Chapter 209 Promise Them [3/7]

In the past, humans had always had a deep hatred for the demons. Not to mention giving them a piece of land to live on, even if they were robbed of a piece of land, those humans would fight to the death to get it back.

But now, Gu Yuan is going to give him the land on his own initiative!

As for the conditions mentioned by Gu Yuan, the Third Demon Emperor thought that they were all fine. If there was land to be taken without fighting, who would be willing to fight?

The original goal of the entire demon clan was to live on the Roliland continent and escape from the suffering demon homeland.

“Then, which of our native lands do you want?”

The Third Demon Emperor was silent for a moment and asked.

The Third Demon Emperor did not expect that Gu Yuan would actually be willing to take their native lands. No matter what Gu Yuan asked, he would give it to him!

“I want the entire abyss wall!” said Gu Yuan.


This was the first reaction of the Third Demon Emperor.

The Abyss Wall was the wall that the three Demon Emperors had raised together some time ago to resist the Abyss Material Sea.

If it was occupied by the Los Empire, it would mean that the lifeline of their entire clan would be in the hands of the Los Empire!

Of course, the Third Demon Emperor would not agree.


The Third Demon Emperor fell into deep thought.

If he didn’t agree, the abyss matter would sooner or later spread throughout the land, and the demons would certainly start a life-and-death battle with the humans of Roliland.

If he was only facing the Central Magic Empire and other magic empires of the Roliland continent, the Third Demon Emperor would certainly not be afraid.

At most, he just had to be careful not to be blown up by the suicidal forbidden spell attack of the Star Saint.

But the Third Demon Emperor had learned about the Los Empire when he was in the Central Region before.

He learned from some defeated magicians of the Central Magic Empire that the Los Empire has a weapon that can be launched over a long distance and is more powerful than ordinary forbidden spells!

Nuclear bomb!

It was precisely because of this fear that the Third Demon Emperor was very hesitant.

If they really threw forbidden spells and nuclear bombs at each other, everything would be destroyed.

Not to mention whether the Los Empire can accept this result, even the Third Demon Emperor himself would not accept it.

They are not for destruction, but for survival.

“I will go back and discuss this.”

The third demon emperor was silent, and finally said

“I’m waiting for your reply.”

Gu Yuan’s mouth curled up slightly.

There was no need to fight this battle. The demons had already been hurt.

Although Gu Yuan’s current killing value was only more than 80 million, less than 100 million, it was still far from Gu Yuan’s target of 120 million.

But Gu Yuan had found another way to brush the killing value!

How many eroded abyss creatures could there be in the entire vast sea of ​​abyss material?!

These abyss creatures were the best place for Gu Yuan to brush the killing value!

-The novel was taken from the (rolyz) website. Close where you’re reading it and support us on our website for more free novels-

There was no need to fight the entire demon clan anymore.

The third demon emperor held the second demon emperor who had not yet woken up. He stood up straight and made a move that shocked all the Los soldiers the next moment. The third demon emperor actually lowered his proud head, bent down, and bowed deeply to these ordinary Los soldiers!

This move also stunned Gu Yuan and others who were transmitting images through the camera.

Sif covered her mouth in surprise.

She was a demon and was born on the World Demon Tree. She knew the three demon emperors best, but she didn’t expect it at this moment.

The third demon emperor would actually salute the Los soldiers.

“Emperor Los, I know you can see this. This gift represents my personal gratitude to you. Thank you!”The

Third Demon Emperor raised his head again and said.

The Third Demon Emperor saw hope in the Los Empire.

And this hope lies in this group of ordinary soldiers in the Los Empire!

They wear special steel armor. Although the Third Demon Emperor does not know how the soldiers of the Los Empire do it, this kind of steel armor can effectively avoid the Abyss matter.

The three Demon Emperors have been fighting against the Abyss matter for more than 20,000 years. They have exterminated dozens or hundreds of races, but they are still unable to fight against the Abyss matter.

But today, the Third Demon Emperor suddenly discovered that a group of ordinary soldiers in the Los Empire can actually make those all-devouring Abyss matter afraid, and wherever they go, the Abyss matter automatically avoids them!

“We will meet.”

The third demon emperor said, and the magic power on his body surged and surged.”Boom!” There was an explosion, and the whole person instantly soared into the sky, and soon, he disappeared without a trace.

The middle demon country.

The first demon emperor stood on the abyss wall they built, looking at the ocean of abyss material that was constantly wriggling below.

Listening to the roar of countless polluted abyss creatures, the first demon emperor suddenly felt a touch of sadness in his heart.

These abyss creatures, ten thousand years ago, were all living people of their tribe.

“”Big Brother!”

A shout came from a distance, and the third Demon Emperor came here holding the second Demon Emperor.

“Second brother?! What happened to him?!”

The First Demon Emperor was stunned when he saw the Second Demon Emperor being held in the arms of the Third Demon Emperor. He said in surprise

“”Brother, this is what happened.”

The Third Demon Emperor quickly told the First Demon Emperor what happened at the World Demon Tree.

After hearing this, the First Demon Emperor was deeply shocked.

Because this incident had a huge impact on him!

Their entire tribe, more than one billion people, fought against the ever-expanding ocean of abyssal matter. After 20,000 years, the population did not grow at all, but instead decreased to less than 200 million. Of the ten Demon Emperors, only three of them were left.

And now, on the Roliland Continent, an empire that possessed strange weapons and was composed entirely of mortals saw the hope of defeating the abyssal matter.

“Should we agree to them?” asked the Third Demon Emperor.

“Agree, why not agree?”

“For thirty thousand years, I have only hoped that we could live a peaceful life. Even if Emperor Los holds our lifeline in his hands, even if they could exterminate our race at any time, they have no reason to exterminate us, right?”

“If we really want to fight to the death, we can only die together. The weapons and forbidden spells held by both sides are too powerful.”

The First Demon Emperor sighed and said

“You can go to the Roliland Continent to meet Emperor Los.”

“By the way, give this to him when you go see him.”

The First Demon Emperor stretched out his hand, easily cut open the armor on his chest, dug out the flesh, and took a drop of purple blood from the heart.

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