Chapter 222 Imperial Supremacy [5/7]

Finally, the stubborn demon troops surrendered under the internal cleanup led by a prince of the Telin tribe, Lin Huang.

So far, the war has completely ended. The war between humans and demons has won a complete victory under the leadership of the human Los Empire.

Well, this complete victory is relative to the Los Empire, and the Central Magic Empire of the Central Region has suffered a considerable loss.

And Guyuan also sent a special force to enter the demon’s homeland.

The demon’s homeland, the abyss wall.

This is a wall built by the three demon emperors with great magic power. It can basically be said that it covers all the intact demon lands today. Although the height is only 100 meters, it is not comparable to the height of the 10,000 meters of the Heavenly Punishment Mountains, but it also temporarily blocks the invasion of abyss substances.

Here, a special Los Empire troop came here.

The number of this troop is not large, more than 2,000 people, about a regiment, of which 1,500 soldiers are special prevention troops wearing silver-white defense armor.

There are also 1,500 special magnetic field installers.

The purpose of the Los Empire troops coming here is to install magnetic field devices to prevent abyss substances from here.

It was also to prevent the abyss material from invading the mainland of Roliland in the future.

The demon troops guarding the abyss wall were a group that had just been defeated by the Los Empire.

They were afraid of the Los Empire troops that came here, and naturally fell behind during the communication.

“You are finally here.”

An armored vehicle stopped in front of Prince Thordon, and a proud Los Empire officer got off the armored vehicle.


One of the earliest soldiers of the Los Empire’s new army, he was promoted repeatedly in the war and was one of the most experienced officers. Now he is a major general in the Los Empire’s Ministry of Defense.

Prince Thordon bowed his head respectfully in front of Major General Tom.

“Well, the empire is here, and you can live here with peace of mind from now on. You will know that surrendering to the empire is the most important and wisest decision you have ever made in your life, no doubt about it.”

Tom raised his head slightly, and the red dragon emblem on his black wide-brimmed military cap was emitting a faint luster.

Tom is an imperial supremacist.

This is a doctrine that emerged within the Los Empire.

They believe that only the people of the empire are the only superior people, and they look down on all other countries, all people or species.

No matter who you are, if you want to become a citizen of the empire, you must first be examined by this group of people.

Relatively speaking, there is some discrimination against other countries and races.

Imperial supremacists like Tom are not uncommon in the army, and at the same time, they are also a group of people who have the strongest personal worship of Gu Yuan.

He is a complete worship fanatic.

The emergence of this situation made Gu Yuan a little worried, because he found that the soldiers of the empire had a bit of the fanatical belief of Germany in World War II on Earth in the previous life.

Personal belief in him as the emperor of the empire.

Sometimes Gu Yuan would have a feeling as if he was the German head of state, Little Mustache.

But Gu Yuan knew that he was different from him, and he was far less brutal than Little Mustache.

Gu Yuan was different from Little Mustache. He had his own bottom line and morality.

“The equipment I brought this time can only be installed in a part of the area first, and the rest of the area will be discussed later.”

Tom stood with his hands behind his back, chin slightly raised, looking down at the demons around him. The black general uniform made him look extraordinary and heroic.

“Understand, such a huge and long wall, naturally, can not be built in a short time.”

Prince Soton smiled beside him, with a rather flattering meaning.

It stands to reason that as a prince of the demon clan, he does not need to be a licking dog and please a general of the Los Empire, but this time the situation is different.

The Los Empire promised to give the demon clan some islands so that they can live in sunny areas, but this is not so easy to give. The Los Empire naturally has to choose some demons with good conduct and decent behavior to live on the islands. Regarding this, Guyuan has also set up a special immigration department to select and manage demon immigrants. Even if you have to choose, you have to choose the most honest demon farmers.

That’s right, demons also have farmers. They grow a special crop in the demon native land, which can survive in the special environment of the demon native land. If there is no large-scale planting of this kind of thing, then how can they maintain a huge army and population? Eat soil?

Demons not only have farmers, but demon farmers account for a large proportion of their population.

It can be said that the entire demon clan is very One or two are soldiers, one or two are craftsmen, and the remaining five or six are demon farmers who grow special crops to keep the army running!

Then there are the very few demon princes and royal families who lead the army.

Everything of the demon clan is for their army.

It is a veritable military government.

And Prince Soton naturally wants to live in the sunny Roliland Continent, so he wants to please Tom like a dog, hoping to get some quotas from Tom so that he and his family can move to Roliland Continent.

As for the military government, the Los Empire is similar in this regard. Apart from its industrial strength, at the beginning, Guyuan relied entirely on the continuous conquest of the army to maintain the country. After stabilization, the army is even more important.

It can be said that if the Los Empire suddenly collapsed and only the army was left, then even if Guyuan was not the emperor, he would be the largest warlord in the entire Roliland Continent.

Because the army of the Los Empire is only loyal to Emperor Guyuan.

It is not an exaggeration to say that it is Guyuan’s private army.

“We can talk about this later.”

Tom answered casually.

“”Yes, yes.”

Prince Thordon laughed beside him.

Soldiers wearing silver-white armored combat uniforms set up machine guns on the walls of the abyss, and countless ammunition began to be transported to the top of the wall.

The demons beside him were all stunned.

“Sir, what are you doing?”

Although the person asking the question was a great demon, he still asked the most ordinary Los soldier very respectfully.

“The Empire gave us an order, saying that there were too many black mud creatures, and asked us to clean them up in the next few days. Don’t save your ammunition, just fight.”

The Los soldier answered casually.

This is not a secret. When the fight starts, everyone will hear the noise.

That’s right, when Gu Yuan installs the magnetic field instrument this time, he must brush up the killing value.

Killing black mud creatures will also have killing value.

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