Chapter 204 The Watching Demon Emperor

【ps: Today’s update ends here. On New Year’s Eve, the author wishes all readers a happy New Year! Good health and good luck! 】

The upper body is still the familiar steel armor design, with the red dragon icon of the Los Empire on the silver-white steel armor.

The steel boots on the feet are extremely heavy.

The outer parts of both arms and legs are connected with steel devices, and the special steel pipes are constantly transporting magic power inside, so that soldiers can easily put on this special combat uniform and move easily.

This special combat uniform also exudes a certain magnetic force!

A Los Empire troop that had previously fought in the demon’s native land came into contact with the defensive wall built by the three demon emperors and took back some samples of abyssal substances.

After research by Los Empire researchers, it was found that these black muds carry a certain force similar to magnetic force, which constantly affects each other, so that they can fit together very closely.

And this magnetic force is attractive to the human body.

Although these magnetic forces are called magnetic forces, they actually have nothing to do with the magnetic law that like repels like and opposites attract.

The properties of the magnetic forces in these black muds are the same, but they attract each other.

The scientific researchers of the Los Empire took advantage of this and created a reverse magnetic force.

Then this special steel was used extensively in the steel armor protection on the combat uniforms.

Under the effect of these special steel armors, any black mud abyss material that approaches will only be bounced away by the invisible magnetic force that extends from each other.

Thus, it will not have the effect of contaminating the soldiers.

And the pure white combat uniforms can also be clearly seen whether there is any black mud on them.

The huge airship slowly moved towards the wooden platform that was obviously built by humans on the World Demon Tree.

At this moment, the platform was full of the remains of black creatures that turned into black gravel.

Wuhuan was lying on the ground, with a lot of ink-colored gravel-like things spread around it. It was missing a leg and a hand.

It couldn’t figure it out.

Why is this happening?

Why suddenly, all the tribesmen who were fine just now fell to the ground and died.

Suddenly, an object appeared in its sight.

This object was so huge in his sight that it seemed to cover the entire sky.

And it was constantly moving and landing.


With a heavy muffled sound, the Qianlong No. 1 airship landed on a platform on the World Tree.

This is a platform built by countless branches of the World Tree.

And those branches are strangely combined into one piece, as if they have become a whole.

The airship landed steadily. These branches look very fragile, but they can actually bear the weight of the airship, which is very surprising.

The bracket extends from the bottom of the cabin to support the ground.

Wuhuan raised his head with great effort, hoping to see the appearance of the big fish that landed next to him.

What does this huge creature look like, and what means did it use to attack them.

Wuhuan swore that he must see the appearance of this huge flying fish creature clearly.

If he can survive, then he must, must seek revenge on these flying fish creatures!

With the magic ball heart it has, it will definitely grow up, and wait until one day in the future, it will have powerful power to kill this damn flying fish!


Suddenly at this moment, the door of the cabin opened automatically, and a fierce white mist suddenly emerged as the cabin door opened.

Under this mist, a foot with heavy iron boots stepped out. As soon as this foot stepped out, some black matter on the ground instantly spread out very quickly and evenly, leaving a circular blank area in its original place.

Then the next moment, that foot stepped on this blank area.

A Los soldier wearing a silver-white prevention and control combat uniform and holding an AKM in his steel armor walked out.

The tough lines engraved on the functional combat eye armor of the eyes suddenly glowed, and in the tough lines and patterns are gathered these two circular apertures that look like eyes.

A weird, scarlet light emanated from it.

“Detect the heartbeat reaction in the area with a diameter of one meter around, please keep quiet.”

The first Los soldier who came out wearing the control combat uniform had a strange light on his eye armor. He kept detecting the data around him to see if there were any living people.

Heartbeat reaction.

Although it is not known whether these creatures have hearts or something like that, it is better to detect them before researching.

“Please keep quiet. Please keep quiet. We are checking your heartbeat.”

“A person’s heartbeat was detected, extremely weak, and on the verge of death. If it is a non-human species, please ignore this test on a certain basis.”

After receiving the feedback, the soldier began to search.

There was another living person around.

“There is still one alive.”

He spoke to his companions behind him through the built-in radio.

“Prepare to search, clean up the surroundings, and clear a quiet landing place for the follow-up personnel.”

The soldier squad leader came out wearing a heavy control combat uniform, and the combat steel armor on his eyes emitted two strange red lights.

“have….Is there anyone?”

Wuhuan fell to the ground very weakly. Its strong body did not block the powerful bullets for it. Its proud body was easily torn apart by the bullets.

Wuhuan made a soft sound and was extremely shocked. It looked up at the pure white Los soldier who was constantly approaching it.

It saw a very clear and clean ground on the ground as the footsteps kept coming. It suddenly understood in its heart that perhaps this was an enemy sent by the gods to be the nemesis of their clan.

They were pure black, and these people were obviously pure white, and they were naturally hostile.

Wuhuan thought with a brain that was extremely outstanding among its people, but obviously not above average among humans.

It mistook the defense-type armored combat uniforms worn by Los soldiers as the original skin surface of Los soldiers.


At an altitude of 12,000 meters, the Third Demon Emperor silently hovered here, humming softly.

His black armor was dyed silver-white by the frost. At this moment, he was motionless and hovering here, looking at the airship with the Los Empire logo clearly painted on it that appeared above the World Demon Tree below, and fell into deep thought.

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