Chapter 256 Did we create a space rift? [4/7]

“Ha ha ha ha….”

In the satellite monitoring department of the Los Empire, a monitor suddenly burst into laughter.

In the past four years, the Los Empire has manufactured six satellites at a lightning speed and successfully launched them into the sky above the Roliland Continent.

In the previous life on Earth, satellite manufacturing and launching took more than ten years. In fact, it was all about continuous experimental technology and applying the technology to practice, so it took so long.

But the Los Empire is different. The Los Empire obtained mature satellite launch technology from the system.

So just build it step by step.

Six satellites monitor the Roliland Continent, and one of them is always observing the Magic Energy Empire.

The monitor who was observing the Magic Energy Empire smiled and attracted the attention of others.

“Ross, what’s wrong?”

Others asked curiously

“Look, I am dying of laughter. This is a new research experiment conducted by the Magic Empire.”

“The experimental target turned out to be the most outdated city wall. Who else would use this thing except in those backward places? Hahahaha.”

He laughed and said,”What’s the use of such experimental results? Shouldn’t we use steel armor as the target for testing?”

“Indeed, it is hilarious.”

The surveillance camera on the Los Empire’s satellite uses some magic knowledge to enable the surveillance camera to accurately see some things happening on the ground.

At this moment, the Magic Energy Empire does not know that their every move is being monitored by the Los Empire.

The Magic Energy Empire Experimental Field

“Everyone, now that we have seen our new tank, let’s move on to the main event!”

The magic researcher looked at the head mage and the nobles behind him and said,

“The highlight? Could it be that some new weapon that can be made public has been successful?”

The other nobles were stunned, while the head magician showed excitement:”You are talking about, is that, that thing that was successful! ?”

“That’s right.”

The magic researcher smiled slightly and said,”Our research has been successful.”

Everyone excitedly followed the magic researcher to a new experimental site.

Here, they showed shocked expressions.

“This, this kind of terrifying behemoth, no one can resist it!”

They were astonished, staring at the behemoth on the field in amazement.

Magic knowledge, combined with some technology, even if the technological content is very low, will definitely achieve some advanced achievements.

The current Magic Empire is.

They have developed a weapon that looks awesome no matter what, and it can make people full of confidence.

The behemoth is hundreds of meters wide!

It is made of steel, supported by huge mechanical feet underneath, and under the mechanical feet are tracks.

There is also an extremely huge gun barrel at the top of the behemoth.

Just looking at the caliber, it is taller than a person!

Countless magic supply equipment is equipped on the gun barrel.

And this giant cannon does not fire live ammunition, but pure magic! The Magic Empire was affected by the attack method of the Purgatory Dragon.

The magic power is constantly refined and compressed at the muzzle.

After finally reaching a peak, it is released in a breath!

However, after countless experiments, they all failed.

Finally, they came to a conclusion that the reason for the failure was that the caliber was too small.

So they made this giant cannon vehicle with a caliber of nearly 2,000 mm.

It also carries countless small cannons.

After experiments, the giant cannon vehicle with a caliber of 2,000 mm was finally successful!

An enormous amount of magic power is compressed and refined on it.

Generally, it takes six hours to charge the magic to fire a shot. After firing the shot, the entire barrel has to cool down for six hours before it can continue to charge. Then, the next shot can be fired after six hours, otherwise the barrel is in danger of bursting.

In other words, this thing can only fire once every twelve hours, and a maximum of two shots in twenty-four hours a day……

Although the power is considerable, worthy of its 2,000 mm caliber.

And this thing is too heavy and moves too slowly, no different from a person walking fast.

If it is used to fight against the Los Empire, then this thing will probably be a sitting duck.

No, not probably, but this thing is a sitting duck!


“We have fully charged and can fire.”

One hundred magicians operated this huge magic cannon together.

At this time, a magician came to the magic researcher and reported

“Okay, Master Mage.

The magic researcher looked at the Master Mage.

“Permission to fire.”

The chief magician nodded.

“Get ready to fire!”

“Detect the magical airtightness of the gun barrel”

“Check whether the magic energy supply is intact”

“”Over, prepare to fire!”

A loud roar sounded, and a light blue luster slowly emerged on the giant cannon.

Finally, the entire barrel began to be infected by the blue magic power, as if it had turned into some kind of crystal product, shining with light.

The huge magic power was compressed, compressed, and continuously compressed in the body of the giant cannon.

Finally, it was compressed to the extreme. When the giant cannon was suddenly started, the extremely compressed magic power inside it instantly gushed out!

A thick magic beam was formed, which instantly pierced through the air and hit the target.

The target was connected in series, which was a dozen dense houses that were ready to be demolished and close to each other.

After the huge magic beam gushed past instantly.

Countless magicians controlled the giant cannon to rotate.

And as the giant cannon rotated, the magic beam began to sweep.

Finally, the magic energy of the magic beam was exhausted, and after it ended.

What was left on the spot was only a ruin of ashes.

From this point of view, the power of this giant cannon is still very large.

At least it is not weaker than the ultimate move of the Purgatory Dragon.

“”What is that!?”

At this time, a magician suddenly screamed.

Everyone looked over and saw that in the pile of ruins, half a meter above the ground, there was a crack that was constantly expanding…….

Could it be that our weapons are too powerful and have created a crack in space?

They all thought at the same time.

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