Chapter 199: A World Separated by a Wall



Mountain Range of Heavenly Punishment.

Countless strange magic patterns suddenly appeared in the sky, densely covering the entire sky.

After a sound, the next moment, the dense magic patterns in the sky began to disappear in pieces.

Finally, a blank space with a diameter of about 100 meters was left.

“It’s open!”

“We can go up now!”

Below the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment, a camp is stationed here.

They are the scientific research team of the Los Empire, and there is also a division of troops guarding them.

From the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment to the World Demon Tree inside, the distance in between is not close, and if you want to hover in the air for a long time without falling to the ground and not being contaminated by the abyss material below, ordinary planes are not enough.

But there is still something that can stay in the sky for a long time, even for a month.

If the supplies are sufficient.

That is the airship.

The air force unit that appeared before the First World War was already very mature. Later, the emergence of airplanes eliminated the huge, bulky and inflexible airships.

But if compared to sailing in the air and hovering time, no airplane can compare to the airship.

The countless hydrogen inside can make the airship easily hover in the air for a long time.

As long as there are enough supplies and the airship is not damaged, theoretically speaking, the airship will not fall by itself.

“Come on, come on.”

“”We are ready to go.”

A Los soldier wearing a black army uniform, a new type of simple alloy steel armor on the upper body, an M35 helmet, a black iron mask on his face, and holding an AKM assault rifle patrolled closely, guarding the sixteen airships parked in an open space! The upper part of the airship is very huge, about one or two hundred meters long, while the manned cabin hanging tightly below is only more than ten meters long.

The sixteen airships were placed on a piece of open space that was urgently cleared. They are so huge.

They are all black, with a red dragon on them that seems to be flying.

The red dragon flag of the Los Empire.

These sixteen airships Of the airships, only two were for the researchers. Of the other fourteen, six were escort boats and the rest were transport boats.

After all, this team was planning to conduct a long-term study on the World Magic Tree.

Dr. Luo Hua looked at the sixteen huge airships parked in front of him. Although there were only sixteen of them, they were so huge that they looked quite spectacular, one behind the other.

It seemed as if there were a huge number of them.

Dr. Luo Hua admired in his heart that only their Los Empire could have such mobility and could quickly build the required airships in just a few days.

This was their great Los Empire.

“Doctor, get ready to board the ship.

Two guards came over.

“I understand.”

Dr. Luo Hua nodded, put on his cap, adjusted his glasses, and started walking towards the airship.

“The wind direction is normal, the jets are normal, the jets are ready, the ship itself is normal, the hydrogen reaction inside the ship is normal. The oxygen and air conditioning systems inside the manned cabin are normal!”

“……All indicators are normal, ready to take off!”

“Prepare to take off!”

Under the command of countless soldiers and escort personnel on the ground, a frigate used for exploration took off first.

It slowly rose in place all the way, and the altitude continued to rise.

One hundred meters.

Two hundred meters.

Five hundred meters.

One thousand meters.

Twenty-five hundred meters.

Soon, the ship reached an altitude of six thousand meters.

These ships are specially made and can reach an altitude of ten thousand meters.

And at the tail of the airship, there is also a jet engine.

It can be turned on instantly when the airship encounters danger, and take the airship out of the danger zone quickly.

Moreover, at an altitude of ten thousand meters, this height is extremely cold, and there is basically no oxygen for people to breathe, so it is necessary to prepare sufficient oxygen cylinders, built-in air conditioners and other equipment to supply oxygen and temperature in the manned cabin.

However, it is not necessary for the whole city to sail at an altitude of ten thousand meters. At the beginning, it only needs to be pulled up to an altitude of ten thousand meters and cross the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment.

Then the altitude can be lowered.

“Shenglong has passed through the magic barrier, and there is no abnormality. The passage is normal. Qianlong No. 1 continues to take off.”

About four hours later, Qianlong No. 1 successfully flew to 200 meters above the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment.

The onboard camera kept sending back pictures. Gu Yuan in the camp was staring at the screen in front of him.

The fifteen airships that followed also took off one after another.

Qianlong No. 1 was not idle during this time. They landed on the edge of the other side of the Mountains of Heavenly Punishment.


A stream of hot air instantly rushed out as the cabin opened.

Five Los soldiers wearing special thermal suits with alloy steel armor covering their upper bodies, wearing full-coverage oxygen masks on their faces, oxygen bottles on their backs, and M35 helmets on their heads walked out of the cabin and stepped onto the top of the Mountain of Scourge.

They came out after passing through two isolation doors. With these two isolation doors, the cabin was very warm and full of oxygen.

The five soldiers breathed in the oxygen provided by the oxygen masks. They stood on the edge of the top of the Mountain of Scourge, holding the AKM tightly in their hands with heavy gloves, and looking at the outside world through the lenses that had begun to freeze.

“mine……Oh my god.”

They stood at the edge with their eyes wide open.

There was no fog or black and gray smoke in the sky above the demonic land in front of them, but there was no sun either.

The world here seemed to be black, a deep and endless darkness. It was separated from the bright Roliland Continent by the Mountains of Heavenly Condemnation.

A wall separated a world from the center, and it actually became two worlds!

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