked shouting, the demon commander had anger on his face.

This group of demon sailors were participating in a naval battle for the first time and had little experience.

He roared:”Don’t panic!! They only have one battleship, and it’s so far away, it’s impossible for them to hit us!”

“If they can hit us, I will eat the battleship under our feet! Don’t panic! Keep sailing!”As soon as the demon commander finished speaking, he looked at the sky with wide eyes.

Twelve naval gun shells passed by, eleven of which hit the sea surface, and the explosion instantly set off huge waves.

The nearby warships were constantly shaken by the waves.

And one shell directly hit a demon warship!

Although the demon’s warship is sixty meters long, its internal structure is made of wood and is wrapped in iron plates.

It is impossible to withstand a huge 355mm caliber shell!

This one directly hit the center of the battleship, and a violent explosion sounded instantly. The firelight reflected the surroundings, and the demon sailors on the battleship screamed and fell into the ocean.

Thick black smoke rose, and the battleship that was hit was actually broken into two pieces and was sinking!

“How is it possible! How can their attack reach so far!!”

The demon commander roared angrily. He had just said that it was impossible to hit them, but he was immediately slapped in the face.

Moreover, before they even engaged the enemy, they had already destroyed a battleship!

“One was hit!”

“Their warship is on fire! One of their warships is about to sink!”

The observer shouted loudly.


Suddenly, there was a cheer on the bridge, and Captain Puleyman immediately ordered:”Load the shells! Take turns shooting, and recalibrate the angle!”

At this point, the red dragon badge on Puleyman’s white military cap glowed with a weird light, and he said word by word:”Bury them all in the seabed!”

“Go at full speed! Turn on the magic shield! We must get within 2,000 meters of them!”

The demon commander showed his fangs and roared, and his voice spread through the magic power and spread to the surrounding seas. The red lines on the hulls of the remaining fifteen demon warships began to flash violently, and the magic engines were running at high load, and their speed suddenly increased!

“They are coming towards us!” the observer shouted suddenly.

“Shoot another round!”

“Then turn the rudder! We keep our distance from them!”

“There are too many of them and we don’t know their firepower. We can’t engage them rashly. Let’s play kite fighting with them for a while!”

Pullman shouted immediately.

The huge naval guns on the Weiyuan began to roar again.

The huge sound of the cannons resounded throughout the surrounding sea area.

From a distance, you can see twelve streamlined light spots cutting through the air and hitting the fifteen demon warships again. The fifteen demon warships were sailing quickly, and suddenly there was another round of head-on attack!

The shells that fell from the sky fell instantly and landed in the ocean, raising countless waves.

This time, because they were moving and had turned on the magic shield, no demon warships were directly hit, but two warships were broken through the shield by the explosion of the shells, and the warships were affected.

So the two demon warships started to catch fire, sailing on the sea with thick black smoke.

Although they did not sink, it was obviously impossible to have combat effectiveness.

(The hit rate of artillery shells in naval battles is indeed touching. If the distance is too far, sometimes the two sides will shoot at each other for a long time and can’t hit a single shot. The distance here is still good, and it is normal for only one or two of the twelve shells to hit.)

“Damn it! Damn it! Damn it!”

The demon commander roared again.

They hadn’t even formally engaged the enemy, they hadn’t even encountered any enemies, but they had already lost three warships! These humans, how could these human warships be so powerful!!

“”Two thousand meters! Everyone, attack!”

The demon commander roared.

The dark red lines on the warhammer bows of the remaining thirteen intact demon warships were activated, and the dark magic circle instantly expanded at the bows. A huge prismatic arrow appeared at the front of the magic circle of the demon warship.

At the demon’s command, thirteen huge prismatic arrows burning with black flames instantly cut through the air, forming thirteen black arcs in the air, and hit the Weiyuan battleship.

At this time, the flying demons finally began to evacuate.

“”Ring hard to the right! Evade, we are flying a kite with them!”

Priman roared.

The huge battleship began to move, the waves were stirred up, and thirteen huge black prismatic arrows fell from the sky. Eleven of them fell into the sea, and only two hit the Weiyuan!

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