Chapter 247 There Can’t Be Anyone Else [2/7]

【ps: Second update, five more to go. 】

The individual weapon used by the wasteland hunters, a large-caliber rifle of unknown model, is even still loaded with shelled bullets.

Although the civilization of the old world has initially reached the level of interstellar colonization, the disaster occurred before it could carry out interstellar colonization, and the more advanced individual weapons for space use, such as the Gauss rifle, are still in the research laboratory.

Although they have been studied, they are impossible for the lighthouse to reach.

Moreover, as long as it is on the planet, on the continent, compared with the high cost, the Gauss rifle and gunpowder rifle weapons used in space will not be eliminated from the perspective of power, design and cost.

Therefore, in terms of individual weapons, there is not much equipment generation gap between the Los Empire and the lighthouse.

Missiles, artillery, these are all available in the Los Empire.

However, the technology of some things is indeed beyond the Los Empire.

It can be seen from the equipment of the wasteland hunter sniper that the lighthouse is equipped with some electromagnetic weapons.

Electromagnetic sniper rifle.

Electromagnetic coil gun.

Electromagnetic rail gun that fires shells.

This type of electromagnetic weapon is not available in the Los Empire.

It is also the Los Empire’s acquisition target.

A large-scale army entered the Linglong Continent and was in full swing.

The king-level Devouring Beast that was killed by Gu Yuan has also been pulled to the advance base by the army.

Of course, after research by scientific researchers, it was determined that this king-level Devouring Beast was also in temporary death like ordinary Devouring Beasts.

After a certain period of time, the huge wound cut by the magic wave sword on the back of the neck will recover, and the king-level Devouring Beast will also be resurrected.

However, after research, it was determined that this speed is two weeks later.

This time is enough for the Los Empire troops to pull the king-level Devouring Beast back, and then build a huge prison cage with electricity on it, so that the Los Empire’s biological research department can continue to study the secrets of the Devouring Beast.

Electricity, electromagnetism, this is an effective means to contain the Devouring Beast.

After talking about the Los Empire, let’s talk about the lighthouse.

After the king-level Devouring Beast was killed, the lighthouse quickly detected this phenomenon.

Because the unique biological electric waves of the king-level Devouring Beast, which can spread far, disappeared.

After detecting this phenomenon, the Lighthouse urgently dispatched another group of wasteland hunters to conduct an investigation.

When this team of wasteland hunters, full of vigilance and tension, arrived at the place where the bio-electric waves of the king-level Extreme Devouring Beast appeared for the last time, they were full of doubts.

Because, in front of them were a group of unconscious wasteland hunters from the Elon team, and there was nothing in other places.

It can be clearly seen that the ground has been damaged again, and the damage is very serious, but they found nothing except the Elon wasteland hunter team who were still in a coma.

There are no king-level Extreme Devouring Beasts, no ordinary Extreme Devouring Beasts, and even the corpses of Extreme Devouring Beasts were not found.

Because all of them were taken away madly by the Los Empire troops who came over.

The newly established biological research department needs a lot of research materials……The Los Empire troops did not let go of any of them.

In addition, they also took away some of the individual equipment of the wasteland hunters, but they did not take much, just take it back for research.

The wasteland hunters who came down to check the situation wanted to check the recorders on Elon’s team to see what was going on, but they found that all the electronic equipment had been destroyed by the electromagnetic pulse wave, which means that there was no video or anything like that could review what had just happened.

Elon and others who might know the situation were all in a coma.

The lighthouse wasteland hunters who got nothing could only take Elon’s team back.


Another court meeting was held.

Most of the lighthouse senior officials gathered here.

City Lord Morgan sat in the first seat, frowning, looking at the wasteland hunter captain Elon standing below.

At this moment, Elon looked like he was thinking deeply.

The eyes of everyone present were all focused on Elon.


Finally, Elon covered his forehead in pain and said,”I can’t remember at all. I can’t remember what happened just now.”

“You really can’t remember anything!?”

The city defense commander-in-chief Alank looked at Elon and asked hurriedly.

The sudden disappearance of the king-level beast was what he was most concerned about.

Among all the people present, he looked the toughest, with a height of two meters and muscles all over his body. He was a big guy.

But he had the deepest impression and fear of the king-level beast.

Although he knew that the king-level beast was a terrestrial species and could not pose any threat to the lighthouse flying in the sky, Alank was also the most uneasy about the sudden disappearance of the king-level beast. Alank would not be able to sleep or eat well if he did not find out the whereabouts of the king-level beast.

The deputy commander of the city defense, the young Victor, stood beside Alank and looked at him with a frown.

He thought to himself:”What’s wrong with the commander-in-chief? It’s completely different from usual.”

“Commander-in-Chief, I have told you that Captain Elon and the other members of the Wasteland Hunters were all affected by a special kind of radio wave from the King-level Devouring Beast at close range, causing them to fall into a coma. The side effect is that they may have memory loss.”

“Captain Elon will remember it, maybe in a few days, maybe in a week, but not now, because the influence of the bioelectric waves has not completely disappeared.”

The head of medical and ecological affairs said to the city defense commander Allenk helplessly at this time.

“This is indeed a very strange thing.”

The city lord Morgan said in a deep voice at this time

“The bio-electric waves released by the King-level Devouring Beast made all the wasteland hunters faint, but the wasteland hunters were still alive, and the King-level Devouring Beast suddenly disappeared, making people wonder what happened.”

“Could it be that someone else defeated the King-level Devouring Beast?”

At this time, the head of the resources department was thinking,


Victor was the first to refute.

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