Chapter 154: Dangers Under the Sea! [6/7]

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【ps: The sixth update, one more to go.

Hundreds of demonic armor-piercing arrows were burning with black flames in the air, dragging long black smoke, and were extremely dense in the air, looking so scary.

“Bang bang bang!”


Suddenly, arrows rained down!

“”Hua Hua Hua” the sea surface was constantly surging, some giant arrows fell into the sea, stirring up waves.

Most of the armor-piercing giant arrows fell on the battleships, hanging shallowly on the armor and decks.

Although it seemed that more than a dozen battleships were hit, they were actually just flesh wounds. The giant arrows did not break through the 400 mm thick armor at all, but just hung on it.

The demon’s armor-piercing arrows were burning with flames, but this flame was also aimed at the wooden structure of the ironclad ship. Facing the all-steel battleship, it had no effect at all.

“Hit it!”

The demons of the Ster clan laughed grimly on the battleship.

“Damn humans, taste our attack���”

The sticky demon sneered and waited for the dozen or so human warships that were hit to catch fire.

But after watching for a long time, there was no movement at all.

“”Boom! Boom boom boom!”

Countless gunfire roared again, and the Los Empire fleet opened fire again!

The same attack density as before, 240 shells whizzed out again.

This time, their targets were all the fleet of the Ster tribe in front of them!

Under Gu Yuan’s command, the battleships did not care about the Hart and Lanlin warships extending to both sides, but directly launched artillery attacks on the Ster fleet in front of them!

“not good!”

“”At such a close distance, everyone, evade!”

The skinny demon was shocked. He widened his eyes and roared an order.

But it was too late.

Countless shells flew across a distance of two thousand meters and landed directly on the heads of these Ster warships!



The waves were stirred up by the explosion, and the sea surface was ups and downs.

Countless Ster warships were broken through by shells, and the whole warship exploded! There was even an unlucky ship that was hit by three shells at the same time!

The warship instantly disintegrated in the violent explosion, turning into a pile of broken wood and iron pieces. The demon sailors on the ship were also in the sea.

“Help me!”

“Quick! Pull me up!

Countless warships started to smoke and catch fire, and began to fall silent. The sea was full of demon sailors who fell into the water. They screamed and cried, seeking help from the surrounding warships of the same race.

“How is this possible? Our attacks have no effect at all!”

“Our attacks have no effect on human warships at all!”

The demon sailors on the intact warships looked at the Los Empire fleet in the distance in horror, which had been hit by them but had no damage at all.

“Stop the chaos! Stop the chaos!”

The voice of the sticky demon immediately spread throughout the fleet, and he roared:”Our allies have surrounded them! As long as they surround the human fleet, we can fight them at close range! We can even jump directly onto their warships!”

“Human weapons may be powerful, but they are individually very weak!”

“Warriors of my tribe, each of you is comparable to a human knight. Let us all charge!”

“The goal is to jump onto the human warships and slaughter them all, so that the powerful warships will belong to our race!”

The sticky demon’s mind was turning rapidly. He used his magic power to make his voice heard by the entire fleet.

“Send a signal to the Hart and Bluescale tribes and ask them to cooperate with us in boarding battle!”

“Since we can’t destroy them, let’s seize their warships!”

It must be said that the skinny demon, as a commander, is still somewhat useful at this moment. He immediately reacted. Since long-range attacks are useless, let’s go to the boarding battle!

Kill all the human soldiers directly, then won? And they can also seize these 20 extremely powerful warships!

What a huge warship.

There was greed in the skinny demon’s eyes.

“All charge! The blades on the bows of the ships light up, ready for collision, warriors of our tribe, prepare for boarding battle!”

The voice spread throughout the fleet of the Ster tribe, which still had nearly 400 ships left.

The Hart tribe and the Lanlin tribe on both sides were also constantly encircling the fleet of the Los Empire.

“The people of the Ster tribe want to fight a boarding battle?”

“Humph, these humans didn’t even react to our encirclement.”

The fat demon touched his chin in the Lanlin tribe’s main fleet, wondering why the Los Empire did nothing about their encirclement.

Is there some conspiracy?

Forget it, never mind, when the Ster tribe and humans start a boarding battle, he can wait for an opportunity to move nearby, and maybe he can also seize a few human warships.

Such a huge and powerful warship, wow, just thinking about it makes me drool.

There was greed in the eyes of all the demons. They looked at the warships of the Los Empire, and they were all ready to go.

On the other side of the Hart tribe fleet.

Two identical demon men had gloomy faces and kept looking at the sea below them.

Under this not-so-calm sea, he could always feel a hint of danger…….

What is it?

“”Boom, boom, boom!”

Countless artillery fire roared, and the fleet of the Los Empire attacked the Ster fleet that was constantly charging forward.

And after each artillery fire, at least a dozen ships, and at most nearly a hundred ships, the Ster fleet only advanced one thousand meters, with half the distance left, and they lost half of their warships on the way!

“The distance is almost there! The last thousand meters, all the warships, lower the small boats, and charge at the human warships!”

The skinny demon was anxious, and he ordered loudly.

Suddenly, one or two small boats of 11 or 12 meters long were put on the sea on the remaining more than 200 Ster warships.

Each small boat carried 20 demon sailors wearing light armor and holding black scimitars.

The Ster sailors all had ferocious smiles. They were tall, each of them was three meters tall. Although they were as thin as sticks, they had strong and tough muscles in their bodies. The demon tribe is born strong, and when they reach adulthood, they basically have the strength of human knights.

So they are all full of confidence in the upcoming close combat!

Humans can never be their demon opponents in hand-to-hand combat!

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