Yangtze Street.

Su Qingzhu’s heart beat faster, and she quietly drove behind Ye Fei, and she ghostly sent the god to follow Ye Fei out.

She wanted to see what Ye Fei was going to do.

Only to see Ye Fei parked on the side of the street, and then walked to the door of a very ordinary flower shop.

Is he going to buy flowers?

Su Qingzhu wondered.

Immediately afterward, I saw Ye Fei walk into the flower shop and greet a very beautiful girl.

It turned out to be a girl.

Su Qingzhu crossed this thought in his mind, his right hand was unconsciously clenched, and his eyes were cold.

But the next scene made Su Qingzhu slightly stunned.

Only to see Ye Fei pushing the girl to the small courtyard of the flower shop, and the girl was actually in a wheelchair!

The girl was beautiful and her smile was sweet, but her legs seemed to be disabled, and she could only sit in a wheelchair and let Ye Fei push out the door to bask in the sun.

After a while, Su Qingzhu saw Ye Fei take out the silver needle and meticulously acupuncture for the girl.

Seeing this scene in the distance, Su Qingzhu’s icy look softened down, and his gaze also had a little gentleness.

What is Ye Fei’s identity?

The only heir of the Ye Group, the Ye family!

In the entire upper circle of Yanjing, who doesn’t know Ye Fei’s name?

Some good deeds even listed Ye Fei and the other two big teenagers together and took the title of ‘Yanjing Three Teenagers’.

At first, when Ye Fei was looking for Luo Weiyu, Su Qingzhu felt that Ye Fei was going to go to the club, so he was very disgusted.

But when she saw Luo Weiyu sitting in a wheelchair and Ye Fei still squatting down to acupuncture for her, Su Qingzhu dismissed this idea.

What kind of woman does Ye Fei want?

Although the girl in the wheelchair in front of her is very beautiful, as Ye Fei’s identity, it is not difficult to find such a beautiful woman.

If it’s just a bubble girl, he can’t find a girl in a wheelchair, even if the girl is beautiful!

This girl is disabled, and it seems that the conditions at home are very ordinary, but Ye Fei is still patient and careful to acupuncture for her.

For tens of minutes.

Sitting in the car, Su Qingzhu could even see that Ye Fei had a lot of sweat on his forehead, but he didn’t care at all, and he was still focused.

From beginning to end, Ye Fei’s movements were very regular and clean, without any taking advantage of the action, not even saying very few words, just acupuncture.

Finally after the acupuncture was finished, Su Qingzhu saw Ye Fei smiling and waving goodbye to the girl, and his smile was bright.

This scene is incomparably beautiful, like a beautiful landscape painting.

Tangtang Ye Family was so serious about treating a young girl with a disability in both legs!

It seems that he is wrong.

Su Qingzhu didn’t know the reason why Ye Fei was looking for Luo Weiyu, and she only felt that she was wrong to blame Ye Fei.

Su Qingzhu’s eyes were soft, and he thought about Ye Fei’s previous reputation and wind evaluation in Yanjing. Most of the other tycoons hugged her left and right, but Ye Fei was obsessed with her, and in addition to pursuing him, he had never heard him gossip with other women.

It is precisely because of this that Grandpa Su Xiaokun has a lot of praise for Ye Fei and has always wanted to match the two.

Su Qingzhu fell into the memory, remembering many bits and pieces of details.

At this time, Ye Fei’s ear suddenly sounded a prompt: “Ding, congratulations host, Su Qingzhu’s impression of you has changed, and the experience point has increased by 100 points.” ”

Ye Fei had just separated from Luo Weiyu and received such a prompt.

Ye Fei: “??? ”

He wondered with a look of confusion, obviously he hadn’t done anything, why did Su Qingzhu’s impression of him change?

“System, what’s going on?” Ye Fei asked.

“Host, just now Su Qingzhu has been following you…” The system explained briefly and replied.

“…… Why didn’t you say it earlier? ”

“Anyway, the result is good for you, don’t get cheap and sell well, host.”

Ye Fei could roughly guess why Su Qingzhu’s impression of him had changed, and he showed a hint of a smile and was in a good mood.

It’s really inadvertently planted willows.


Ye Fei left Yangzi Street, but Su Qingzhu did not leave, she got out of the car and walked to the door of the flower shop.

Seeing that a guest came, Luo Weiyu greeted her with a smile: “Hello, are you here to buy flowers?” ”

Between the words, Luo Wei was stunned, such a beautiful woman!

Su Qingzhu is tall, stepping on a pair of silver high heels, carrying a Hermès limited edition bag, wearing a purple emerald necklace with a special color, light makeup, exquisite face, and cool temperament.

Luo Weiyu was only stunned, and the smile on the corner of her mouth was still the same.

Su Qingzhu shook his head: “I don’t buy flowers.” She also admired Luo Weiyu in her heart, this girl was clean and beautiful, like crystal.

Such a pure and beautiful girl, rare.

“So what are you?” Luo Weiyu asked.

“I am… Ye Fei’s friend. Su Qingzhu thought about it and said so.

Luo Weiyu was surprised: “It turned out to be Mr. Ye’s friend, ah, I went to pour you water.” ”

Speaking, Luo Wei Yu is very skilled in moving the wheelchair, enthusiastically pouring water for Luo Wei Yu.

Su Qingzhu was very curious, and she asked Luo Weiyu directly, “How did you and Ye Fei meet?” ”

Luo Weiyu handed the water cup to Su Qingzhu, and a sweet smile appeared on her face, “It was Mr. Ye who helped me solve the trouble…”

It turned out to be a coincidence.

Su Qingzhu looked at the quiet girl in front of her and said, “Miss Luo, do you need my help with your leg injury, I can find a doctor to help you.” ”

Luo Weiyu simply told the events that day, and Luo Weiyu and Su Qingzhu exchanged names, which was also considered to be acquaintances.

In the face of such a gentle and beautiful girl as Luo Weiyu, Su Qingzhu also wanted to help her.

“No, thank you Miss Su, Mr. Ye he will help me.” Luo Weiyu mentioned Ye Fei, and the smile on her face was even sweeter.

Seeing the sweet smile on Luo Weiyu’s face, somehow, Su Qingzhu flashed a trace of sour feeling in his heart.


4 more, ask for support ~

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