Chapter 194: The Same Sun [5/5]

【ps: Dear readers, today’s update ends here for the time being. The author is going to visit relatives and friends. Happy New Year to all readers! 】

Tripp descended from the sky, with no expression on his face.

“”Your Excellency! Your Excellency!”

A group of demon generals immediately surrounded him and asked,”What is the scenery up there? Can we go over there?”

“Isn’t the other side wonderful?”

“It must be a beautiful land exactly like the Roliland Continent, with wonderful sunshine and intoxicating air!”

The demon generals looked at Tripp who had just landed from the sky with great hope on their faces.


Suddenly, Tripp laughed.

The sound was so sad and full of sorrow.

“What’s wrong? Your Excellency?”

All the generals of the Terlin tribe looked at Tripp with surprise. Although they knew that it was normal to laugh at this moment, the prince’s laughter was so strange……This is too sad.

“Haha, there is no such thing as a paradise on earth, hahaha, it’s fake, all fake, there is no other land outside the Roryland continent, hahaha!”

Tripp laughed like crazy, repeating this sentence.

He was close to madness. He didn’t know how many people died along the way, and the result was a piece of land outside the wall that had long been eroded by the abyss material!

He also saw the shadow of the World Demon Tree, which he hadn’t seen for at least ten thousand years.

The World Demon Tree was the first great creation to be eroded by the abyss.

Tripp had always wanted to see the World Demon Tree again, because to him, the World Demon Tree was like a mother.

But the meeting that Tripp wanted was not to see it under such circumstances!

Seeing the World Demon Tree under such circumstances would only bring madness and pain to Tripp!

“Let’s go, let’s go! There is no new home, no!!”

Tripp roared at them frantically.

“This world will be destroyed sooner or later. No matter what we do, we can’t escape it. We can’t escape it!”

“The abyss, it has been watching us, watching all of us!! We can’t hide, we can’t hide, the abyss will find us in the end!”

Tripp was trembling all over, pulling a demon general and roaring like crazy.

The demon general stared at Tripp who was roaring at him, and stood there in a daze.

The others were staring at Tripp in a daze, not knowing what was wrong with him.

But some demon generals suddenly understood Tripp’s words, they trembled all over, looked at Tripp in shock, and their faces were full of disbelief.

“grown ups….You mean, behind the wall?…..abyss……”

As soon as these words came out, everyone was extremely shocked, looking at the Mountains of Heaven’s Punishment not far away in fear.

It turned out that there was a reason why this mountain range was so high and everything was neatly arranged on one side.

Because this was not a mountain range at all! It was a huge wall that appeared in ancient times, no, it appeared at an unknown time and was built here by some supreme power. It covers the entire eastern and northern regions of the Roliland continent to prevent the invasion of abyssal substances!

And this wall trapped everyone on the Roliland continent here.

No wonder, no wonder the people on the Roliland continent have not developed the navy for thousands of years, because it is fundamentally not allowed!

The Roliland continent is like……..Just like……

“The continent of Roliland is like a cage!”

“Trapping everyone together, we and the demon world are actually in the same world.”

Dr. Luo Hua looked at his companions in front of him, and he kept talking about the results of his research.

“Wait a minute, Dr. Luo Hua, do you have any evidence for what you said?”

A researcher subconsciously raised a question based on his own thinking.

After all, science requires rigor, and such things cannot be concluded without decisive and conclusive evidence.

“Of course there are.”

Dr. Luo Hua took out a stack of photos and placed them on the table one by one, saying:”Look, this row is the photos of the sun that I took with the F22 fighter jet over the Demon’s homeland.”

“This row is the second row of astronomical photos. The third row is the astronomical photos taken on our Roliland continent at the same time as the second row.”

“They are all suns. Let’s ignore the first row and compare the second and third rows. What do you find?”

Dr. Luo Hua pointed to the three rows of photos on the table and said one by one.

“These two rows of photos, what, are you sure you didn’t take out the same photos?……”

A researcher took a look and smiled, but before he could finish his words, his voice stopped abruptly, his eyes widened, and his pupils shrank.

He had realized it.

Exactly the same reaction to the sun!

Even the activities of the solar flares in these two rows of photos are exactly the same!

Although slight differences can be seen in careful study, if you look closely, you can find that the activities of the solar flares in the photos taken by the demons in the mainland are the next second after the activities of the solar flares in the photos taken by the Roryland mainland!

If this set of photos is not fake, it really shows that the demon world and the human world are actually the same world!

At this point, all the researchers were silent.

Suddenly, a researcher shouted:”What about the devil egg of the space gate! If it is the same world, then is the space gate useless?”

“No, it works. It’s obvious that the demon’s portal is indeed a magical device that allows a large army to cross space. As long as we study it, we won’t be afraid of not getting any results.”

Another researcher shook his head.

At this moment, another person suddenly shouted

“The surveillance cameras we installed on the Mountain of Scourge sent back some images.”

“A demon army arrived here. Oh my god, that demon broke through the Mountains of Scourge…….Wait, he’s coming down again.”

“They started to evacuate!”

The picture was fast-forwarded, and a group of researchers watched carefully.

Why did they evacuate? What was behind the wall?

This was what Dr. Luo Hua couldn’t understand the most. Suddenly he saw the photos he had taken on the table and slapped his forehead.

He was really confused and had forgotten the results of his research. The reason why the bull-headed demon broke through the magic barrier and went up and then came down was naturally because he saw something extremely disappointing.

Behind the Mountains of Heaven’s Punishment is the demon’s native world!

Dr. Luo Hua suddenly began to write a report to be submitted to the Los Empire Emperor, Gu Yuan.

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