Chapter 232: Ambush of the Extreme Beast [6/7]


In the slightly dark passage, the iron door airlock suddenly opened, and a sound like air leakage sounded in this not-so-bright passage.

“The door is open!

The door slowly opened to both sides, and a stream of air instantly rushed into the space inside the door.


The red bandit held a rifle in his hand and looked at the slowly opening door with great vigilance.


Suddenly a wild roar sounded, and a terrifying head instantly appeared in the darkness. Its neck suddenly stretched out, and its fangs suddenly bit the leg of a hunter soldier near the gate. The hunter soldier was dragged into the gate with a scream!

“Damn it! There really is a Devouring Beast inside!”

Elon cursed angrily, and the rifle in his hand opened fire instantly.

“”Bang, bang, bang, bang!”

Suddenly, a large amount of muzzle flames rang out, instantly illuminating the dark area.

“Ah!! Save me!”

The hunter soldier who was dragged in kept screaming, his body shaking with the swing of the beast’s head.���Swinging up and down

“Bang, bang, bang.”

The hunter soldiers didn’t dare to shoot, they just fired sporadically, for fear of accidentally hurting the surviving hunter soldier.

Elon fired a burst of bullets at that moment, but all the bullets hit the hard shell of the neck of the beast. The bullets were not deeply embedded in the shell and did not cause any damage to the beast. The beast was hit by bullets and sparks flew everywhere. It kept retreating, but it didn’t let go no matter what, still biting the thigh of the hunter soldier.

Hong Kou’s eyes condensed at this time, holding the rifle steadily in his hand, and took a deep breath.

“Bang bang!”

Two shots were fired immediately.

The 7.92 caliber bullets were ejected from the gun in an instant and shot into the soft neck of the Devouring Beast.


The beast suddenly loosened its grip in pain, and the hunter soldier fell to the ground instantly.

“Bang, bang, bang, bang!”

At this time, the red bandits fired again, and the bullets hit the neck of the Devouring Beast again, which had not been retracted. The bullets hit the neck of the Devouring Beast with great accuracy, causing a lot of damage to it.

The Devouring Beast howled miserably, fell to the ground, and died temporarily.

The Devouring Beast itself is immortal, and being killed is only a temporary death. After a period of time, it will recover on its own and come back to life.

“Brother, what happened?”

Several hunter soldiers immediately ran in and helped the injured hunter soldier out.

“Fortunately, he is not dead, but his legs were bitten with several large holes.”

The soldier said, enduring the pain.

“It’s good that he’s not dead. You two can help him out and hand him over to Xuefeng and the others outside.”

Captain Elon walked into the gate carefully and looked around. Apart from the temporarily dead Extreme Devouring Beast on the ground, there were no other creatures inside.

At the same time, Elon also found a broken hole in the wall in front of him. He looked inside and it was dark and deep.

It should be a passage that was broken by something and led to the outside. This Extreme Devouring Beast should have come here by coincidence through the passage.

Thinking of this, Elon breathed a sigh of relief. There should be no Extreme Devouring Beast colony here.

“Thank you.”

When the soldier was helped past the Red Bandits, he said to them sincerely.

“It’s okay, it’s a piece of cake. When we get back, you can use your contribution points to treat me to a meal in the cafeteria.”

Hong Kou waved her hand, her red ponytail swinging behind her head.

“I will definitely thank you when I get back.”

The soldier was helped and left the place temporarily.

“Okay, that’s fine. I’ve got a new respect for you.”

Poxiao was relieved to see that no one was dead.

“There’s nothing I can do about it, it’s just that powerful.”

Hong Kou shrugged.

“”I’ve confirmed that this room is full of military vacuum food, and it’s still edible.”

A scavenger who entered the room to investigate pried open a box and looked at the box full of vacuum canned food, and he said excitedly


The hunters cheered.

If there were so many boxes of vacuum canned food, they would last a long time.

“Prepare to move the supplies, and leave a few people on guard.”

Captain Elon issued an order at the side, and at the same time he said into the headset:”Xuefeng, take your people and drive the car over here.”

“Got it, Boss.”

Xuefeng’s voice came from the headset.

“We have to do this kind of hard work”

“Mayor Morgan is really something. He actually said that the ruins of a military base cannot be sent to the dust people. In the end, he didn’t even send us the dust people to help move it. This kind of hard work is usually done by the dust people, but now we have to do it ourselves.”

A wasteland hunter soldier walked into the city, picked up a box of supplies, and complained

“”Okay, the people are the people. The Lighthouse’s rule is that the people cannot touch military items. If a person hides a weapon in a military base like this and brings it to the Lighthouse, harming the people, wouldn’t that be dangerous?” said another hunter soldier.

“You are right.”

The two of them talked and chatted as they began to move the supplies.

“Hong Kou, and the rest of you, follow me to explore other rooms.”

Captain Elon nodded to the others and said

“”Understood, Captain.”

Red Bandit blinked and said. What the wasteland hunters didn’t realize was that above this room, in the dark, hard-to-explore corners, there were several well-hidden broken holes.

Heads popped out of those holes, irrational, cruel eyes staring at the wasteland hunters who were carrying supplies below.

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