Zhou Suyi slept very late last night, her mood was up and down, and it took a long time to fall asleep.

It was nine o'clock and she was still sleeping soundly when the phone rang.

Drowsily, he raised his hand to grab the phone and answered the call without looking at it.

"Hey, who is it?"

"Hello, this is Miss Zhou Suyi, I am Dai Qing, the director of the game publicity and development department of Duck Factory!" The person on the other side introduced himself.

"Duck Factory!" Zhou Suyi was stunned for a moment, and then lost all sleep.

There is no way, the duck factory has a great influence in the country.

And he is also one of the major shareholders of Hudou Platform.

"Ah, hello, I'm Zhou Suyi. May I ask if you have anything to do with me?" Zhou Suyi sat up hurriedly, feeling a little puzzled at the same time.

Although she is very popular, a department manager of the duck factory is also a big shot to her.

What would such a big shot do to him all of a sudden?

Want to hide yourself?

No way?

The other person seems to be a woman.

Dai Qing said: "There is indeed something. We noticed that Miss Zhou played a game called "Jingjue Ancient City" yesterday. We checked and found that this game has not been officially launched yet, so we want to compete with this game. Please cooperate with the author of the game!”

"However, I haven't found the contact information yet, so I thought that Miss Zhou would definitely have contact information here. I wonder if Miss Zhou can help us provide it?"

So that’s what happened.

Zhou Suyi breathed a sigh of relief, "Sorry, actually, I don't know him either. My game was sent to me by a netizen. As for who the author of the game is, I actually don't know!"

"A netizen sent it to you? Do you have this netizen's contact information?" Dai Qing asked!

Zhou Suyi shook her head, "No, this person seems to be very mysterious. Yesterday, I sent him a red envelope worth 500,000 yuan as a thank you, but he hasn't received it yet!"

Dai Qing frowned slightly, such an important game was just given to you casually?

Dai Qing didn't believe it.

He didn't believe that the game author would randomly send game resources to a stranger.

She still has a strong sense of copyright. If Zhou Suyi had other thoughts and registered the game in advance, it would be very troublesome for the original author.

Moreover, there will be people who don’t even accept the free red envelope of 500,000 yuan?

Therefore, in Dai Qing's view, the two parties should have reached some kind of cooperation.

When Zhou Suyi said this, she naturally wanted to help raise the price.

Dai Qing is also a veteran of the world. In her opinion, this is just a little trick that is not very clever but very practical!

She immediately smiled and said, "Ms. Zhou, we really attach great importance to this game, and you also know that if you cooperate with us, not only can this game continue to be deeply developed in terms of games, but this IP can even be developed into a film and television series , the income will be higher!”

"No one can do a better job than us in copyright cultivation. This is absolutely beneficial to authors!"

"And if Miss Zhou can facilitate this, we will definitely thank Miss Zhou!"

Zhou Suyi didn't care about the thank you. She just felt that if she helped contact him, the original author might be able to get a hefty cooperation fee.

"Is this considered help in disguise? They have helped me earn so much popularity and money, so I should consider it as repayment!" Zhou Suyi thought to herself.

She agreed immediately.

"Well, all I can say is that I will try my best to contact you. If there is any news from him, I will contact you again!"

"Okay, then I'll leave it to Miss Zhou!"

When I hung up the phone, it was already half past nine.

Zhou Suyi opened the live broadcast software and hurriedly checked the private messages.

Many private messages urged her to go on air as soon as possible.

However, Lin Mu's head is gray.

Moreover, the half million has still not been claimed.

"Are you dissatisfied that I gave you too little? Oh, forget it, I will try my best to help you facilitate this matter. If the Duck Factory takes action, it should be able to help you make a lot of money!"

Zhou Suyi sent another message.

"Are you there? I have something I want to discuss with you. Is it convenient for us to chat?"

However, there was no response from Lin Mu.

Zhou Suyi shrugged helplessly, "Forget it, I can only do so much!"

Zhou Suyi was not in a hurry to get up. Just like ordinary people, she stayed in bed and read the news and watched short videos.

You don’t know if you don’t see it.

I was shocked to see this.

It had only been one night, and it felt like the sky was full of news about "Jingjue Ancient City".

Whether it’s news or short videos, almost all of them have been viewed.

Especially short videos, I have viewed ten videos, six of which are cg animations and reviews of "Jingjue Ancient City", and three are replays of her trial play.

One is that other anchors analyze the skills to break through the level.

"Oh my god, this is so popular!" Zhou Suyi couldn't believe it.

She expected this game to be popular, but she definitely didn't expect it to be so popular.

"Wait a minute, I seem to be trending too!"

Zhou Suyi opened the hot search.

The first two are both "Jingjue Ancient City", and her name appears in the third one.

Just when I was surprised, my assistant called.

"Sister Zhou, you must not have gotten up yet. Get up quickly and take a look. It's popular. You are completely popular!" The assistant's voice was full of excitement.

"What's wrong? As for it?" Zhou Suyi was still calm.

After all, she had experienced the live broadcast last night, with more than one million people online at the same time.

Where else can it get popular?

The assistant heard her unhurried voice and said excitedly: "Look, your TikT gained more than 10 million fans overnight!"

"Hudou gained more than 3 million fans, and other platforms, you gained 20 million fans overnight. At this rate, you will be popular, and you will soon be the real No. 1 in the live broadcast industry!"

"Fuck, if you dare to lie to me, I will deduct your salary!" Zhou Suyi was also excited.

There are also phenomenal videos that gain tens of millions of fans overnight.

However, for an Internet celebrity like her who originally had a large number of fans and reached a bottleneck, gaining 20 million fans overnight is quite exaggerated.

It is almost impossible.

This is almost equivalent to directly upgrading to a higher level.

It's like a star, instantly joining the first-rate ranks from the second-rate.

"Oh, how can I fool you about this? Get up quickly and start the live broadcast. Now, everyone is waiting for you to start the live broadcast at 10 o'clock, and then continue to play "Jingjue Ancient City"!"

"Okay, right away!"

Zhou Suyi jumped up from the bed, ran to the bathroom quickly, and hurriedly put on makeup. She couldn't wait to sit in front of the computer screen and see what kind of grand event today's live broadcast would be.


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